Main Idea
Recalling Details

It was a sunny spring and beautiful spring day. Tanya and her mom decided to pack up some food for lunch and put it in a basket. They walked down the street to a large area with many trees and benches. They picked a spot under a big tree. Before they sat down, Tanya laid out a blanket. Her mom took out sandwiches, chips, and a blanket. "What a gorgeous day!" her mom said.

What are Tanya and her mom doing?

Having a picnic


All birds have wings but some birds can't fly. Penguins use their wings to move in the water, but they cannot fly. Their wings are too small for their bodies. The ostrich is another bird that cannot fly. It has small wings for its large body. Birds that soar, like eagles, have large, broad wings. Birds that need to take off fast have shorter, cupped wings.

There are different types of bird wings and they do different things.


Winston stood at the store counter. It was hard to make a decision. On the one hand, he had just enough money to buy the new game he wanted so badly. However, he had come to the store to buy his mother’s birthday present. If he bought her present, he would have to wait another week to have enough money for the game. As he looked at the game, he remembered that his mother made his favorite soup when he was sick. He also thought about how proud she was when he won the relay race. His mind was made up.

He will buy the present for his mom

Put these events into the correct order:

-Jackson's mom says "I'm going to have a baby!"

- After dinner one night, Jackson's mom says she has big news

-All the family members want to hear the news





Most adult giraffes are about 18 feet tall. Giraffes have very long, muscular necks, but they have the same number of bones in their necks as humans. This allows them to eat leaves from high places that other animals can't reach. In order to get a drink of water from a lake or river, a giraffe must spread its front legs far apart so its head can dip down low.

How tall are most giraffes?

18 feet tall


Mark and his dad were headed to the game. Once at park, they purchased some food to eat. Marc licked his snack as they climbed the stands to their seats. "What a perfect view" Marc's dad said. Marc could see the players practicing pitching and hitting balls with bats. "I'm glad I wore my hat" Marc said. At the end of the game, the score was 4-2. "That was a great game!" his dad said.

What sport are they watching?



Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fi sh, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals.

Dolphins are mammals


Lauren was determined to be on time today. She got out of bed and only pushed the snooze button five times. After a three-course breakfast, she took a power bath with bath bombs and all! She quickly put on her suit and ran out the door. Instead of her car, she took her unicycle to work. Fitness is important, you know. She made sure to pedal fast, because she had promised she would not be late today. After a long conversation with her friend on the street, she made her way to her desk.

Did Lauren get to work on time?



Put these events into the correct order:

-She looked outside to see if she could find the kitten's owner

-Heather found a lost kitten outside her door this morning

-She couldn't find the owner, so now the kitten lives with her





Hiccups are caused by spasms in the muscle in a person's body called the diaphragm. There are many common home remedies for treating hiccups. Some include drinking water while upside down or swallowing a teaspoon of sugar. A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for 68 years.

True of false - hiccups are caused by spasms in bone

false - they are caused by spasms in a muscle

"They're so cute!" Mikayla said to Sophia. Several small, yellow, fluffy animals were swimming in a line. From her purse, Mikayla took our a bag filled with a few pieces of white food with brown edges. She gave one to Sophia and said "Be careful, the mom is very protective of her babies". 

What animal did they see?



Imagine an ocean creature with a tail like a monkey, a head like a horse, and a pouch like a kangaroo. That's a male sea horse! A sea horse looks unusual and it also has strange characteristics. For example, a female sea horse deposits her eggs into the male's pouch. Then the male cares for the eggs until the babies are born. A sea horse has no teeth and no stomach. It is also one of the slowest swimmers in the ocean. 

The seahorse is an unusual creature

Soft serve and scooped ice cream are both delicious. But they are made in very different ways. Both have air inside, but soft serve is whipped with more air. This makes it slightly warmer than ice cream when served, so you have to eat it faster. Both, are made with milk and sugar, but scooped ice cream has more fat. Both come in many delicious flavors. But scooped ice cream tastes creamier because of the fat. As the name suggests, soft serve is soft. Scooped ice cream is harder.

What would melt quicker - soft serve or scooped?

soft serve


Put the events into the correct order:

-On saturdays, Hannah makes lunch for her little brother

-She gets out the bread, peanut butter, and jelly

-Hannah's little brother eats the sandwich and gets jelly all over his face

-Today, Hannah decides to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for him.






