Reading: "Mind Control and the Internet" by Sue Halpern

The noun form of proliferate. 

Proliferate means to increase rapidly in number or spread quickly.



This tech company, along with Google, was caught tracking mobile phone and tablet users' locations. 



This word means "doing well" and is a synonym for flourishing. 



Which Facebook feature allows a user's product preferences to influence the ads displayed on their friends' pages? 

The "like" button


When someone argues that one event will inevitably lead to extreme consequences without sufficient evidence they are using this fallacy. 

a. Slippery slope

b. False dilemma 

a. Slippery slope

A slippery slope fallacy occurs when someone argues that a small action or decision will inevitably lead to a series of extreme and often negative consequences, without providing sufficient evidence for such a chain reaction.  


Companies track online activity to sell user data to marketers. Approximately how many companies track online movements?

a. 50

b. 500

c. 1500

b. 500



Which sentence best demonstrates the meaning of the word antipathy?

A) Despite their long rivalry, Sarah felt a deep antipathy toward Jake and refused to even speak to him.

B) His antipathy for spicy food led him to order the hottest dish on the menu.

C) She showed great antipathy for classical music by attending every symphony performance in town.

D) The teacher's antipathy toward hardworking students made her the most popular instructor at school.

A) Despite their long rivalry, Sarah felt a deep antipathy toward Jake and refused to even speak to him.


This term is used to describe how digital companies can manipulate public opinion through online influence. 

a. Data Sculpting

b. Algorithmic Persuasion

c. Swaying Public Opinion

d. Behavioral Engineering 

c. Swaying Public Opinion


The spread of misinformation on the internet can be a major _______ to critical thinking, making it harder for people to distinguish facts from falsehoods. 

This word describes something that slows down, obstructs, or prevents progress or action. 



Which Latin phrase describes the act of attacking a person's character instead of addressing their argument? 

a. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

b. Ad Hominem

c. Non Sequitur

d. Reductio ad Absurdum

b. Ad Hominem

1. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc "After this, therefore because of this".

A logical fallacy (flaw in reasoning or a mistaken belief based on unsound arguments) that assumes that if one event follows another, the first event must have caused the second.

2. Ad Hominem "To the person" 

A logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attributes of the person making the argument instead of addressing the substance of the argument itself.

3. Non Sequitur "It does not follow"

A logical fallacy where a conclusion does not logically follow from the premises or previous statements.

4. Reductio ad Absurdum "Reduction to absurdity"

A form of argument that attempts to disprove a statement by showing that it leads to an absurd or contradictory conclusion.
