Main Idea.
Context Clues
Textual Evidence
To read again
What is reread?
Come hear Granger Smith at Wildcats Stadium on April 8 from 5-7 p.m. Granger is a Lake Highlands High School graduate who is a rising country music star. Smith is best known for his top ten single "Don't Listen to the Radio." Bring a blanket and a picnic, and enjoy the show. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Proceeds go to benefit the cheerleading squad and drill team.
What is a benefit concert at the high school
Which sentence shows that the Watsons are probably able to sleep with little interruption? The New Neighbors by T. Herlinger "Ugh, what's that noise?" Elsa Watson asked her dad when she got home from school. The apartment was fairly shaking with what sounded like World War III coming from the unit below them. "It's our new neighbors." Mr. Watson said and rolled his eyes. "They evidently like to watch high-action movies all day on that giant flat-screen TV that I saw them unload. I should've known that thing would bring us grief." Just then, Elsa's little brother Jimmy walked in, plugging his ears. "Jeez!" he yelled. "Do we have to listen to this?" Mr. Watson set out a plate of cookies for his kids as he spoke. "I went down there earlier to say "howdy" and asked if they could keep the volume a bit lower. I guess this is their idea of 'lower.' It's a young couple, named Sid and Rita, and they said they work nights and hang out at home during the day." "When do they sleep?" Elsa asked, her head pounding with the booming noise from below. "They don't need sleep," Mr. Watson joked. "They're young." "Why couldn't our old neighbors, the Bowers, have stayed here and not moved to Florida?" Jimmy whined. By dinnertime, the noise had stopped. Elsa was relishing the quiet, but she knew it would only start up again the next day. "Hey, where's Mom?" Elsa asked her dad as they were sitting down at the dining table. But before he could answer, in she walked, carrying a brown paper bag and grinning. "I think I have the answer to our little noise problem," Mrs. Watson said as she kissed her kids on top of their heads. And from the bag, she produced not one but two boxes from the local electronics store. "Headphones," she announced, "his and hers. Thought I'd bring them cookies tomorrow and these little housewarming gifts." "You mean house-quieting gifts, don't you?" Mr. Watson said. "It's brilliant, my dear, just brilliant."
Which is It's a young couple, named Sid and Rita, and they said they work nights and hang out at home during the day."
devoid: Ronald hated the detention room because it was absolutely devoid of warmth and cheer.
What is empty.
Which sentence shows how Estelle's grandfather's life greatly affected his family's future? However, she was having a hard time concentrating on a story about a beaver and an antelope. Her grandfather took a job as a night-shift security officer so that he could go to school during the day. It was her grandfather's stories about his time in the Navy that prompted her father to join the Navy.
Which is It was her grandfather's stories about his time in the Navy that prompted her father to join the Navy.
The state or act of being amazed.
What is amazement
The U.S. government runs the Meat and Poultry Hotline. This free service answers food safety questions. Last year, they had 80,000 calls. It began in 1985. Its purpose is to help prevent illness caused by meat, poultry, and eggs. The hotline answers questions about how to safely store, handle, and prepare these foods. Calls are answered by people trained in food preparation and good food health. Most calls are about how to handle food correctly. Food safety questions are common after power outages. Food recalls are another topic of interest. November has the highest number of calls. There are more than 15,000 in that one month. Most of those are questions about cooking turkeys for Thanksgiving.
What is telling what the Meat and Poultry Hotline does.
Lost and Found Kim and Chieko walked home from school together each day. One afternoon as they walked through the park, Chieko saw something shiny lying on the ground. She pointed it out to Kim. "It's a watch," Kim said, bending down to pick it up. She ran her fingers across the diamonds surrounding the watch face. "Let me see," Chieko said. "Is it broken?" "No, the watch is fine, but look. The clasp on the strap is broken. I bet the person who lost it doesn't even know it fell off." "What should I do?" Chieko asked. "You should keep it," Kim said. "It’s beautiful—finders-keepers you know." "One time I lost my necklace," Chieko said, putting her hand up to touch the blue stone that hung from a silver chain around her neck. "The clasp broke, and my necklace fell onto the school parking lot. When I realized it was gone, I rushed to the office to ask if anyone had turned it in. I didn't think that anyone had. If someone had found it, I was afraid they would keep it. I was so sad." "So, what happened?" Kim asked. "Someone did turn it in," Chieko said. "That was one of my happiest days." "So, what are you going to do?" Kim asked. "I plan on putting up flyers to see if someone has lost it," Chieko replied. How does the reader know that the watch is expensive?
