Elements of Plot
Main Ideas and Details
Organizational Patterns
Making Inferences
In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. What is the theme?
Never Give Up!
This is the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story. The reader wonders what will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not?
Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fish, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals. This paragraph is mainly about?
How dolphins are mammals.
WWhen I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate. How is this paragraph organized?
By chronological or sequential order because it gives us the steps of how the author made their sandwhich. Clue words: When, After, Then
Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours doing sedentary activities like reading or playing video games. We can infer that when people are doing sedentary activities, they must be a. learning b. relaxing c. talking d. sitting
Kyle liked Lucy more than any other girl in the school, but he had an odd way of showing it. When she walked ahead of him in line, he kicked at her shoe. When she passed him on the school yard, he called her “lame Lucy.” He even wrote a mean word on her homework during the bus ride to school. But what puzzled Lucy the most was receiving an invitation to Kyle’s birthday party. Figuring that he was just planning a mean trick on her, Lucy decided not to go, and while Kyle eagerly awaited Lucy’s arrival, Lucy talked on the phone to Jacob. When Kyle finally realized that Lucy was not coming to his party, he was crushed. What is the theme?
Don't be cruel or mean to people you care about
Justin was running all over the big guy and making his shots while he did it. But just as the outcome of the game seemed certain, the big guy shoved Justin as he went for a lay up. Justin went flying in just such a way that he managed to tear up his right knee. The doctor said Justin might never play again, and if he did play, he wouldn’t play the same. Justin was devastated. The conflict of the story is-
Justin tore his knee and may never play the same again.
The Constitution of the U.S. has been amended several times to allow more citizens the right to vote. The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, extended voting rights to former slaves. The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, gave women the right to vote. In 1971, the 26th Amendment granted voting rights to those 18 years and older, changing the requirement that voters must be 21 years old. This paragraph is mainly about?
The constitution has been amended or changed many times, so that more people can vote.
Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something. How is this paragraph organized?
This paragraph gives us a problem and solution. The problem is that tigers are vanishing. A solution is to donate to Save the Tigers to help protect them.
Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, "Hurry up, Tooli. You're always so slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. What was true about Justin? a. He was very worried that someone might see him. b. He was angry that he had to walk the dog. c. He was feeling sick and wanted to lie down. d. He was very excited and wanted to hurry.
He was angry that he had to walk the dog.
The little grey mouse that lived in my wall prospered for many days on nibbles of my lunch. I’d pack a meal before bed and, while I slept, he would take small bites of my lunch, which I left on the counter. He’d take a cracker crumble here, and a bread crumb there, but he wouldn’t take too much and he’d always clean up after himself. Things were going quite well for him and I didn’t even know he existed, until he got sloppy. One night while I slept, he ate all of my chips and left behind a big mess. When I awoke to this sight, I knew what had happened to my chips. So the next night when he returned for another snack, he found a nice, delicious piece of cheese… lightly balanced on a mouse trap. Now I don’t have to share my chips anymore. What is the theme?
Don't be messy; clean up after yourself
The first six weeks, Justin just laid in bed with his leg in a long cast feeling like a broomstick. He watched three reruns of The Simpsons every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty, and then he’d dig the salt and grease out of the corner with his index finger. Justin blew up like a balloon as watched his once bright future fadeway. Right when he reached the bottom of the pit of despair, Justin’s sister, Kiki came home from the university. What was the effect of Justin injuring his knee?
He got fat! (He blew up like a balloon).
Soccer is known in some countries as football. It is a popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to 1928 and from 1936 to today. Which detail supports the idea that soccer is popular?
- 200 countries play the sport - 250 million people play the sport - Is part of the Olympic games
A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength as it moves across the water. A tornado is a storm that develops on land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy winds with a funnel shape, picking up and carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the winds near the top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado. How is this paragraph organized?
Compare and Contrast the similarities and differences between a hurricane and tornado.
