What instrument does Jeng Li play in band?
In the book Good Different, what was the evil place?
Answer: Walmart
Page Number: 1
What does ann learn to cook for dinner?
Pineapple fried rice
In the book Good Different, what was the first rule on how to be a normal person?
Answer: never cry in the middle of a store. Always hold it in until you make it back to the car.
Page Number: 2
How did the parents afford to come home?
Ma sold her jewelry including jade bracelet
In the book Good Different, how is the dragon Selah tried on her wrist helpful to the seller?
Answer: the texture is smooth and the weight of it calms them down when they get overstimulated
Page Number: 119
Ma sold her jewelry including jade bracelet
The cook is Italian
In the book Good Different, what is happening in Cecil Ballroom at FantasyCon?
Answer: open mic all day where people share their poetry
Page Number: 121
What game is similar to chess?
In the book Good Different, how do the free rubber bracelets on the table help people?
Answer: you wear them and green means I’m doing fine, yellow means I need space, and red means please don;t talk to me.
Page Number: 131
Why does Jesse say boys are more important?
They carry the family lineage
In the book Good Different, what buzzwords from FantasyCon does Selah search on her computer?
Answer: overstimulated, autism spectrum, sensory tools
Page Number: 142
In the book Good Different, through her computer search, what does Selah find that Autistic people struggle with?
Answer: communication, change, social interactions
Page Number: 143
In the book Good Different, through her computer search, what does Selah find that Autistic people love?
Answer: repetition, routines, special interests
Page Number: 143
In the book Good Different, what secret weapon did Selah use when the loud neighbors started a bonfire?
Answer: her orange earplugs
Page Number: 146
In the book Good Different, what does Selah do with her poem hanging on the bulletin board because she’s not ready?
Answer: rips her poem down and made a tear that cut through the drawn dragon’s neck Page Number: 148
In the book Good Different, who unexpectedly storms into Pebblecreek Academy?
Answer: Pop
Page Number: 156
In the book Good Different, what is Selah’s new nickname because she’s wearing her bracelets?
Answer: Traffic Light
Page Number: 185