Which is It has diamonds on the face.
firmament: After barely surviving a deadly encounter, Kyle gazed up at the firmament and thanked the heavens that he survived.
What is sky or heaven.
What sentence supports the idea that this Elaine is unfamiliar with the Challenge Grove? What was this place? Each of you will attempt to complete the Challenge with a partner," Ms. Sandra grinned. She softened her tone and patted my shoulder.
Which is What was this place?
Not friendly
What is unfriendly.
It is very easy to grow seedlings. First, fill seed pots with finely sifted potting mix. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep, one seed to a pot. Keep the pots in a warm, bright place to avoid tall, spindly seedlings, which don't transplant well. Keep the soil moist but not soaked. Spraying the top of the soil with a spray bottle works well. In three or four days, seedlings will sprout. When these seedlings have several leaves, they are ready to be planted outdoors.
What is how to grow seedlings.
Lost and Found Kim and Chieko walked home from school together each day. One afternoon as they walked through the park, Chieko saw something shiny lying on the ground. She pointed it out to Kim. "It's a watch," Kim said, bending down to pick it up. She ran her fingers across the diamonds surrounding the watch face. "Let me see," Chieko said. "Is it broken?" "No, the watch is fine, but look. The clasp on the strap is broken. I bet the person who lost it doesn't even know it fell off." "What should I do?" Chieko asked. "You should keep it," Kim said. "It’s beautiful—finders-keepers you know." "One time I lost my necklace," Chieko said, putting her hand up to touch the blue stone that hung from a silver chain around her neck. "The clasp broke, and my necklace fell onto the school parking lot. When I realized it was gone, I rushed to the office to ask if anyone had turned it in. I didn't think that anyone had. If someone had found it, I was afraid they would keep it. I was so sad." "So, what happened?" Kim asked. "Someone did turn it in," Chieko said. "That was one of my happiest days." "So, what are you going to do?" Kim asked. "I plan on putting up flyers to see if someone has lost it," Chieko replied. Which detail in the story shows that Chieko is an honest girl?
Which is She will put up flyers about the watch.
. indiscriminate: You must not be indiscriminate when you are shopping for shoes. Carefully consider which shoes will be best for you before making your purchase.
What is random, chaotic or confused.
Which sentence shows that learning how to inline-skate can be dangerous? Make sure you buy in-line skates that fit. Wear a helmet, elbow pads, and kneepads, and have a chair nearby in case you start to fall. To brake, bend your knees a little and slowly put weight on your heel until you stop.
Which is Wear a helmet, elbow pads, and kneepads, and have a chair nearby in case you start to fall.
Beyond ordinary
What is extraordinary.
Dear Mom and Dad, I know you really don't think that I should have a kitten, but I would like to say that I think I should. I know I didn't take very good care of Sancho, the goldfish. But that was a long time ago. I was too young to take care of a pet by myself. Also, I didn't want a goldfish. I only brought Sancho home because Tommy was moving and couldn't take Sancho along. I really want a kitten, so I'm ready to do all the work to take care of it. I will feed it. I will clean its litter box. I will even help pay for its food with my allowance. My friend Denny's cat is having kittens, so I could have one for free. You can't beat a deal like that! I hope you will at least think about it. Love, Seth What is the main idea of Seth's letter?
What is He is ready to take care of a kitten.
Lost and Found Kim and Chieko walked home from school together each day. One afternoon as they walked through the park, Chieko saw something shiny lying on the ground. She pointed it out to Kim. "It's a watch," Kim said, bending down to pick it up. She ran her fingers across the diamonds surrounding the watch face. "Let me see," Chieko said. "Is it broken?" "No, the watch is fine, but look. The clasp on the strap is broken. I bet the person who lost it doesn't even know it fell off." "What should I do?" Chieko asked. "You should keep it," Kim said. "It’s beautiful—finders-keepers you know." "One time I lost my necklace," Chieko said, putting her hand up to touch the blue stone that hung from a silver chain around her neck. "The clasp broke, and my necklace fell onto the school parking lot. When I realized it was gone, I rushed to the office to ask if anyone had turned it in. I didn't think that anyone had. If someone had found it, I was afraid they would keep it. I was so sad." "So, what happened?" Kim asked. "Someone did turn it in," Chieko said. "That was one of my happiest days." "So, what are you going to do?" Kim asked. "I plan on putting up flyers to see if someone has lost it," Chieko replied. At the end of the story, the reader can tell that Chieko
What is cares about other people.
laden: Julia had a difficult time trudging up the snowy hill with her textbook laden book bag.
