Text Evidence and Making Inferences
Theme and Summarizing Text
Character Traits and POV
Vocabulary and Mythology
Poetry and Drama

(1) Because the class was well-behaved, Miss Young handed out candy.  (2) She encouraged her students to share it with students from other classes during lunch.  (3) Parker shared with Lexie and Audrey.  (4) Dylan ate all of his candy before lunch so he wouldn’t have to share it.  (5) Carter shared with his friend, Joshua.

What sentence contains information about someone who is greedy?

A.  Sentence 2

B.  Sentence 3

C.  Sentence 4

D.  Sentence 5

(4) Dylan ate all of his candy before lunch so he wouldn’t have to share it.


Audra couldn’t wait to start her summer job.  She wanted one for years!  Unfortunately, she didn’t like getting up early.  She also didn’t like standing up all day.  At the end of the summer, she realized she missed out on a lot of fun.

What is the theme of this story?

A.  Work hard to reach your goals in life.

B.  Be careful what you wish for.

C.  A girl learns a lesson.  

D.  Be kind to others.

B.  Be careful what you wish for.


The door opened with a bang.

“I know you are in there!” screamed Lizzy.

Silence filled  the room.  Aubrey was hiding under her bed.

“Gottcha!” yelled Lizzy as she looked under the bed.

“I like hide and seek!” laughed Aubrey.

Which is the point of view?

A.  1st person

B.  3rd person

B.  3rd person


Grant truly enjoyed going to the movies.  He loved the smell of popcorn, and the hushed sound before the previews started as people waited in anticipation. But most of all, he loved getting lost in a good movie.  That is why his is a frequent visitor of the movie theater.  

What does “frequent” mean?

A.  To visit often

B.  To visit once in a while

C.  To visit everyday

D.  To visit with happiness

A.  To visit often


Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

What is the rhyme scheme?  




(1) Layla was running late.  (2) She grabbed her books and ran to the car. (3) She started backing out of the driveway, and suddenly stopped. (4) She ran back inside and got her raincoat and umbrella.  (5) She went back into the car and drove away.

What can you infer about this situation?  

A.  Layla arrived early.  

B.  Layla forgot her books.  

C.  Layla saw a squirrel in her driveway.    

D.  Layla noticed that it was going to rain.

D.  Layla noticed that it was going to rain.

(4) She ran back inside and got her raincoat and umbrella.


Jackson listened in math class every day.  He took long notes.  When he was unsure of something, he always asked the teacher to explain it to him.  He studied every night, even on the weekend.  At the end of the semester, he received an A.

What is a summary of this passage?

A.  Jackson always asked a question if she was unsure of something.

B.  Jackson got an A in her math class.

C.  Jackson spent many nights studying for math class.

D.  Jackson worked hard at math all semester and got an A.

D.  Jackson worked hard at math all semester and got an A.


Miss Young called out the names of her students on the first day of school.  Matthew made a joke when his name was called.  Olivia said “here”, but you could barely hear her voice, and she was looking at the ground.  Caleb laughed when his name was called, and asked if he could change his seat.

What is the BEST character trait for Olivia?

A.  Outgoing

B.  Timid

C.  Enthusiastic

D.  Short-tempered 

B.  Timid


Camden loved playing board games. He loved Monopoly, Uno, and Battleship, just to name a few. He was very good at these games as well.  People said he had the Midas touch.

What does it mean to have the “Midas touch”?

A.  To own a lot of board games
B.  To be very good at sports
C.  To have a lot of gold.
D.  To be very lucky.  

D.  To be very lucky.  


What do you call the beat in a poem?

A.  Stanza

B.  Quatrain  

C.  Tone

D.  Meter

D.  Meter


(1) The sign-up sheet for basketball tryouts was on the gym door.  (2) Braxton noticed it as he was walking back to class.  (3) That night, he finished all of his homework quickly.
(4) He spent two hours practicing basketball.  
(5) Afterwards, he sat on his couch and watched a basketball game with his father for a few minutes.

What sentence contains the BEST proof that Braxton wants to make the team?

A.  Sentence 2

B.  Sentence 3

C.  Sentence 4

D.  Sentence 5

C.  Sentence 4

(4) He spent two hours practicing basketball.


Brian was taught right from wrong.  Unfortunately, he didn’t listen.  When he went to Walmart, he stole a Snickers bar. They caught him right away.  He got in really big trouble.  He wishes he never did that.

What is the theme?

