What does unhappy mean?
Not happy
What is a synonym?
Words that have the same or similar meaning.
What is an antonym?
Words that have an opposite meaning.
What does the bolded word mean in the sentence?
After spending more time studying, his English began to improve.
Get better.
Spell 'remmember' correctly.
What does reread mean?
Read again
What is a synonym for 'beautiful'?
Gorgeous, attractive, stunning, lovely, pretty
What is an antonym for 'beautiful'?
ugly, hideous, revolting, horrible, repulsive, disgusting, bad-looking
What does the bolded word mean in the sentence?
The twin girls were identical, they both had blue eyes and brown hair.
Exactly the same.
Spell 'lern' correctly.
What does disagree mean?
To not agree
What is a synonym for 'big'?
Immense, gigantic, large, huge, massive, colossal, enormous
What is an antonym for 'big'?
small, tiny, little, miniature, teeny, puny
What does the bolded word mean in the sentence?
The stand-up comedian was hilarious, I have never laughed so much.
Extremely funny.
Spell 'difficullt' correctly.
What does disallow mean?
What is a synonym for 'smart'?
clever, intelligent, bright, wise, brainy, brilliant, sharp
What is an antonym for 'friendly'?
Unwelcoming, mean, nasty, rude, unfriendly, disagreeable, unpleasant, unkind
What does the bolded word mean in the sentence?
You should never eat rare chicken, the bacteria can make you very sick.
Spell the place where you can borrow books.
What does prejudge mean?
To judge before
What is a synonym for 'curious'?
interested, nosy, curious
What is an antonym for 'dangerous'?
safe, secure, protected, harmless, unhazardous
What does the bolded word mean in the sentence?
The restaurant chef was upset when he learned the food critic said his cooking tasted awful.
someone who judges or evaluates something
Spell the second month of the year.