What is heavy.
Neil and Edward were sitting in the living room, watching a thrilling show on grizzly bears. The show ended, and just as Neil reached for the remote control to turn the television off, . . . Zoom! A flying insect flew from above the window curtain and landed on the top of a lampshade across the room. "Aagh!" Neil yelled as he jumped up from the couch. Edward's eyes were wide with wonder. Then, he was bent over, holding his belly and laughing so hard his eyes welled up with tears. "What was that?" Neil screeched frantically. Edward couldn't stop laughing at him. Gasping for breath, Edward pointed to the lampshade with one hand and clutched his stomach with the other. "It's not funny, man!" Neil said. "That thing tried to attack me!" Edward finally got himself together and strolled over to the table where the lamp stood. "It's a cricket. It's just an innocent cricket," he said smiling. "A cricket?" Neil panicked. "I didn't know crickets could fly?" He took off one of his shoes and swatted at the lampshade desperately. "Of course they can fly. They have wings, don't they?" Edward remarked. "Yeah, but they're supposed to just hop around," Neil said. The cricket jumped before he could hit it. He stooped over and inspected the floor. "Crickets and grasshoppers can both fly," Edward responded. "They may not fly much, but they can do it briefly. They're not very graceful fliers though." Now, he was helping Neil look for the cricket. "It may be hiding underneath this table, so let's push the table away from the wall." "How about you push, and I'll hit the cricket?" Neil said. "You don't have to kill it," Edward said. "I'll catch it and take it outside." He squatted down close to the table and told Neil, "Go ahead and move the table slowly." Neil moved the table, and Edward briskly cupped the cricket in his hands. He walked outside and released the cricket into a thicket of bushes in the front yard. When Edward strolled back into the house, Neil asked, "You're going to wash your hands, right?" Edward patted Neil on the shoulder and started laughing when Neil squirmed and jerked his shoulder away in disgust. "I'm an amateur insect conservationist," Edward declared. "No insect will be harmed when I'm around!" In the passage, Edward states that he is an "amateur insect conservationist." What evidence supports this claim? He laughs when the cricket scares Neil. He prevents Neil from killing the cricket. He watches a television show about animals. He knows that grasshoppers are flying insects.
Which is He prevents Neil from killing the cricket.
Full of joy.
What is joyful.
Which sentence from the passage shows that adding chia seeds to food is easy? Chia Seeds An ancient crop called the chia seed is gaining in popularity due to its health benefits. Chia seeds do not have flavor. So they can be easily added to food. The seeds are rich in omega-3 oils, which help boost a person's brain power. Fish are known for carrying large amounts of omega-3 oils. However, some people just do not like the flavor fish has to offer or may be allergic to fish. They can sprinkle a tablespoon of chia seeds onto ice cream, yogurt, or other favorite foods to add omega 3 to their diet. When chia seeds are mixed with water, each seed changes its form into a gel. As a result, its size and weight increase. This has two benefits when the seeds are added to food. First, chia seeds help trick people's bodies into thinking they are full so that they do not overeat. This can help with weight loss. Second, people can use the seeds to decrease the fat that is in most baked desserts. How is this possible? They can cut the amount of butter or oil in a recipe in half. Next, they mix the seeds with water so that the seeds form a gel. Then, they use the same amount of chia seed gel to fill in for the butter that was cut out of the recipe. Adding chia seeds to food is a simple way to improve health.
Which is They can sprinkle a tablespoon of chia seeds onto ice cream, yogurt, or other favorite foods to add omega 3 to their diet.
