What is the Main Idea of a Passage? A. the most important point an author makes about a topic B. the most important point on Mount Rainier C. the direction an author chooses to take a passage
A. the most important point an author makes about a topic
What are context clues?
Context clues are words or phrases around an unknown word. They can provide hints that help you determine the word's definition .
What is the theme of a story?
The theme is the author's message or lesson about life that the author wants the reader to understand when they read a story.
What is a character?
A character is a person or an animal in a story, and has certain traits, or characteristics. These are special qualities of a character's personality.
What is a summary?
A summary is a short statement of the most important events or ideas in a story or text, put into your own words.
What are details in a passage? A. what you do to a car when cleaning it? B. the most important facts in a paragraph or text C. how specific an author gets with a certain character?
B. the most important facts in a paragraph or text
What are multiple-meaning words?
They are words that have more than one definition. Context clues may help you decide which meaning the author is using in a story or text.
By an unlucky chance a Fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A Goat passed by and asked the Fox what he was doing. "Oh, have you not heard?" said the Fox. "There is going to be a drought, so I jumped down here to in order to be sure to have water near me. Why don't you join me?" The Goat thought well of this advice, and jumped into the well. But the Fox immediately jumped on her back, and by putting his foot on her long horns managed to jump up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend!" said the Fox. What is the theme of this Fable?
Answers will vary.
What is plot? What is setting?
Plot is the series of events that take place in a story. These events give the story a beginning, middle, and an end. Most plots center around a problem that the main character has to solve. Certain events in a plot can lead the character to a solution. Some events can also advance the story, by foreshadowing, or giving hints about, future events. Setting is where and when the story takes place. The setting of a story can sometimes influence the events of the plot.
What parts of a text make up the summary?
The main idea plus supporting details.
Read the passage then answer the question. The summer of 1874 was hot and humid on the Great Plains of the United States. In late August, as farmers were getting ready to harvest their crops, the sky suddenly darkened. But it was not a sudden storm. Clouds of grasshoppers, millions of them, were swarming onto the Great Plains. They stripped the trees bare and destroyed millions of acres of wheat and corn. They even stalled trains! The crushed bodies of the insects made the tracks so slippery that the wheels of many locomotives spun helplessly on the tracks. Grasshoppers also invaded homes. Frantic family members attacked them with brooms, mops, and dustpans, but the plague of insects got into anything that was not tightly sealed. Many people in the hardest-hit areas couldn't raise the cover off a pan on the stove without grasshoppers jumping into it. Settlers used fire and smoke to try and destroy the insects, but nothing seemed to help very much. Every summer from 1874 through 1877, millions of grasshoppers swept across North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and parts of Texas. List four details from this selection.
Possible Answers: Millions of grasshoppers destroyed trees and millions of acres of wheat and corn. The dead bodies of grasshoppers made travel difficult. Grasshoppers invaded homes. From 1874-1877, millions of grasshoppers swept across parts of the Great Plains.
Last Saturday I went to the school athletic field to see my friend Terry practice for his upcoming track meet. As soon as I arrived, I could see he was getting ready to jump hurdles. When the coach blew his whistle, I watched as Terry began to run, and then in open-mouthed amazement I saw him vault over two hurdles at once. What is the definition of the word vault as used in this paragraph? A. leap B. a hidden chamber
A. leap
Crow, having stolen a bit of meat, perched in a tree and held it in her beak. Fox longed to possess the meat himself. Soon, he thought of a plan. "How handsome is the Crow," he exclaimed. "If her voice were only equal to her beauty, she would be considered the Queen of Birds!" The Crow, anxious to prove that there was nothing wrong with her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the meat. The Fox picked it up. "My good Crow," he said, "your voice is right enough, but your intelligence is wanting." What is the theme of this Fable?
Answers will vary.
Exposition Rising Action ???????????? Falling Action Resolution/Denouement What is the missing part of the plot?
