Look Into my Crystal Ball
Inference This!
Reading Strategies
Making Connections
This is an idea which explains what might happen next in a story based on clues from the text.
What is a prediction
Alex's computer was stolen from his locker after lunch. He slammed it shut and punched the metal as hard as he could. Make an inference about how Alex feels right now.
What is angry, mad, upset, etc.
When you go back to read text that you have already read in order to understand it better, this is known as...
What is rereading.

Text to Text, Text to World & Text to Self are examples of ___________. 

Making Connections
"Seething with anger, Bruno went into the kitchen and got the biggest surprise of his life. There, sitting at the table, a long way from the other side of the fence was..." Make a prediction about this passage.
Answers will vary. "I think Bruno will see..."

Good readers use text clues and their past experiences about those clues to understand what is happening right now in the story.

What is an inference.

When you create a movie in your mind of what you're reading, this is a way to ...
What is visualize.

Your teacher is reading a passage from The Hobbit.  During the reading, you often think to yourself that the passage reminds you of other fantasy books or movies which you have read or seen.____________________________

Text to Text connections

"I think Rob is going to get an award for saving the woman and her baby at the end of the story." Is this an example of a prediction or an inference?
What is a prediction
An inference helps the reading understand... (choose one) a) What is going to happen in the story b) What is happening right now in the story
What is happening right now in the story.

When you predict what will happen next in a story

Making a prediction


You read a story about Nova Scotia and you went there last summer. 

Text to Self

"Close your eyes. Relax. This will not be painful." Jonas remembered that he was allowed...to ask questions. "What are you going to do sir? he asked, hoping that his voice didn't betray his nervousness. Make a prediction about this passage from "The Giver."
Answers will vary.
What is the difference between a prediction and an inference?
Predictions explain what might happen later in the story, and inferences explain what is happening right now in the story.

When you read between the lines 

What is making an inference 


You are watching a movie and it references the Covid Pandemic. 

Text- to - world connection


What is needed to make a prediction about a text?

What is text clues + past experiences (patterns, thought etc)  = prediction

The man said, "If you know something, you better tell us now. It will be easier on you if you just tell us what you know. If you don't, you'll regret it. You and your family." "I'll not have you threatening me or my family! I have done nothing wrong, and I have to ask you to leave us be!" Make an inference about how father is feeling.
Answers will vary.

When I read quickly through a text, looking at headings, bolded text, etc.

What is scanning and skimming


Watching tangled and realizing it's based on Rapunzel

Text to text connection
