Main Idea
Character Traits
Character, Plot, and Setting
Figurative Language
Reading Comprehension
I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lay down. He can always wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don’t know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks. What is the main idea? A. Boots is my dog. B. Boots can sit. C. Boots is very smart. D. Most dogs can’t dance
What is ... C. Boots is very smart
Grace left her homework and assignment notebook in the hall after school. Grace is... A. forgetful B. fearful C. confused
What is ...A. forgetful
When Lee work up Saturday morning, rain was pouring down outside. He was planning to have an outdoor party that afternoon. Lee and his mom and dad listened to the weather report, but the report said there would be rain all weekend. “Oh, no!” Lee cried to his dad. “This rain ruins everything! On Monday I invited all my friends from school to the party. I promised them we would play ball and run races outside and that you would grill hot dogs for supper.” “And on Friday morning, I bought all the food to grill,” Mom said. When does the story take place? A. Monday evening B. Saturday morning C. Friday morning D. Tuesday night
What is ..... B. Saturday morning
Figurative language is used in writing to make the writing more interesting. A. True B. False
What is... A. True
Sammy and Nip Sammy and Nip are two cats. They are friends. Sammy is a white cat. He is white all over. Nip has black fur, and her paws are gray. Sammy and Nip like to play. One cat hides. The other is the hunter. Sammy likes to hide in the snow. Since Sammy is white, Nip cannot find Sammy in the snow. Nip likes to hide at night. Nip is black, so Sammy cannot find Nip when it is dark. When one cat finds the other, both cats howl! They run and race until they are tired. Then they clean their paws. And then they hide and hunt again! Nip hides at night because ___. A. she is scared. B. her fur is black. C. her fur is gray.
What is ... B. Her fur is black
Mount Rushmore is a huge carving in the side of a stone cliff. The carving is of four U.S. presidents. The presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. The main idea of this story is? A) Where Mount Rushmore is B) What Mount Rushmore is C) The name of the presidents D) How many presidents the U.S. has had
What is ... B. What Mount Rushmore is
When Jackie’s grandma was sick, Miss Nelson gave her another day to do her homework. A. stubborn B. understanding C. tough Without
What is ... B. Understanding
When Lee work up Saturday morning, rain was pouring down outside. He was planning to have an outdoor party that afternoon. Lee and his mom and dad listened to the weather report, but the report said there would be rain all weekend. “Oh, no!” Lee cried to his dad. “This rain ruins everything! On Monday I invited all my friends from school to the party. I promised them we would play ball and run races outside and that you would grill hot dogs for supper.” “And on Friday morning, I bought all the food to grill,” Mom said. What is the problem in this story? A. Lee forgot to invite his friends to the party. B. The children don’t want to play ball at Lee’s party. C. The rain will spoil Lee’s party plans to play outside. D. The children do not want to eat hot dogs at Lee’s party.
What is ... C. The rain will spoil Lee's party plans to play outside.
A type of figurative language that uses the beginning sound in words repeatedly in a phrase or sentence is called __. A. metaphor B. personification C. alliteration D. onomatopoeia e. simile
What is .... C. Alliteration Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers
Sammy and Nip Sammy and Nip are two cats. They are friends. Sammy is a white cat. He is white all over. Nip has black fur, and her paws are gray. Sammy and Nip like to play. One cat hides. The other is the hunter. Sammy likes to hide in the snow. Since Sammy is white, Nip cannot find Sammy in the snow. Nip likes to hide at night. Nip is black, so Sammy cannot find Nip when it is dark. When one cat finds the other, both cats howl! They run and race until they are tired. Then they clean their paws. And then they hide and hunt again! What is the story about? A. Sammy hiding from Nip B. Sammy and Nip playing C. Sammy wanting black fur
What is... B. Sammy and Nip playing
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? What is the Main Idea of this alliteration? A) Who is Peter Piper B) Why is Peter Piper picking peppers C) Picking Peppers D) What an alliteration is
What is ... C. Picking Peppers
Tara could see her neighbor was struggling, so she shoveled the snow off the driveway for her. A. kindness B. honesty C. evil
What is ... A. Kindness
When Lee work up Saturday morning, rain was pouring down outside. He was planning to have an outdoor party that afternoon. Lee and his mom and dad listened to the weather report, but the report said there would be rain all weekend. “Oh, no!” Lee cried to his dad. “This rain ruins everything! On Monday I invited all my friends from school to the party. I promised them we would play ball and run races outside and that you would grill hot dogs for supper.” “And on Friday morning, I bought all the food to grill,” Mom said. Who are the characters in this story?
