RL.2.5: Craft & Structure ("The Tell-Tale Heart")
RL.2.6: Cultural Experience/POV & Rhetoric (with Poetry)
Central Idea/Theme/Supporting Details/Evidence
Testing Strategies
What is the BEST overall Theme of the story? A.) Time is ticking away. B.) A guilty conscience will overcome you. C.) You cannot trust a Madman. D.) Insane people can be very cunning/clever.
B.) A guilty conscience will overcome you.
"There will I make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies A cap of flowers and a kirtle Embroider'd with all the leaves of myrtle." This stanza from Christopher Marlowe's, "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" uses which Rhetorical Device? A.) Appealing to Emotion (Romance/Love) B.) Hyperbole C.) Exaggeration D.) All of the above
D.) All of the above
Which of the following is a NON-example for Theme and how do you know? A.) Slow and steady wins the race. B.) What goes around comes back around. C.) Studies show crime has decreased in Central Florida in the past year. D.) A guilty conscience will overcome you.
C.) Studies show crime has decreased in Central Florida in the past year. This is a fact/statistic, whereas, a Theme is a moral/lesson/message.
When responding to Written-Response Questions, it is best to use the R.A.C.E. Method. What does the acronym stand for?
R. = Restate the question A. = Answer the question C. = Cite Evidence E. = Explain your answer
Which piece of evidence BEST supports the Theme of the story? A.) "If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body." B.) "He was still sitting up in the bed listening; - just as I have done, night after night, hearkening to the death watches in the wall." C.) "And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the sense?" D.) "Villians!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! -- tear up the planks! here, here! -- it is the beating of his hideous heart!"
D.) "Villians!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! -- tear up the planks! here, here! -- it is the beating of his hideous heart!"
"A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull, Fair lined slippers for the cold With buckles of the purest gold." This stanza from "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" demonstrates what Perspective from the narrator? A.) He expects his woman to be successful B.) He believes women are attracted to money/finer things C.) He feels that his love will marry him for his sweet talk D.) He flaunts his riches
B.) He believes women are attracted to money/finer things
"A student in Seattle, Washington yawns as he stands in his school cafeteria before classes start. Officials at his school voted to adopt an 8:45am start time beginning in the fall of 2016 for all of its high schools and most of its middle schools." Based on this caption, what is the best Central Idea Statement? A.) Students need an earlier bed time. B.) School start times are undergoing some shifts. C.) Parents often dislike adolescent sleep patterns. D.) Teachers work to increase students' academic success. E.) The rain in Seattle, WA makes students drowsy in school.
B.) School start times are undergoing some shifts.
List at least 3 effective test-taking strategies.
Answers may vary. Possible answers may include: Re-read, preview the questions before reading, mark the text/active-reading, use graphic organizers, process of elimination, when in doubt make your best guess (leave nothing blank), notice and eliminate distractions, skip and go back to questions you struggle with, manage your time (read with a purpose), come well-rested and fed
"Hearken! and observe how healthily --how calmly I can tell you the whole story." How does the order of events in the passage affect the meaning of this quotation in the Exposition? A.) The Chronological events following this statement are actually Flashbacks. B.) It shows that this quote is a form of Foreshadowing. C.) The narrator is going to defend his sanity throughout the rest of the text. D.) The events that follow are going to be mysterious.
A.) The Chronological events following this statement are actually Flashbacks.
"If all the world and love were young, And truth in every Shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move, To live with thee, and be thy love." This stanza from Walter Raleigh's, "A Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" indicates what tone? A.) Doubt related to youth and truth B.) A desire to live with her love C.) Confidence that, with honesty, love can last D.) Pleasant and optimistic regarding marriage
A.) Doubt related to youth and truth
"In 1951, Ethel Rosenberg and her husband Julius were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and were consequently sentenced to death. Now, newly released transcripts of the court proceedings provide powerful evidence that Ethel's conviction and execution were based on perjured testimony." What is the Central Idea of this paragraph from "The Case Against Rosenberg Falls Apart"?
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for espionage, but new evidence indicates Ethel may have been innocent.
When taking a Reading Assessment, it is important to make Inferences. What does this mean? A.) "Read between the lines" B.) Use the information given to come to a logical conclusion C.) Both A and B are correct D.) Something else (specify)
C.) Both A and B are correct
How does the narrator's use of Flashback create a sense of Surprise? A.) The narrator begins by defending his sanity, yet as he tells his story, the more insane he seems. B.) The narrator confesses to the police about his crime at the end of the story. C.) The narrator uses Foreshadowing, not Flashback. D.) The narrator having Flashbacks proves he is crazy.
A.) The narrator begins by defending his sanity, yet as he tells his story, the more insane he seems.
In each of the poems, "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" and "A Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd", the British authors express the Central Idea of love in his tone and attitude. Is it really that different from how our modern society and culture expresses love? Explain.
No. For years and years, people worldwide have drastic feelings about love, whether highly optimistic (like Marlowe) or extremely pessimistic (like Raleigh).
Explain the difference between relevant and irrelevant information and their impact when identifying the Central Idea.
Irrelevant Information is unimportant information or details that do not contribute to the Central Idea. Relevant Information is important information that is used to determine the Central Idea. (The Sound Evidence/Supporting Details).
Sample Prompt: "What is the overall argument in the text and the evidence that is used to support the claims provided. Include counterclaims addressed and the rebuttals. Is the argument effective? Why or why not?" How many things should be addressed in the response? (Specify).
7 Items total. 1.) Overall argument 2.) Evidence 3.) Claims 4.) Counterclaims 5.) Rebuttals 6.) Effective? 7.) Why/why not?
The narrator claimed to hear the beating of the old man's heart during the nights he'd watch him sleep. The narrator again heard the beating of the old man's heart beneath the floorboards, causing him to confess to his murder. This is an example of what? A.) Foreshadowing B.) Flashback C.) Rhetoric D.) Perspective
A.) Foreshadowing
Explain how the narrator/author of "A Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" feels about love. Then, give details from the text to support your answer.
Doubting and reluctant (pessimistic/negative). Details may vary.