Context Clues
Point of View
Main Idea
Text Organizations

This adventure made the travelers more anxious than ever to get out of the forest, and they walked so fast that Dorothy became tired, and had to ride on the Lion's back. 

Anxious most likely means 

a) peaceful  b) eager  c) exciting d) awakened

What is an eager?


Which point of view is this passage written in?

 My teacher is making us write a story. I love to write stories. Every day after school, I like to sit at my desk and write. My dream is to become a famous author. 

What is first person?


Howie finished multiplying the fractions and turned in his worksheet. Mr. Green was making the class sit quietly until the bell. Twenty more minutes were left. Howie watched the clock as the hands moved slowly toward three o’clock. He groaned as he put his head on his desk but jerked back up when Mr. Green’s voice suddenly broke the silence. “Okay, class! I have your tests graded. Overall, I’m very pleased with how you all did. Some of you, however, need to study a bit harder,” Mr. Green said as he passed out the papers. Howie had studied every night for a whole week. He was positive that he had made an A. Mr. Green came and placed his test facedown on his desk. Howie turned it over excitedly, but his grin quickly turned to a frown. As he stared at his grade, a huge knot formed in his stomach. 

Why does Howie groan and put his head on his desk? 

A. He is upset about his bad grade. 

B. He feels sick after taking a test. 

C. He is bored after finishing his work.

 D. He does not want to talk to his teacher.

What is He is upset about his bad grade?


Killer whales are sometimes called the "wolves of the sea." They are predators; they need to eat other animals to live. Like wolves, they work together in groups. If you're a porpoise or a big fish, a killer whale looks mean because it wants to eat you. If you're a killer whale, then you hope that the porpoise or big fish doesn't get away. If it does, then you have to go hungry. 

What is the main idea of the paragraph? 

A. Killer whales chase big fish. 

B. Killer whales are harmless. 

C. Killer whales are predators. 

D. Killer whales live in groups.

What is Killer whales are predators?


Skiing vs. Snowboarding Unlike the sport of skiing, snowboarding does not involve the use of poles. In skiing, the skier’s feet are strapped to separate skis, and he or she can change direction using the poles. In snowboarding, on the other hand, the feet are strapped to a single board of fiberglass or wood. The snowboarder must steer by leaning in the direction he or she wants to go, as a skateboarder does. Whereas most skiers compete by racing against each other on different courses, most snowboarders compete with freestyle tricks or great feats of acrobatics.

 How is this passage organized? 

A. sequence 

B. cause and effect 

C. compare and contrast 

D. question and answer

What is compare and contrast?


The hats of the men were blue; the little woman's hat was white, and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders. Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds. 

Glistened most likely means 

a) melted  b) heated  c) sparkled  d) dissolved

What is sparkled?


Which of the following sentences is an example of a writer using third-person point of view? 

A. Paul and I had a basketball game yesterday and won.

 B. You played basketball yesterday and won the game. 

C. We played against Paul and Gary yesterday and lost. 

D. Paul and Gary had a basketball game yesterday and won.

What is Paul and Gary had a basketball game yesterday and won?


"You always want to do what I do, Polly thought. She sighed and leaned over to talk to her sister eye-to-eye. 'You're too little to run a business like me. You just have to sit quietly and watch.' "

 What does the paragraph above suggest?

 A. Polly wants to help her little sister.

 B. Polly needs to learn to run a business. 

C. Polly thinks her sister is annoying. 

D. Polly likes to play with her sister.

What is Polly thinks her sister is annoying?


Do you know where to find Italy on a map? Italy juts out from the European continent. It sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea. It is shaped like a high-heeled boot. The toe is pointed to the island of Sicily. There are important islands to its west. To the north are France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. Some countries lie to the east and some are found across the water.

 Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that Italy is surrounded by water? 

A. It is shaped like a high-heeled boot. 

B. The toe is pointed to the island of Sicily

. C. Do you know where to find Italy on a map? 

D. It sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea.

What is It sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea?


Droughts occur when there is not enough water to meet people’s basic needs. Since water is such an essential part of life, droughts trigger a chain reaction of disasters. Without water, farmers have trouble producing crops and feeding livestock. A decrease in crop production and livestock occurs, and this leads to not enough food. Without moisture to hold down the soil, wind can easily pick up mounds of dirt and sand. An increase in dust storms occurs, and this leads to increased breathing problems for humans. Wildfires are also common in times of drought. They destroy precious plants and animal habitats. 

How is this passage organized?

 A. compare and contrast 

B. chronological order

 C. cause and effect 

D. description

What is cause and effect?


As for the Scarecrow, having no brains, he walked straight ahead, and so stepped into the holes and fell at full length on the hard bricks. It never hurt him, however, and Dorothy would pick him up and set him upon his feet again, while he joined her in laughing merrily at his own mishap. 

Merrily most likely means 

a) cheerfully   b) sadly  c) dejectedly   d) regrettably

What is cheerfully?


Which of the following sentences is an example of a writer using first-person point of view? 

A. You need to go to New York next summer. 

B. My family and I went to New York last summer. 

C. Paul's family went to New York last summer. 

D. New York is a wonderful place to visit.

What is My family and I went to New York last summer.


Mr. Killian's class could be heard from the lobby of the school. His students laughed at his jokes and funny voices. A couple students were walking by his door and stopped to see what was happening. Mr. Killian wanted his students to like reading great novels. To make them interesting, he would sometimes act out the books using funny props and voices. The students paid attention in his class and even made good grades on his tests. He also gave each student individual attention and made each feel special. When he walked down the hall, Mr. Killian was greeted with smiles and high fives. Even the other teachers had nothing but nice things to say about Mr. Killian.

