Main Idea, Summary, and Details
Text Structure
Unknown Words
Author's Purpose
___________ + ____________ = an inference
The main idea of a passage is what it is _____ ______
MOSTLY about
What are the 5 types of text structure?
Main idea/details, chronological, compare and contrast, cause and effect, problem and solution
The main strategy we use for determining unknown is ________ ____________.
Context Clues
What are the three main types of author's purpose?
Persuade Inform Entertain
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it inside. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic bag. He brushed off his clothes, but knew that no matter how hard he tried, he’d never be able to get all the little bits of hay off. Then he went straight up stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. Based on this passage, we can infer that Alice is: A Easygoing B Messy C Funny D Strict
When you describe all the main ideas of a passage, you have written something called a ___________
Why would an author organize a text in chronological order?
To tell about events in time order
In order to figure out what an unknown word means, we should always go back and read which three sentences in the text?
The sentence the word is in, the sentence before, and the sentence after it.
An author's purpose for writing a recipe for peanut butter chocolate cookies can best be classified as: A. Persuading the reader B. Informing the reader C. Entertaining the reader
B. Informing the reader
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it inside. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic bag. He brushed off his clothes, but knew that no matter how hard he tried, he’d never be able to get all the little bits of hay off. Then he went straight up stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. Based on this passage, we can infer that Paul is probably a...
True or False: If a question asks you to identify a supporting detail for the main idea, you should make an inference.
Weather is important for many reasons. For example, weather often helps us decide where to live. It also controls when farmers plant the food we will eat, which crops will be planted, and whether those crops will grow. Another reason weather is important is that it can tell us what clothes to wear and whether we can play outside after school. How is this passage organized?
Main idea/details
The natives were HOSTILE when the settlers approached their village. They lined up across the road and drew their weapons. The settlers were afraid to go further. The word "hostile" probable means: A. Welcoming B. Curious C. Unfriendly
C. Unfriendly
Letty is creating a website about human trafficking. On her website she includes a list of all the ways people can help fight human trafficking. She probably included THE LIST in order to: A. Persuade people to help fight human trafficking B. Inform people about human trafficking C. Entertain people about human trafficking
A. Persuade people to help fight human trafficking
TRUE or FALSE: You can annotate for questions that require you to make an inference
True: Inferences require clues from the text and you CAN annotate those!
What are the three places to check first when you're trying to identify the main idea?
Titles/subtitles, topic sentence, and last sentence. Then ask yourself if any of these describe what the passage is mostly about.
Which of these can best be described as a cause and effect text? A. My finger was bleeding, so I put a bandaid on it. B. I didn't study, so I failed my quiz. C. I woke up, ate breakfast, and came to school.
B. I didn't study, so I failed my quiz.
The explorers landed in an ALIEN environment, a place very different from their beloved homeland. The word "alien" in the sentence above probably means: A. From another planet B. Strange or foreign C. Dangerous
B. Strange or foreign
Andres writes a news article about school lunches in North Carolina public schools. In his article he includes lots of statistics, rhetorical questions, and humorous jokes. He probably included the JOKES in order to: A.Persuade the reader to advocate for better school lunches B. Inform the reader about the horrible lunches some kids have to eat C. Entertain the reader with humor while they read the article
C. Entertain the reader with humor while they read the article