Reading Vocabulary
Essay Writing
Narrative Writing
Test Taking Strategies
Reading Practice Questions
A figure of speech that compares two unlike things usually using the words like or as.
What is a metaphor.
These words help link each paragraph and show how one idea relates to another idea. They can include to begin, in addition, and first off.
What are transition words.
In a narrative essay, restating this somewhere in your essay is important when taking the MSP.
What is the prompt.
When taking the Reading MSP test, this is what you should do first when you come to a reading passage.
What is read the questions.
Jayden has chosen deer as the topic for his research paper. Which of these resources would be the best source of information for his paper? Encyclopedia, Thesaurus or Atlas?
What is Encyclopedia.
A word having a similar meaning to the meaning of another word.
What is a synonym
An expository essay needs this many main ideas.
What is 3.
Strong willed, determined, funny, adventurous, sly are all words that describe what? For an extra 100 points, what are these words called?
What is character and character traits.
When you finish reading a passage, and you have answered the questions, you should do this before moving on to the next question.
What is double check your answers.
Which statement is an opinion? A. Australia is the smallest of the seven continents. B. Australia has the most interesting animals in the world. C. When it is winter in the United States, it is summer in Australia.
What is B
To understand something not directly stated by the text by using past experiences and knowledge combined with the text.
What is to infer.
In an expository essay, each main idea needs this many supporting details.
What is 3 supporting details.
As we turned down the dark and windy road, we came to a house that looked as old as my grandpa. The paint of the house was chipping, the windows were boarded up and the door had a huge crack in it. The house looked like it was from a horror movie. This passage describes what in a narrative writing piece.
What is the setting.
When editing a writing piece during the MSP, this is especially important. You should check each paragraph for these three things.
What are capitals, periods, spelling and/or missing words.
Which sentence uses personification? A. The fog was so thick it was hard to see. B. The rain fell until it turned the soil into mud. C. The angry thunder grumbled through the night.
What is C.
The gist of the passage, central thought or the most important topic of a passage.
What is the main idea.
A short interesting story that comes at the end of a paragraph in an expository essay.
What is an anecdote.
What does IADD stand for? For an extra 200 points, describe each of the ideas.
What is Inner thinking (how the character is feeling, thinking while going through the story), Action (what happens during the story), Description (using words to describe the events of the story helping to paint a picture in the reader's mind) and Dialogue (what the characters say to one another during the story, helps to make the story more alive)
When answering a reading MSP question what should your answer include?
What is evidence from the text.
Describe a theme from the book Shiloh.
What is answers may vary.
A topic; a major idea broad enough to cover the entire range of the literary piece.
What is the theme or message.
List the important pieces in an expository essay, in order.
What is Introduction (list three main ideas), paragraph 2 (main idea one with three supporting details and an anecdote), paragraph 3 (main idea two with three supporting details and an anecdote), paragraph 4 (last main idea with three supporting details and an anecdote) and the conclusion (wraps up the essay, restates three main ideas)
Organize the following pieces into the correct structure of a narrative writing piece. Setting, End of adventure, Conclusion, Beginning of adventure, Noticing prompt, Introducing character and character traits, Noticing the prompt, Middle of adventure
What is Character/Character Traits and Setting, Noticing the prompt, beginning of adventure, middle of adventure, end of adventure, and conclusion
When taking the MSP writing test you should always do this first so you know what the prompt is asking you.
What is read the directions
Describe two cause and effects from the story Shiloh.
Answers may vary.