Making Inferences
Main Idea
Northside is the best school in Montrose.
What is an opinion?
Pete called Ted Tuesday afternoon and invited him to come to his house after dinner to watch a movie. It had been a long, boring day, and Ted was excited to have something to do. After dinner, he hopped on his bike and pedaled over to Pete's house. The house was dark, and when he rang the bell, there was no answer. Ted turned around, hopped back on his bike, and rode home. Make an inference about why Ted rode home.
What is "Nobody was home"?
Jay was in a pie eating contest. He wanted to win. The winner would be the person who could eat the most pie in twenty minutes. The winner would get a prize. After twenty minutes, no one had eaten as many pies as Jay. Make a prediction about what will happen in the contest.
What is "Jay will win the contest and get a prize"?

Lollipops are hard candies. They taste like fruit and are attached to a stick. Caramels are chewy. They are made of brown sugar. Chocolate is made of cocoa beans and sugar. Chocolate can come in bars. Candy has many shapes and flavors.

There are many candy flavors and shapes.

I ate breakfast. I woke up. I rode the bus home. I went to my classroom. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is "First, I woke up. Next, I ate breakfast. Then, I went to my classroom. Finally, I rode the bus home."?
Northside has 421 students in kindergarten through 5th grade
What is a fact?
Sara walked into the large room. The woman behind the desk smiled at her. Sara looked around. There were hundreds of magazines in the room. There were thousands of books! Other children were in the room, sitting and reading books. Sara walked up to the woman. "Can you help me find a book?" she asked. Make an inference about where Sara is.
What is "Sara is in the library."
Julie and her mother went shopping. First, they went to the bank. Inside the bank there was a large box where money was kept. Julie's mother told Julie not to touch the box or an alarm would go off. Julie touched the box by mistake. Make a prediction about what will happen.
What is "An alarm will go off"?

Bats are fascinating animals. They are not birds, they are flying mammals. Some bats eat fruit, others eat insects. Bats are experts at flying. They use a system called echolocation to fly quickly in the dark. Which is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bats are flying mammals. B. Bats are fascinating animals. C. Some bats eat fruit.

What is "Bats are fascinating animals."

When nobody answered the door, Goldilocks went inside the house. Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed. Goldilocks ate Baby Bear's porridge. Goldilocks was playing in the woods when she saw a cute little house. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is First, Goldilocks was playing in the woods when she saw a cute little house. Next, when nobody answered the door, Goldilocks went inside the house. Then, Goldilocks ate Baby Bear's porridge. Finally, Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed.
It is easy to learn how to write your name.
What is an opinion?
Nina held the glass jar very carefully. The teacher told the students to be careful because the experiment could explode. Slowly, Nina poured the green liquid into a glass jar. She wiped the edge of the jar and set it on the table. Next, she picked up the tube of red liquid. She measured one drop of it. Nina then carefully added the red drop to the green liquid. Make an inference about the class Nina is in.
What is "Nina is in science class"?
Tami loved biking. She had biked in all kinds of weather. She had been planning this bike trip for weeks. Today was going to be great. She woke up early and looked out the window. It was raining! Make a prediction about whether or not Tami will go on her bike trip today.
What is "Tami will go on her bike trip even though it is raining"?

Mark told the quests to arrive early on the day of the part. At the same time, his aunt took his mom out on an errand. All the quests were quiet when they hear the front door open. When they saw Mark's mom, they yelled, "Happy Birthday!" It was a great surprise.

What is the main idea?

Mark hosts a surprise party for his mom.

It's snowing hard. Deep snow covers the tracks. How's a train to get through? No problem. A mighty railroad snowplow is brought in. The giant plow is attached to the front of a locomotive. The locomotive pushes forward to clear the tracks.

When it snows, snowplows are used to clear snow off railroad tracks.

Ice cream is kept cold in a freezer.
What is a fact?
There are many different ways of going to school. Some children go to school by radio. The teacher talks to the children over the radio. The children can talk back to the teacher. In some desert countries, children go to school in tents. They people move across the desert, carrying the tent school with them. In some hot countries, children go to school outside all year long. They do not sit in buildings. The sit on the grass. Make an inference about why children in hot countries go to school outside all year long.
What is "It would be too hot to have school inside a building so they sit on the cool grass"?
Rose filled a large glass with some milk for her younger sister, Pamela, to drink. However, Pamela wanted to drink from a smaller glass. When Rose left the kitchen, Pamela got a smaller glass. "I'm going to pour all the milk from the big glass into the small glass," Pamela said. Make a prediction about what will happen.
What is "Pamela's glass will be too small to hold all of the milk, so she will make a mess"?
Our solar system is very large. It includes the eight planets that turn around the sun. These planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. There are also hundreds of thousands of smaller planets in this system. They are called asteroids. Each asteroid is much smaller than any of the eight large planets. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids. B. Pluto used to be a planet but now is a dwarf planet. C. There are eight large planets in our solar system.
What is "Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids."

One morning a new boy got on the school bus. They boy was shy and quiet. Richard was anything but quiet. He started asking the boy about himself. By the time they got to school, the new boy had opened up and was smiling.

Richard becomes friends with a shy boy and gets him talking.


Whales live their entire lives in water, but they come to the surface to breathe air. They don't have noses, so how do they breathe? They have holes on top of their heads called blowholes through which they take in air.

Whales breathe through blowholes on their heads.