"Ugh, what's that noise?" Elsa Watson asked her dad when she got home from school. The apartment was fairly shaking with what sounded like World War III coming from the unit below them. "It's our new neighbors." Mr. Watson said and rolled his eyes. "They evidently like to watch high-action movies all day on that giant flat-screen TV that I saw them unload. I should've known that thing would bring us grief." Just then, Elsa's little brother Jimmy walked in, plugging his ears. "Jeez!" he yelled. "Do we have to listen to this?" Mr. Watson set out a plate of cookies for his kids as he spoke. "I went down there earlier to say "howdy" and asked if they could keep the volume a bit lower. I guess this is their idea of 'lower.' It's a young couple, named Sid and Rita, and they said they work nights and hang out at home during the day." "When do they sleep?" Elsa asked, her head pounding with the booming noise from below. "They don't need sleep," Mr. Watson joked. "They're young." "Why couldn't our old neighbors, the Bowers, have stayed here and not moved to Florida?" Jimmy whined. By dinnertime, the noise had stopped. Elsa was relishing the quiet, but she knew it would only start up again the next day. "Hey, where's Mom?" Elsa asked her dad as they were sitting down at the dining table. But before he could answer, in she walked, carrying a brown paper bag and grinning. "I think I have the answer to our little noise problem," Mrs. Watson said as she kissed her kids on top of their heads. And from the bag, she produced not one but two boxes from the local electronics store. "Headphones," she announced, "his and hers. Thought I'd bring them cookies tomorrow and these little housewarming gifts." "You mean house-quieting gifts, don't you?" Mr. Watson said. "It's brilliant, my dear, just brilliant." "Ugh, what's that noise?" Elsa Watson asked her dad when she got home from school. The apartment was fairly shaking with what sounded like World War III coming from the unit below them. "It's our new neighbors." Mr. Watson said and rolled his eyes. "They evidently like to watch high-action movies all day on that giant flat-screen TV that I saw them unload. I should've known that thing would bring us grief." Just then, Elsa's little brother Jimmy walked in, plugging his ears. "Jeez!" he yelled. "Do we have to listen to this?" Mr. Watson set out a plate of cookies for his kids as he spoke. "I went down there earlier to say "howdy" and asked if they could keep the volume a bit lower. I guess this is their idea of 'lower.' It's a young couple, named Sid and Rita, and they said they work nights and hang out at home during the day." "When do they sleep?" Elsa asked, her head pounding with the booming noise from below. "They don't need sleep," Mr. Watson joked. "They're young." "Why couldn't our old neighbors, the Bowers, have stayed here and not moved to Florida?" Jimmy whined. By dinnertime, the noise had stopped. Elsa was relishing the quiet, but she knew it would only start up again the next day. "Hey, where's Mom?" Elsa asked her dad as they were sitting down at the dining table. But before he could answer, in she walked, carrying a brown paper bag and grinning. "I think I have the answer to our little noise problem," Mrs. Watson said as she kissed her kids on top of their heads. And from the bag, she produced not one but two boxes from the local electronics store. "Headphones," she announced, "his and hers. Thought I'd bring them cookies tomorrow and these little housewarming gifts." "You mean house-quieting gifts, don't you?" Mr. Watson said. "It's brilliant, my dear, just brilliant." What can the reader tell about the Watsons' previous neighbors, the Bowers?
What is They are much quieter people.
spontaneous: Brenda was trying to study for her chemistry final when she was overcome by the spontaneous urge to go on a bike ride, but the urge passed as suddenly as it came.
What is sudden, unexpected.
Doctors Many people do not know that there are two main types of doctors: medical and osteopathic doctors. However, medical doctors are better known than osteopathic physicians. Both are able to practice medicine in the United States. Both types of doctors complete four years of medical school. Medical school is then followed by four to eight years of hands-on training. Both types of doctors must pass a tough, in-depth test. After all of that, both are able to treat patients, write prescriptions, and perform surgeries. The difference between the two types of doctors lies in their approaches. Medical doctors have Doctor of Medicine (MD) degrees. These doctors mostly concentrate on treating a patient's illness. For example, Brian goes to an MD about a cut on his leg that has not healed. The MD notices that Brian has an infection. The problem is then treated with drugs. Osteopathic physicians have Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degrees. They promote patients' overall wellness and disease prevention. A DO is likely to spend more time learning about a patient's lifestyle. This information helps the DO make suggestions that help prevent the patient from getting sick. For instance, Brian goes to a DO to see about a small unhealed cut on his leg. The DO notices that Brian has an infection. The doctor learns that Brian is a mechanic and that he did not wash his hands before caring for the wound. The doctor gives him drugs for the infection. The DO also suggests that Brian wash his hands well before touching a wound in the future. Sometimes, the two medical approaches can cross over. An MD may be careful to point out preventive measures a patient can take. A DO may only focus on treating a patient's current signs of illness. The main difference between an MD and a DO is that a DO also receives training in OMT. OMT stands for osteopathic manipulative treatment. It is like a form of massage therapy. It can help determine a patient's problem and treat it. Whether a patient sees a DO or an MD is purely a matter of choice. Both are well-trained doctors. They both focus on helping a patient get well. According to the passage, how do osteopathic physicians "promote patients' overall wellness"?
How is They spend more time learning about their patients.