Kassandra threw her coat over the chair, flew past her astonished parents to her own room, slammed the door, and threw herself face down on the bed. How does Kassandra feel? a. very tired b. frightened c. angry at her parents d. bitterly disappointed
bitterly disappointed
An old monkey on the point of death summoned his sons around him to give them some parting advice. He ordered them to bring in a bundle of sticks, and said to his eldest son: "Break it." The son strained and strained, but with all his efforts was unable to break the sticks. The other sons also tried, but none of them was successful. "Untie the bundle," said the father, "and each of you take a stick." When they had done so, he called out to them: "Now, break," and each stick was easily broken. "You see my meaning," said their father. What is the theme?
You have to work together; can't do everything by yourself.
“Justin!” She interrupted his day dream. “Let me see your progress report.” Justin was ashamed. His grades had really slumped since his injury. “Oh no, this won’t do, J,” she said. “We’re going to have to get these up.” Well, Justin was a pretty stubborn guy, but his older sister had a way of getting him to do things that nobody else could. So, while she was home on break, they studied together, and they talked, and they worked, and Justin felt better than he ever had before. What caused Justin to begin to feel better after his injury?
His sister studying with him and helping his grades improve.
During the Revolutionary War, a Yankee invented a submarine called the Turtle. A number of years later, Robert Fulton became interested in undersea craft. In 1800, he built the Nautilus. Then, during the American Civil War, another underwater craft was built. This paragraph is mainly about?
Ways people have invented ways to travel underwater.
pJimmy’s pizzeria is my favorite pizza place in the city, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that just by looking at the outside. It is an inconspicuous brown brick building. It doesn’t even have a sign, just the name of the establishment in three-inch letters on the storefront window. The inside isn’t much to speak of either. There are some chrome swivel stools along a laminate countertop that makes an L shape, separating the register and kitchen area from the dining area. Booth seating lines the eating area of the restaurant area and a few favorable reviews from local publications are framed and displayed on the walls. How is this paragraph organized?
Description because it allows the reader to visualize what the pizzeria looks like inside and out.
A person that has the flu may have several symptoms like sneezing and a high temperature. We can infer that "symptoms" are a. an illness b. signs of an illness c. high temperature d. cures
signs of an illness
When you can read, then you can go from Kalamazoo to Idaho- Or read directions that explain just how to build a model plane- Or bake a cake or cook a stew- The words will tell you what to do! When you can read, then you can play a brand new game the proper way- Or get a letter from a friend and read the very end. What is the theme of the poem?
When you read, you can do many things.
Though the recruiters never came to Justin’s door, every university that he applied to accepted him; and when the fall came, Justin had his choice in colleges. Though he’d miss his family, Justin decided to enroll in the sunniest university in Hawaii, and nobody could say that Justin made a bad choice. How did the resolution of the story affect Justin's future?
He gets to live in Hawaii and get a good education.
Corn was first grown by Native Americans. They showed the pilgrims how to grow corn as food. At one time, corn was used as money by pioneers. Corn is used as feed for farm animals. People also eat it as a vegetable. Oil, starch, and sugar can be made from corn. Corn is also important in industry. Medicine, paper, fertilizer, and glue can be made from corn and corn products. Which sentence best supports the idea that corn can be profitable?
Medicine, paper, fertilizer, and glue can be made from corn and corn products.
There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory that many people believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth. How is this paragraph organized?
By cause and effect. One cause is that a meteorite hit the Earth and its effect was that dinosaurs became extinct.
Jacob and Tristan go with their mother every Saturday morning. They love going and enjoy the fresh food smells. Jacob always gets a little tired. It is a long morning of walking. Tristan is always very excited to go look at all the new interesting things they sell. Their mother always buys her fruits and vegetables there. Every Saturday they go to the ______ to get fresh fruits, vegetables and meats, and sometimes they get to sample some really good baked goodies. a. grocery store b. market c. circus