Argumentative Vocabulary
Organizational Patterns Vocabulary
Organizational Patterns Examples
Making Inferences
Commonly Confused Words

Fill in the blank.

A ________ reason is a reason that makes sense and can be proven and supported with evidence.



In which organizational pattern does the author tell how two or more things are the same and how they are different?

a) Cause and Effect

b) Compare and Contrast

c) Chronological Order

b) Compare and Contrast


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Although they are sisters, Jennifer and Jessica are complete opposites. Jennifer enjoys playing sports, while Jessica would rather watch. Jennifer has no interest in playing a musical instrument, while Jessica is the first chair violinist. Jennifer listens to new age music, while Jessica prefers country.

a) Chronological Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Compare and Contrast

c) Compare and Contrast 


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

In biology class, students must dissect an animal. Dissection is the process of cutting open the body of a small, dead animal to study its internal organs. One of the most common animals kids dissect in school is a frog. Once they do, they might sketch what they see.

a) Students dissect animals to see what their insides look like.

b) The first step in dissecting an animals is to draw its organs.

c) People don't need tools to dissect an animals.

a) Students dissect animals to see what their insides look like.


Fill in the blank with the correct word.

I want some cake _____ please.

a) to

b) too

c) two

b) too


Fill in the blank.

A _______ reason is one that does not make sense; it’s a conclusion that is NOT supported by the data/evidence.



In which organizational pattern does the author tell of something using any of the five senses?

a) Cause and Effect

b) Compare and Contrast

c) Descriptive

c) Descriptive


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

To earn a driver's license, students must show they understand how to operate a vehicle. They must also pass a written test. Once they have their driver's license, they can are able to drive to school, work or anywhere they would like to go. 

a) Problem and Solution

b) Cause and Effect

c) Compare and Contrast

b) Cause and Effect


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

Some students join their school's cross-country running team. Cross-country runners compete on an open course that might include sidewalks, grass, or rocky dirt. The courses are generally between one and three miles long. Cross-country is often an autumn sport. Runners wear a vest or T-shirt and shorts. Sometimes they wear special running shoes called spikes. 

a) Cross country races are not held indoors. 

b) A cross-country course is usually no longer than 100 feet.

c) Cross-country athletes run the fastest on grass.

a) Cross country races are not held indoors.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

_______ would you like ___ go for your birthday?

a) Where, too

b) Were, to

c) Where, to 

c) Where, to


The main position of the writer that is often stated early in the argument is the -

a) argument

b) claim

c) evidence

b) claim


In which organizational pattern does the author tell of an issue and how that issue was fixed/resolved?

a) Cause and Effect

b) Problem and Solution

c) Sequential Order

b) Problem and Solution


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

It seemed like an ordinary day when she got up that morning, but Lynda was about to embark on the worst day of her life. First, she fell in the bathtub because her mother forgot to rinse out the bath oil. Then she spilled orange juice on the outfit she had spent hours putting together for school pictures. When she arrived to school, she slipped in a puddle of water. Once she was finally home, she fell asleep and had a dream that a dinosaur was chasing her.

a) Problem and Solution

b) Chronological Order

c) Compare and Contrast

b) Chronological Order


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

Recess is a time for kids to take a break from sitting at their school desks. If the weather allows, they go outside to get some exercise. Running around and playing sports gets their blood pumping. For many students, it is a chance to recharge. When they go back to their schoolwork, they are able to concentrate easier. 

a) Recess is the school subject where kids learn the history of sports.

b) Recess is healthy for kids.

c) Recess is not as good for kids as studying.

b) Recess is healthy for kids.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Throw away _____ trash over _____. 

a) you're, their

b) your, there

c) your, they're

b) your, there


What do you call a position that goes against your position?

a) Opposing Facts

b) Difference

c) Opposing Viewpoint

c) Opposing Viewpoint


Fill in the blanks. 

_______ ______ is steps on how to make something, while ________ _______ are events that happen over time. 

Sequential Order, Chronological Order


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Several students receive poor grades on writing assignments, not because they lack the ability to communicate, but because they can not seem to manage their time when it comes to a large project. They do not know where to begin, and therefore put things off until the last minute. To solve this problem, students need to develop a timeline for completing the project. If they divide the assignment into manageable “chunks” or parts and then set a schedule for completing each part, they will be able to finish the entire project before the deadline.

a) Sequential Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Problem and Solution

c) Problem and Solution


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

A familiar site in many school hallways is a water fountain. School water fountains don't look like the fountains in big city parks. Those are large, often beautiful, and usually built for decoration. Water fountains in schools are installed so students (and teachers) can get a quick drink just by pushing a button. School water fountains are not large and most people would not call them beautiful.

a) Water fountains in school are only for decoration.

b) Water fountains in schools are usually not in classrooms.

c) Water fountains in schools also offer others drinks, such as milk.

b) Water fountains in schools are usually not in classrooms.


Fill in the blank with the correct word.

I have decided to continue my teaching when I know that ______ ready to listen.

a) there

b) they're

c) their

b) they're


When a claim and evidence are brought together, it creates -

a) an opposing viewpoint

b) an argument

c) reasons

b) an argument


In which organizational pattern does the author tell of what happened and why it happened? 

a) Cause and Effect

b) Compare and Contrast

c) Chronological Order

a) Cause and Effect


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Because toys have become electronic devices, some children today are unable to entertain themselves. Gone are the days when children invented their own adventures and used sticks as swords and cookie sheets as armor, and refrigerator box as a fortress to defend. The electronic age has delivered children all sorts of gadgets and gizmos that are supposed to be realistic. Some toys even have buttons to push so prerecorded messages can be played to begin scripted adventures that require no imagination. No wonder some children today have short attention spans.

a) Chronological Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Problem and Solution

b) Cause and Effect


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

A teacher's day is not done when the students go home. Often he has to read and grade homework. Sometimes he makes lesson plans for the coming days and weeks. On certain nights, he meets with parents to discuss how their children are doing in school. Teachers work hard to teach their classes-even when no students are around.

a) Teachers tend to grade homework when they should be teaching the class.

b) Making lesson plans in not part of a teacher's job.

c) Teachers may have to grade students' work at night.

c) Teachers may have to grade students' work at night.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

_____ going to the movies this weekend, for it will be _____ cold to go to the beach.

a) We're, to

b) We're, too

c) Were, too

b) We're, too
