Fact or Opinion
Author's Purpose
Unknown Words
Persuasive Text

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.



What are the two things we use when making an inference?

a) context clues

b) a dictionary

c) background knowledge

d) table of contents

Answer A and C


What are the three kinds of author's purpose? 

(Hint: P.I.E)

Persuade, Inform, Entertain


I need to redo the assignment to fix my grade.  What does the word redo mean?

a) Throw it away

b) Turn it in

c) Do it again

d) Copy off my friend

C) Do it again


What are the two things persuasive text needs?

A) A Claim

B) Characters

C) Setting

D) Evidence

A and D) A claim and evidence


Soccer is the best sport to play.



For a costume party I dressed up in an outfit that was orange and black.  It had fur on it.  I had to wear pointy ears and a tail.  What was I?

A tiger


The Three Little Pigs is an example of...

a) persuade

b) inform

c) entertain

C) entertain


My father will ignite the fire so we can roast marshmallows.  What does ignite mean?

A) Put out

B) Start

C) See

D) Extinguish

B) Start


The claim is...

A) The problem of the story 

B) What the author is trying to convince the reader

C) An inference

D) A poem

B) What the author is trying to convince the reader


Hot cheetos are so spicy to eat.



When I looked outside I knew I was going to be mad because my car windows were down.  I grabbed something to cover up before running to close them before the inside got wet.  What's happening outside?

It's raining.


If a passage is using facts to support the author's opinion, this is a type of...

a) persuade

b) inform

c) entertain

d) none of the above

A) Persuade

Not many people were buying the old video game so the price was reduced and then it ended up selling out. What does reduced mean?

A) Went down

B) Went up

C) Free

D) Expensive

A) Went down


True or false. Evidence is the opinion the author gives about a certain topic.

False, evidence is the facts the author gives to prove their opinion.


Choose the sentence that is a fact.

  1. New York City is the most exciting city on earth!
  2. New York City is made up of five boroughs.
  3. If you can succeed in New York, you can succeed anywhere.
  4. New York City is much too crowded and noisy.

Answer B


The girl walked into her classroom on the first day of third grade. She spent most of the summer getting settled in her house.  Today, she felt shy and nervous as she found the desk with her name on it. She looked around at the unfamiliar faces and wondered if she would find a best friend.  Why is she nervous?

She just moved to somewhere new.

A passage explaining who Martin Luther King was and why he was important is an example of....

a) persuade

b) inform

c) entertain

d) a movie

b) Inform


I thought the store was closed because it was barren. Even though yesterday there were so many people here.  What does barren mean?

A) Packed

B) Torn down

C) Empty

D) Poppin'

C) Empty


What's an example of persuasive text?

A) Little Red Riding Hood

B) A book all about frogs

C) An ad about why recycling is good

D) Biography about Lebron James

C) An ad about why recycling is good


My brother found a little puppy in the middle of the street today. He was shivering so my brother wrapped him in a blanket. Mom said that we can not keep him because he belongs to another family. He is the cutest puppy I have ever seen! I do not want to give him back.

Which sentence from the paragraph above is an OPINION?

a) My brother found a little puppy in the middle of the street today.

b) He is the cutest puppy I have ever seen!

c) Mom said that we can not keep him because he belongs to another family.

d) He was shivering so my brother wrapped him in a blanket.

Answer B


Each day, before Renee goes to work, she puts on her brown uniform and sturdy work boots. She has to get to work early because a lot of creatures, big and small, are counting on her for their breakfast. Later in the day, she will make sure their habitats are clean. Sometimes she gets dirty at work, but she enjoys seeing all the people who come to visit, peeking through fences and windows as she works. Where does she work?

The zoo


We have a big decision to make. We can use cloth, paper, or plastic bags. I choose cloth because paper uses trees, and plastic uses petroleum; so, we should use cloth. Cloth bags are easy to take with you and use again and again. We need to keep our earth clean, so let’s use cloth. Remember, recycle and reuse.

Is this an example of persuasive, inform, or entertain>



She was sick so her voice was almost inaudible so we had to listen to her very carefully. What does inaudible mean?

A) Loud and easy to hear

B) Soft and hard to hear

C) Soft and easy to hear

D) Loud and hard to hear

B) Soft and hard to hear


If an author writes that kids should get extra recess throughout the day, who would they most likely be writing to?

A) Parents

B) Teachers

C) Bus Driver

D) Kids

B) Teachers