In an Expository, what elements make it expository? Name two examples of expository text.
sequential order, logical order, chronological order, pictures, graphs, charts titles and subtitles Examples: recipes, manuals, history books or articles, anything step-by-step
Read the passage then answer the question. The summer of 1874 was hot and humid on the Great Plains of the United States. In late August, as farmers were getting ready to harvest their crops, the sky suddenly darkened. But it was not a sudden storm. Clouds of grasshoppers, millions of them, were swarming onto the Great Plains. They stripped the trees bare and destroyed millions of acres of wheat and corn. They even stalled trains! The crushed bodies of the insects made the tracks so slippery that the wheels of many locomotives spun helplessly on the tracks. Grasshoppers also invaded homes. Frantic family members attacked them with brooms, mops, and dustpans, but the plague of insects got into anything that was not tightly sealed. Many people in the hardest-hit areas couldn't raise the cover off a pan on the stove without grasshoppers jumping into it. Settlers used fire and smoke to try and destroy the insects, but nothing seemed to help very much. Every summer from 1874 through 1877, millions of grasshoppers swept across North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and parts of Texas. What do the details have in common?
The details are the highlights of what happened in the story. The are the most important events.
Every year, Cassie and her brothers pick the cherries that grow in her family's backyard. Then the whole family works together to make jam. First they cook the cherries in a large pot, and add sugar. Then they put the cooked preserves in a glass jar to cool. Tied up with ribbon, the jars make great gifts. In this paragraph, what is the meaning of the word jam? What context clues helped you decide the meaning?
Meaning: A fruit preserve Context clues: "Then they put the cooked preserves in a glass jar to cool."
In each of the two stories, what problem does Fox have? How does he solve the problems?
In the story with the Goat, the Fox is stuck in a well, with no way to get out. The Fox tricks the Goat into jumping into the well and the Fox uses the Goat as a launcher to get out. In the story with the Crow, the Fox is hungry. Fox flatters Crow and tricks her into singing so that she would drop the meat and he could eat it.
In the movie, "The LEGO Movie," the main character Emmett changes throughout. What changes does he make and why?
Emmett begins as a content character with the dictated day-to-day living. When he innocently uncovers "The Cragle" his world changes as he is pursued by the authorities and the master builders. In the end, Emmett is able to change the heart of the villain and save all of the characters. Emmett was rather innocent then became insecure, then was not sure who he was (identity crisis), and finally decides he is who he chooses to be.
Author's Point of View - What is... First-Person? Third-Person Omniscient? Third-Person Limited?
The author is the speaker...I, Me, We, Us, My The author reveals the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters. The author reveals the thoughts and feelings of the main character.
Read the passage then answer the question. The summer of 1874 was hot and humid on the Great Plains of the United States. In late August, as farmers were getting ready to harvest their crops, the sky suddenly darkened. But it was not a sudden storm. Clouds of grasshoppers, millions of them, were swarming onto the Great Plains. They stripped the trees bare and destroyed millions of acres of wheat and corn. They even stalled trains! The crushed bodies of the insects made the tracks so slippery that the wheels of many locomotives spun helplessly on the tracks. Grasshoppers also invaded homes. Frantic family members attacked them with brooms, mops, and dustpans, but the plague of insects got into anything that was not tightly sealed. Many people in the hardest-hit areas couldn't raise the cover off a pan on the stove without grasshoppers jumping into it. Settlers used fire and smoke to try and destroy the insects, but nothing seemed to help very much. Every summer from 1874 through 1877, millions of grasshoppers swept across North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and parts of Texas. What is the main idea of this selection?
From 1874-1877, millions of grasshoppers invaded the Great Plains that destroyed crops, hindered travel and transportation, and invaded homes.
"What kind of easy chair are you looking for?" the salesperson asked as I walked into the store. "We have several different styles. Here's one with a foot rest." In this paragraph, what does the word "kind" mean? What context clues helped you decide the meaning?
Definition: a type, style Context clues: We have different styles.
How are the themes of each story similar?
Each story is a lesson about trusting the motives and intentions of others, especially that of a Fox :).
Think of any episode or movie of "Charlie Brown." What is unique about this character compared to characters in other cartoons or movies? What kind of character is he? How does he change? Due to the uniqueness of Charlie Brown, why do you think he is such a popular and beloved character?
Charlie Brown's character traits never really change. He learns lessons, but maintains the same personality. Charlie Brown is much like most children...innocent, loving, confused, lost, and absorbed in life's many happenings. Charlie Brown is popular and beloved because nearly any person can identify with him.
jungle : Baloo : : _______ : the Little Mermaid hammer : nail : : sandpaper : ________ Avengers : Marvel : : Batman : ________ write : paper : : ________ : computer
Sea Wood DC Comics (Justice League) Type