A.  Be careful what you wish for.
B.  Crime doesn’t pay.
C.  Work hard to succeed in life.
D.  Love conquers all.  

B.  Crime doesn’t pay.


Stan said something to Julian that hurt his feelings. Julian moved his tray to another table, pretending not to show his emotions.

Mara saw it all, but didn’t hear what was said.  She moved her tray to Julian's table.  Before long, they were laughing and joking.

Stan walked by and said something else.  Mara and Julian put their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing.  Stan walked away, his mission was not accomplished this time!

What character trait did Mara?

A.  Compassion

B.  Sadness

C.  Anger

D.  Cruelty

A.  Compassion


Micah checked the new baseball team list searching for his name. He really hoped that he made the team.  He felt confident walking up to the list, but now that he was here, he felt peculiar. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to finish looking at the list now. Perhaps he will wait until lunchtime to check and see if he made the team.

What does “peculiar” mean?
A.  Negative
B.  Enthusiastic  
C.  Strange
D.  Hopeless 

C.  Strange


What drama term is this describing?

A playwright's comments that provide information about the dialogue, setting, and action of a play.

Stage Directions


(1) I had so much fun with Jaxon last night!  (2) We met on the corner near the gas station.  (3) We bought tickets and some popcorn.  (4) Afterward, we made plans to see each other soon. (5) I was home and in my bed by 10 o’clock.  

What sentence shows where they spent the evening?

(Using an inference)

A.  Sentence 2

B.  Sentence 3

C.  Sentence 4

D.  Sentence 5

B. Sentence 3

3) We bought tickets and some popcorn.


Mother was upset because the house was a mess, and the company was arriving soon.  Ellie picked up all of the toys.  Connor dusted the dining room table and vacuumed the rugs.  Ryker cleaned the bathrooms. Mother smiled with relief.  

What is the theme of this story?

A.  Children should pick up their own toys.

B.  May did most of the work.

C.  Mother expected too much from her children.  

D.  Much can be accomplished if everyone works together.

D.  Much can be accomplished if everyone works together.


Ms Horn went from row to row handing back the essays. Grace obviously got an A, since she did a fist pump when she saw her paper.  Nicki quickly put the paper away, so no one could see it.  I hope I get a good grade.  Here she comes!

What is the point of view?

A.  1st Person
B.  3rd Person

A.  1st Person


“Why do I have to study?”  ask Kai.

“So you can succeed,” said her mother.  “It is important to spend time studying in order to do well. Most people can’t get A’s without studying.

“Okay, Mom,” replied Kai.  “I’ll get started.”

What is a synonym for “important”?

A.  Tradition

B.  Essential

C.  Precious

D.  Venture

B.  Essential


What drama term is this describing?

Words spoken by an actor during a play is called...



(1)Brielle called in sick.  (2) She packed everything that she needed.  (3) After searching for a few minutes, she found a place to park.  (4) Brielle really enjoyed her day off.  (5) The next day she came to work with sunburn.  (6) Her friends noticed right away.  

What can you infer about Brielle day?

A.  Brielle spent the day going to the doctor.

B.  Brielle spent the day moving to another place.

C.  Brielle spent the day looking for a parking space.

D.  Brielle spent the day at the beach.  

D. Brielle spent the day at the beach.

(She came to work with sunburn the next day.)


Henry got a 2,500 piece puzzle for his birthday.  He worked on it every night.  At first, he only had the corners done.  But after a few weeks, he was able to fit all of the pieces together to form the puzzle.  He was very pleased with his success.  

What is a summary of this passage?

A.  Henry got a puzzle for his birthday.

B.  Building puzzles is impossible.

C.  Henry worked very hard to complete his puzzle.

D.  Building a puzzle takes two weeks.

C.  Henry worked very hard to complete his puzzle.


Jessica wanted to be a good student like her older sister, Annie. Annie always got A’s, whereas Jessica mostly received B’s. Jessica asked her sister for help. Annie taught her how to take good notes, and what to study every night.  By the end of the year, Jessica had mostly A’s!  Annie was very proud of the progress Jessica made. 

What character trait did Jessica gain?

a. determination

b. courage

c. kindness

d. sneakiness 

Determination. She was determined to succeed and she did!

Other answer acceptable as long as there is evidence.


Bob called math his Achilles’ heel. He didn’t have any trouble in history, language arts, or science.  Math, on the other hand,  was another story.

What is an “Achilles’ heel”?

An Achilles’ heel is a weak spot. It is a mythology reference.  


Name 4 features of poetry and three features of drama.


Stanza, line, white space, rhyme, rhythm, meter, theme, setting, description, etc.


dialogue, stage directions, props, setting, script, description, cast, etc.
