Context Clues
Inferences/Analyzing Characters
Title IX


My new puppy Milo is very skittish. This morning, my brother tried to play with him, but Milo just hid under the bed until he went away.



What does the word skittish mean? 

A. playful 

B. mean

C. scary 

D. boring



Jenny is always telling others what to do. She makes her friends put their things in specific places and won’t let them play with them until she says so. Jenny also makes everyone follow her rules and tells them how to play and when it is their turn. She is always in charge and likes to tell everyone else about it. 

Jenny is very ___________.
a. bossy 

b. understanding 

c. likeable 

d. impatient




What year was Title IX passed? 

Title IX was passed in _________.



My older brother Izzy never picks up after himself and his bedroom usually has piles of clothes on the floor. My mother was shocked when she woke him up for school this morning and saw the pristine condition of his room.



In this passage, the word pristine means--   

A. messy

B. cluttered

C. neat

D. smelly                       




Grant never wants to share his things. When his friends come over, he will only let them play with the toys that he does not want to play with. He does not ever give his friends a chance to use his things or share any of his snacks or treats. If someone tries to share his things, he throws a fit and takes all of his things and goes home. 

Grant is a very _______________ boy.
a. generous 

b. selfish 

c. polite 

d. smart




What was the purpose of Title IX? 

Title IX stated that ___________.



I was so nervous that I completely botched my presentation in math class. I got 10 points off for forgetting my speech, and my crush laughed at me!




What is the meaning of the word botched as it is used in this passage?
A. Ruined
B. Embarrassed

C. Aced
D. Restarted




Walter always spent his Friday nights at Spinning Wheels, the local roller skating rink. He was an awesome skater and loved to spend all the time he could there with his friends. Last Saturday, he walked to the skating rink and noticed a bunch of his friends from school at a table. It looked like they were celebrating Mark's birthday. There was a cake, pizza, and ice cream on the table, and Mark was blowing out candles. Walter just walked out the door with a frown on his face and called his mother to come get him. 

Why does a frown come across Walter's face?

A. He was upset that his friends didn't let him know what time they were skating.

B. He was hurt that he wasn't invited to the party. 

C. He wanted a slice of pizza. 


What is a scholarship? 

A scholarship is ______________. 



I was incredulous when Anabel told me that she saw Beyonce at Target over the weekend. That just didn’t seem like a realistic story to me.



What is the meaning of the word incredulous? 

A. believing 

B. trusting

C. disbelieving

D. amazed 


Fred swam around in circles.
Then he noticed some food floating nearby, so he ate it. After that, he hid in his castle for a while. Then he came out and swam around in circles some more.



What is Fred? Where does Fred live? 


What false ideas discouraged many girls from playing sports? 

There are 3 reasons ......



The new student seemed very aloof because she did not seem interested in making new friends, even when James sat down next to her in the cafeteria.



In the paragraph, the word aloof means-

A. kind

B. outgoing 

C. shy

D. aggressive


“How on earth do people eat with these things? Can’t I just ask for a fork?” Matthew asked. “Try holding them like this,” his father suggested. “You’ll get better with practice.”



Where are Matthew and his Dad?


How did female athletes pay for the equipment and other necessities they needed?  

Female athletes _____________. 
