Main Idea
Context Clues
Most animals do not recognize themselves in a mirror. They think the reflection is another animal. Some animals that do recognize themselves are elephants, dolphines, chimps and great apes. The main idea is.......
What is animals and their reflections?
Benjamin ate three pieces of cake and two scoops of ice cream. Han hour later, his stomach felt queasy and decided to lie down. "queasy mean" a. better b. empty c. sick
What is sick?
What is the homophone for the word break?
What is brake?
Traffic was snarled on the freeway, and we were late. A snynomy for snarled is: a. fast b. tangled c. ligh
What is tangled?
She was a brilliant young girl. Antonym for brilliant: a. bright b. ignorant c. intelligent
What is ignorant?
The lives of the Maasai people of E. Africa are centered around their cattle. They depend on the cattle for their food. They sell cattle to outsiders to pay for the things they need. They spend most of their time tending their cows. The main idea is.....
What is the Maasai people and their cattle.
Allan was always bragging and showing off. His brother David, on the other hand was a quiet and humble boy. "Humble means": a. stupid b. not annoying c. not prideful
What is no prideful?
What is the homophone for flew?
What is flu?
Kids are so pampered no a days they get everything they want and no responsibilities. A synonym for pampered is: a. lazy b. mean c. spoiled
What is spoiled?
The student was tardy for class. The antonym for tardy is: a. late b. on time c. absent
What is on time?
Beavers make dramatic changes to the environment. When they build dams the can create ponds or even lakes. Bees also effect the environment, without them flowers and trees wouldn't be able to reproduce. These are two examples of how nature impacts nature. The main idea is.....
What is nature impacts nature?
Mom spent all day working in the garden. She felt weary and just wanted to go to bed. "weary" means: a tired b. sick c. annoyed
What is tired?
What is the homophone for weather?
What is whether?
The earthquake causeed great chaos among the people who didn't know what to do. The synonym for chaos is: a. anger b. damage c. confusion
What is confusion?
The adoscent was embarrassed by her pimples. The antonym for adoscent is: a. baby b. adult c. teenager
What is adult?
In many developing countries people are using solar ovens to heat water and cook food. Solar ovens use energy from the sun. People do not have to coolect wood for fuel or spend money to buy fuel to heat a solar oven. Sunlight is free! The main idea is....
What is solar oven are great for developing countries?
Dr. Calles had worked for years on the project. He put in a considerable amount of research into it. "considerable" means: a. small b. medium c. large
What is large?
What is the homophone for waste?
What is waiste?
Sammy told us an interesting narrative about a family on vacation. The synonym for narrative is: a. lie b. story c. advertisement
What is story?
We live in an imperfect world. The antonym for imperfect is: a. excellent b. flawed c. bad
What is excellent?
Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural objects to clean their teeth. People used candles before the invention the lightbulb. Let's not forget that before the automobile horses did the bulk of traveling. Inventions have made living easier for life in general. The main idea is.....
What is inventions make life easier.
The teacher said that was the last utterance that she wanted to hear out of the group. "utterance" means: a. lie b. something said c. song
What is something said?
What is the homophone for horse?
What is hoarse?
Mrs. Hannon always boast about how great her kids are. The synonym for boast is: a. brag b. criticize c. complain
What is brag?
The woman was discreet, she was very private about her life. The anotnym for discreet is: a. public b. private c. lonely
What is public?