The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth happened in Vostock, Antarctica on July 21st, 1983. The temperature dropped to -128.6 degrees below zero. At that temperature, a person's eyes, nose, and mouth freeze instantly! The air is so cold that it is impossible to breathe air directly into the lungs.

Where AND when was the lowest temperature recorded?

Vostock, Antarctica on July 21st 1983


The Chen family was driving home from the store. Their trunk was filled with groceries for the week. While they were shopping, they could hear heavy rain falling outside. Now as they drove home, the rain finally stopped. Mrs. Chen suddenly exclaimed "Look over there in the sky! You can almost see the full arch! Wow!". 

What did they see in the sky?

A rainbow


In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson completed a treaty with the French government to purchase a large section of land in North America. This land is now known as the Louisiana Purchase. The purchase was important to the future of the U.S. It was the first major expansion of the U.S. since it had won its independence from Great Britain 20 years earlier. The territory gained in the Louisiana Purchase was the largest in U.S. history, totalling 828,000 squares miles, about 23% of the current U.S. land area. The Louisiana Purchase also secured the  U.S.’s right to passage along the Mississippi River and allowed access to the important port of New Orleans.

The Louisiana Purchase was important to the U.S.


Helium gas makes balloons float. But there is a limited amount of helium. This means that more can't be made. It is only found in the ground. Recently, scientists became worried because there is only a little bit of helium left in the ground. It is a big problem because helium is not only used in balloons. Scientists use helium gas for research. Helium is also used in MRI machines, which help doctors see what is making people sick.

What will happen if nothing is done about the helium shortage?

Helium will run out

We will need to find a new substance to use in it's place


Put the events into the correct order:

-When they are clean, the family goes out to dinner at a seafood restaurant

-Every summer the Wilson family goes to the beach

-After the day is over, everyone heads home to take showers and get dressed

-At the beach, they spend most of the day playing in the sand and water






Does anyone believe in witches anymore? Back in the 1600s, the colonists were afraid of witches. In salem, Massachusetts acting - or even just dressing - differently than your neighbors would make them suspect you were a witch. It's safe to say that not very many Salem villagers wanted to set new fashion trends!

Why wouldn't villagers want to set fashion trends?

People might think they are witches

Jasmin and her family were walking through green fields. Jasmin pulled a plump, red piece of fruit off one of the plants. She took a bite and juice dribbled down her chin. "They're so fresh!" she exclaimed "I can't wait to make my famous dessert with these!"

What fruit is Jasmin's family picking?



While Benjamin Franklin is known as a statesman and diplomat, he was also an accomplished inventor and scientist. Franklin was mainly a printer by profession, but he also investigated natural phenomena, such as ocean currents and lightning. His marine research led to his publication of a map of the Gulf Stream currents. Franklin developed theories about electricity, made famous by his experiment with a kite and a key during a lightning storm. As a result of his work with electricity, Franklin invented the lightning rod, which protected buildings from lightning strikes. Always curious and imaginative, Franklin also invented the bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, an odometer for carriages and a musical instrument called a glass armonica. He investigated evaporation as a cooling technique and designed nautical enhancements, including watertight compartments

Benjamin Franklin was a scientist and inventor


The moon cycles through the same pattern every month. It starts with the new moon phase. The earth casts a shadow on the moon, making it invisible. During the first quarter phase, half of the moon is illuminated. Gradually, more light creeps across the surface every night. During the full moon phase, the whole moon shines! Next is the last quarter phase, and only half the moon is visible again.  The amount of light on the moon decreases every night. Tomorrow, the cycle will begin again.

What phase will the moon be in tomorrow?

The new moon cycle


Put the events into the correct order:

-Mackenzie was invited to a costume party

-Mackenzie's brother even offered to let her borrow his guitar for her costume

-Before she went to the party, she had to find a costume

-Finally, she decided to go to the party dressed as a famous rock 'n' roll star

-She made a list of the different costumes that she could wear







The sceintist paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. He had been digging for days. When he started the excavation, the work had been fast paced and exciting. As they found one fossil after another, they talked of the magnificent skeleton they would recreate. The museum would be thrilled, and they would be famous! Now, there was just one piece missing. Where could it be hiding?. "Steve! I think I've got something!" his teammate called. 

What are the scientists looking for?

a dinosaur bone
