Context Clues
Character Traits
Main Idea
Central Message
Making Inferences

When my mom went on a diet, she had a hard time staying away from sweets. Any time there were cookies, cakes, or candy around, it was hard for her to resist.

The word resist means:

A. to avoid

B. a coating that prevents something

C. go against or oppose

A. to avoid


Sally always makes people feel welcome when they come to visit. She stops whatever she is doing and gives her guests her full attention. Not only that, she always seems to have a plate of freshly baked cookies to offer.

Which word best describes Sally?

a. hospitable

b. lonely

c. hostile

A. hospitable

Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success.

The main idea of this passage is:

A. The Wright Brothers worked hard.

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.

C. Inventors build kites and bicycles.

D. The first flight was in 1903.

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.


McNeil High School had basketball tryouts in 2 weeks. John had been practicing every evening. Finally, the big day came. John was ready. Two weeks later when he looked at the flyer, John had made the team!

What is the central message?

a. hard work pays off.

b. basketball is easy for everyone.

c. John is a really good basketball player. 


a. hard work pays off.


It was Saturday. My mom and dad took me to my favorite place. I took out my bicycle, helmet and pads and started to have fun. Some kids are playing in the sandbox, others are on the slide.

Where am I?

a. school

b. beach

c. circus

d. park

d. park


When my class was studying heroes, we heard some incredible stories of their bravery. Some people rescued others at great risk to their lives. Some hid people in their homes, even though they would be killed if they were found out and others gave everything they had to help those in need. Stories of these noble people inspired me.

The word noble means:

A. an honorable person

B. a wealthy person with a title (Lord/Lady)

C. a very poor person

A. an honorable person


Talia's grandma sent her a big box of cookies while she was at summer camp. The card said she could share them with the other girls in her group, but Talia did not share any of the cookies. She ate them all herself.

Which word best describes Talia?

a. thoughtful

b. selfish

c. unhelpful

b. selfish


Homemade pizza is delicious. First, make the dough from flour, water, and yeast. After that, begin making the tomato sauce. Next, add any vegetables you like. Then, bake it in the oven. After a short time, the kitchen begins to smell delicious. Soon, it’s ready to eat!

The main idea of this passage is:

a. Pizza is made from flour

b. How to make homemade pizza

c. Pizza is easy to make

d. Pizza makes the kitchen smell delicious

b. How to make homemade pizza


Richard had a math test on Friday. On Monday, he played video games with his friends. Tuesday, he went to the comic book store. As the week went on, Richard forgot all about this math test. He did not pass his test.

What is the central message?

a. playing video games can help you learn.

b. Study first, play later.

c. Friends should help you study.

b. Study first, play later.


We are waiting patiently for our dinner to be brought to the table. All our food was carried over on a big, oval tray. After we ate, my dad left the lady a tip.

Where am I?

a. park

b. school

c. restaurant

d. bus stop

c. restaurant


I got a telescope for my birthday and was anxious to use it. On a clear night, I opened a window and focused on the night sky. I didn’t realize how vast the number of stars there were. It seemed like we saw millions of them!

The word vast means:

A. tiny

B. a big number

C. far away

B. a big number


Last year, Mark's aunt went on a jungle safari in Africa. The year before that she took sky diving lessons. This summer she will be going on a white water river rafting trip and she has plans to start rock climbing too. 

Which word best describes Mark's aunt? 

a. adventurous 

b. generous 

c. careless

a. adventurous


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

The main idea of this passage is:

a. Sometimes people feel sad

b. You should do good things for others

c. We’re not always happy

d. There are many ways to make yourself feel better

d. There are many ways to make yourself feel better


Mark came to school with new shoes that everyone wanted. Joe went home and begged his mom for those shoes but his mom could not afford them. The next day, Joe went to school, angry with his mom until he saw a student with worn and ragged shoes. Joe apologized to his mom. 

What is the central message?

a. Be grateful for what you have.

b. Mark has a lot of money.

c. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

a. Be grateful for what you have.


My mom and I waited in line with the rest of the passengers. My mom handed the lady our ticket and held my hand. The lady smiled at her and said, "Have a great flight!"

Where am I?

a. grocery store

b. airport

c. school

d. park


A long time ago, when settlers wanted to travel across the country, they packed covered wagons with their belongings and headed west. It was a long and dangerous journey across the frontier.

The word frontier means:

A. a boundary line

B. wilderness

C. the area near home

B. wilderness


17 Mrs. Jones knows that she can always count on Brad to follow directions, finish his work or help a classmate. Brad's friends trust him to keep his promises. Brad's parents never have to ask him twice to do his chores or go to bed on time. Which word best describes Brad? a. dependable b. loyal c. independent 18 Bella will only eat certain foods and she likes them to be arranged on her plate in just the right way. She is also very particular about what she wears. She will not wear anything made from wool or spandex. 

Which word best describes Bella? 

a. cranky 

b. brave 

c. picky

C. picky


Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time. (They have to remain alert for predators.) Also, every giraffe’s coat is unique, and varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live.

The main idea of the passage is: 

a. Giraffes don’t sleep very much.

b. Giraffes are unique animals.

c. There are many animals in the world.

d. No animal is taller than a giraffe.

b. Giraffes are unique animals.


Jerry and Kim were poor farmers. Jerry always spent the money he earned on things he did not need. One day, Jerry went to town to sell his last cow, Betsy. On his way, he saw a man selling marbles. Jerry said, "I'll trade you my cow for those marbles." The man agreed. That night Jerry and Kim went hungry. 

What is the central message?

a. Cows aren't worth a lot.

b. Put your needs before your wants.

c. Kim is smarter than Jerry. 

b. Put your needs before your wants.


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights. "No! Please not now," he thought.

What happened?

Alex was pulled over by the police for speeding.

My mom was interested in finding out how our family came to America. She traced her father’s side of the family back to Italy. She was surprised to learn that many of her ancestors lived near Venice.

The word ancestor means:

A. a family member in the future

B. a family member from long ago

C. a family member now

B. a family member from long ago.


Mrs. Parsons expects her students to be on time every day. She does not accept late work, ever. During work times she requires absolute silence. Students who break the rules lose their recess time. 

Which word best describes Mrs. Parsons? 

a. unfair 

b. strict 

c. cruel

b. strict


Hurricanes are large, intense storms that begin over the ocean, where they gather heat and energy from the water. Hurricanes move slowly toward land, usually moving 10-20 miles per hour for more than one week. The most dangerous part of the hurricane is the storm surge, when it reaches land and causes flooding. Wind and waves also contribute to the damage caused by these surges.

The main idea of this passage is:

a. Hurricanes are dangerous storms.

b. Hurricanes begin over the ocean.

c. One type of storm is called a hurricane.

d. Hurricanes are different from other storms.

a. Hurricanes are dangerous storms.


Khloe and Pam were best friends who really wanted to go on a class trip. Pam did not have the money. The friends came up with ways to collect money. They started a lemonade stand and washed cars. Soon, they had enough money for Pam to go on the trip. 

What is the central message?

a. Khloe and Pam should be friends forever

b. It is easy to start a lemonade stand.

c. Friends help friends who are in need.

c. Friends help friends who are in need.


Mary’s brother is a soldier. He’s been in war for two years. This morning, when Mary checked her mail, she saw an envelope with the military logo. As she was reading the first few lines, she started to cry and jump. "At last!" she said.

What happened?

Mary's brother is coming home from fighting in the war. 