 Based on the passage, How would you characterize Mr. Killian

A. Kind and greedy

B. Caring and selfish

C. Funny and mean

d) friendly and creative

What is friendly and creative?


The ring you sometimes see around the sun or moon is called a halo. It is believed to be caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny ice crystals very high in the sky. High clouds of ice crystals in the sky are called cirrus clouds or cirrostratus if they form a layer. These often form in front of warm fronts that bring rain. That means a halo around the sun or moon is often a warning that rain may come. 

The passage is mainly about 

A. the reasons the sun rises. 

B. how halos are formed. 

C. a warning that rain may come.

 D. warm fronts that bring rain.

What is how halos are formed?


Gary woke up late on Monday, the first day of summer. He had a busy day ahead. He threw on a pair of old shorts and a dirty T-shirt sporting the logo of his favorite BMX team. After running his hands through his hair to give himself that “just out of bed” look and he ran downstairs and ate breakfast. After a nutritious breakfast of left-over pizza and a can of soda, which Gary's mother thought was absolutely horrible, he hopped into the garage and jumped on his bike. He rode down the street and over to his friend Kevin’s house. Gary knocked on the front door. Kevin’s mother answered it and told Gary that Kevin had several chores to do around the house before he could come out to play. Gary got back on his bike and rode home.

How does the author organize this passage?

 A. problem and solution 

B. compare and contrast 

C. question and answer 

D. sequence

What is sequence?


"We will!" cried all the mice, in a shrill chorus. And then they scampered in all directions, for Toto had awakened from his sleep, and seeing all these mice around him he gave one bark of delight and jumped right into the middle of the group. 

Scampered most likely means 

a) paused   b) dashed     c) dilly-dallied    d) swayed

What is dashed?


Which point of view is this passage written in?

Mr. and Mrs. Patterson live in a cozy home with their five teenage girls. The problem is that they only have one bathroom. The Patterson girls fight over the bathroom every morning.

What is third person?


Stars are in the sky. Long ago, people used the stars to know how to get to different places. They did not have clocks like we do today. Sailors used the stars to know where to sail. People used to places that stars are at in the sky to help them know when to plant seeds. 

Which one is most likely true? 

a. Stars were too big in the sky. 

b. Stars were better long ago. 

c. Stars were very important to people.

What is Stars were very important to people?


The solar system is made of our Sun and everything that travels around it. Our solar system is elliptical. This means it is shaped like an egg. The Sun is in the center of the solar system. Our solar system is always moving. Eight planets and their moons orbit the Sun. Comets, asteroids, and other space objects also move around the Sun. The Sun is the biggest object in our solar system. It has more than 99% of the solar system's mass. Astronomers think the solar system is over 4 billion years old. 

Which would be the best title of the passage?

 A. Comets and Moons

 B. Eight Planets 

C. The Solar System

 D. The Sun's Mass

What is The Solar System?


Recycling and Waste Have you looked in your garbage? Did you know you throw away many things that can be saved? You can help cut down garbage and help the environment. If we did simple things, we could lower landfills. If we reused glass, we could lower landfills by almost 10%. We can’t throw things away anymore. It must be managed. It may not affect us for a good twenty years, but it will affect our children and our children's children. There are still many advantages to waste management. Today, more and more people like companies who invest in "green products". These companies take out phosphates, bleaches, and have made their paper out of recycled papers. At home, families, are saving things, like leftovers, and making sandwiches for the next day. Some card companies even make Christmas cards out of recycled paper. They do this because it takes 20 trees to make a ton of cards. Small businesses are doing Christmas tree pickups. They use the trees again. This helps to stop erosion in stream beds. Some use the trees as fertilizer. People are starting to see a problem. We are beginning to deal with it. We can make the world a cleaner place for future generations. 

How is this passage organized? 

A. cause and effect

 B. sequence 

C. problem and solution

 D. compare and contrast

What is problem and solution?


"Where is the Emerald City?" he inquired. "And who is Oz?" 

Inquired most likely means 

a) questioned    b) yelled    c) whispered   d) giggled

What is questioned?


If people eat foods on which bacteria are growing, they can get sick. The reader can tell the sentence above is written in third person because 

A. the writer uses the pronoun "they."

 B. the writer doesn't use the word "he."

 C. the writer talks about his or her life.

 D. the writer talks about bacteria.

What is the writer uses the pronoun "they."


Long ago, some families went to new states. They were given land for a small fee. On the land, the people could plant their own foods. They had to make their own homes too. It took many hours to pull up weeds. It also took a long time to cut grass too. 

What is most likely true? 

a. People had to work hard on their new land.

 b. Life is the same today as it was long ago.

 c. There were only a few people that cut grass

What is People had to work hard on their new land?


Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success. 

The main idea of this passage is: 

A. The Wright Brothers worked hard. 

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.

 C. Inventors build kites and bicycles. 

D. The first flight was in 1903.

What is The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.?


Jaguars are big cats. They are related to lions, tigers, and leopards. Some people confuse leopards and jaguars. You might ask, "How can you confuse these animals?" The answer is simple: some jaguars are spotted and look similar to leopards. Jaguars are very different animals though. So what do most jaguars look like? Jaguars look a lot like leopards, but they act a lot like tigers. Some jaguars look completely black, but they have spots if you look closely. Jaguars that are all black are often called panthers, but they are actually jaguars. 

How is this passage organized?

 A. description 

B. cause and effect 

C. sequence 

D. compare and contrast

What is description?
