Story Elements
Main idea
Similies & Metaphors

What is a story element?

A story element is a part of the text that makes the story fulfilled.


What is the definition of Theme.

Theme is the central idea or moral of a artical, text , or story.


What is main idea?

Main idea is the main topic of the text.


What is a similie

A similie is a phrase that says something is like something else using the words like and as.


Jack and Jill were in the grass and they were going up a ____. What were they going up.

They were going up a hill because if you use your clues it show that they were in the grass and most hills and are cover mostly in grass and the text says they were going up.


One Story element is the setting, so what is the setting?

The setting is the time and place a story takes place.


The three frogs didn’t know where their mother was so they wanders off the mother came back and didn’t see her baby’s she went to find them and now the frogs will never wander again. What’s the theme?

The theme is to always to listen to your parents.


What is the Main idea of the American Revolution?

The Main idea of the American Revolution is how Americans fought for their independence from Great Britain and to get out of taxes.


Your just like your grandpa. Is this a simile or a metaphor?

It is a similie


Jake was going to the airport for something he had left, it was very important for his trip it was his only way to go on the Plane. What did he leave at the airport?

Jake left his airplane ticket because in order to go on the plane he would need a ticket. Also if you lose your ticket it will cost a lot more to buy another.


Character is a story element so what’s the definition of Character?

A Person or thing in a work of literature.


How do you find theme?

By looking for the most important lesson learned from the story.


What is the main idea of the Westward expansion

The main idea of the westward expansion is how many people migrated from the east to the west looking for land and for gold.


Your very honest. Is this a similie or metaphor? Hint: A metaphor is when you say something is something else.



Eugene went camping one night. It was very dark and Eugene couldn’t see. He remembered he had a ______ in his backpack in the car. That thing would help him see. What was Eugene going to get from his backpack?

Eugene was going to get a flashlight because if he couldn’t see he would need something to see.


What is the definition of the story element plot?

The defanition of plot is the events in the beginning middle and end of a artical, story, or text.


"All a joke !" said the boy, and seized her

roughly. "Hey, everyone, let’s put her in a closet before the teacher comes !"

"No," said Margot, falling back.

They surged about her, caught her up and bore her, protesting, and then pleading

They came back inside with regret.

What is the theme?

Do not be mean because soon it will hurt you more than it did others.


What is the main idea of the Civil War?

The main idea of the Civil War is how the North fought the South to bring the South back into the nation and to stop Slavery.


Your just as honest and kind just like your mother. Is this a similie or metaphor?

It’s a similie


Calvin was at school when he noticed he didn’t have a ______ to write with. What did Calvin not have?

Calvin did not have a pencil because you write with pencils and if you can’t write you don’t have a pencil.


What’s the difference between text features and story elements? Hint: The text features are only in the text.

The story elements are all around but text features are only found in the text.


 What is the theme of the Civil War Reconstruction?

The theme of the Civil War Reconstruction is to fight for what is right because if you don’t you lose all.


When your finding main idea where do you look?

Headings and titles


 What is the difference between a similie and a metaphor

A similie uses like and as but a metaphor doesn’t 


Alex was inside school when someone was talking to him. He told the person it wasn’t time to talk and then the person who was talking to him. Why did Alex not talk to the person? 

Alex didn’t talk to the person because he didn’t want to get in trouble from his teachers.