What is ... D. Dad, Mom and Lee
The simile, "He is as hungry as a horse" means A. He is a horse B. He eats like a horse C. He is really hungry
What is... C. He is really hungry
Doodles the Wonder Dog There once was a dog named Doodles. He could do things other dogs could not do. He could talk to other animals. He could swim on his back. He was a wonder dog. One day Doodles was swimming on his back in a pond and he saw two little ducklings. They were lost. Doodles said, “Climb up on my chest and rest. I will find your mother for you.” Doodles swam around the pond until he found the mother duck. Doodles said, “Are you looking for these ducklings?” Doodles the Wonder Dog There once was a dog named Doodles. He could do things other dogs could not do. He could talk to other animals. He could swim on his back. He was a wonder dog. One day Doodles was swimming on his back in a pond and he saw two little ducklings. They were lost. Doodles said, “Climb up on my chest and rest. I will find your mother for you.” Doodles swam around the pond until he found the mother duck. Doodles said, “Are you looking for these ducklings?” This story is mostly about A. Doodles. B. the mother duck. C. the ducklings
What is ... A. Doodles
Please come home soon! I miss you so much Maria. I can't sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your soft sweet voice and see your quiet brown eyes. I miss the special way you like to eat your spaghetti with your fingers. Please come home soon! What is the main idea in this paragraph?
What is ... Maria is missed
Justin’s voice could be heard in the other room as he bossed the younger children around. A. obnoxious B. trusty C. touchy
What is ... A. Obnoxious
As soon as she got home from school, Linda went into the kitchen. She wanted to bake cupcakes for her teacher and her class. She got out the cupcake pan and a mixing bowl. Then she opened the cupboard to get the cake mix. “Oh, no,” she thought. “I don’t see any cake mix.” When Linda’s mom came into the kitchen, Linda told her they were out of cake mix. “I promised to bring cupcakes tomorrow,” she said. Don’t worry, Linda. We’ll go to the store right now. Then we can make the cupcakes together when we get home,” Mom said Where does the story take place?
What is ... Linda's Kitchen
What does this idiom mean? "She is as sick as a dog" A. She is really sick B. Her dog is sick and needs to go to the vet C. She is sick because her dog made her sick.
What is ... A. She is really sick
Cindy Goes to the Beach “For our vacation, we are going to the beach,” said Cindy’s father. “Would you like to invite a friend to go, too?” “I want to ask my friend Sue,” said Cindy. “What will we do at the beach?” “We can swim in the water,” said her father. “We can play in the sand. We can gather seashells and rocks. Then we can put them in baskets.” “Will we drive the car to the beach?” Cindy asked her father. “Yes,” he said. “We will get to the beach in time for lunch.” “Then we can have a picnic on the beach,” said Cindy. “Sue and I will pack a picnic lunch!” “That will be fun!” said Cindy’s father. What will most likely happen next in the story? A. Cindy’s father will pack a picnic. B. Cindy will ask Sue to go to the beach. C. Cindy will pack her clothes.
What is ... B. Cindy will ask Sue to go to the beach.
Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind! Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier. What is the main idea in this paragraph?
What is... Someday we will have robots that will be our personal servants.
If you say up, Johnny will say down; if you say yes, Johnny will say no. A. thoughtful B. creative C. disagreeable
What is ... C. disagreeable
As soon as she got home from school, Linda went into the kitchen. She wanted to bake cupcakes for her teacher and her class. She got out the cupcake pan and a mixing bowl. Then she opened the cupboard to get the cake mix. “Oh, no,” she thought. “I don’t see any cake mix.” When Linda’s mom came into the kitchen, Linda told her they were out of cake mix. “I promised to bring cupcakes tomorrow,” she said. Don’t worry, Linda. We’ll go to the store right now. Then we can make the cupcakes together when we get home,” Mom said Who is the main character in this story?
What is ... Linda
A type of figurative language that compares one thing to another thing using the words "like" or "as" is called a ___. A. alliteration B. simile C. idiom
What is.... B. Simile
Cindy Goes to the Beach “For our vacation, we are going to the beach,” said Cindy’s father. “Would you like to invite a friend to go, too?” “I want to ask my friend Sue,” said Cindy. “What will we do at the beach?” “We can swim in the water,” said her father. “We can play in the sand. We can gather seashells and rocks. Then we can put them in baskets.” “Will we drive the car to the beach?” Cindy asked her father. “Yes,” he said. “We will get to the beach in time for lunch.” “Then we can have a picnic on the beach,” said Cindy. “Sue and I will pack a picnic lunch!” “That will be fun!” said Cindy’s father. Which of these things will happen first? A. Cindy will go to the beach. B. Cindy will gather shells. C. Cindy will pack a picnic.
What is .... A. Cindy will go to the beach