Reading Literature
Reading Literature
Reading Literature
Reading Informational/Literature
Reading Informational

I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows. / I am who I am, from my head to my toes. / I tend to get loud when speaking my mind. / Even a little crazy some of the time. / I'm not a size 5 and don't care to be. / You can be you and I can be me.                    

Which word BEST describes the speaker of the poem?

A. Charitable

B. Despondent

C. Devious

D. Confident   

D. Confident


(1) She didn’t mind that she sat on the bus all day.  (2) Her daily work was not of the sitting-down kind, so it was a good break. (3) She started this trip on a Sunday at nine in the morning. (4) Because of the waiting times between buses, it took her until about two in the afternoon to arrive in Dublin. (5) Doree had to take the bus to Dublin.                                 These sentences are out of order.  

What is the correct order?

A. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3

B. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

C. 5, 3, 4, 1, 2

D. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1  

C. 5, 3, 4, 1, 2


Which element of plot adds complications to the conflict and increases reader interest? 

A. Resolution

B. Conflict

C. Exposition

D. Falling Action

E. Rising Action 

E. Rising Action 


(1) The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press. (2) It also protects the right to peaceful protest and to petition the government. (3) Landmark Supreme Court cases have dealt with the right of citizens to protest U.S. involvement in foreign wars. (4) The amendment itself was adopted in 1791. (5) Flag burning and the publication of classified government documents have also been the subjects of Supreme Court cases.

Which two sentences contain controversial details? 

A. Sentence 2

B. Sentence 3 

C. Sentence 4

D. Sentence 5 

B. Sentence 3

D. Sentence 5  


While most of us think “butcher-block” when we hear wood countertops, there's a case to made for various hardwoods like maple, mahogany, and cherry, as well as current popular choices like madrone.Not only do these time-honored materials add a warm, cozy feel to any style kitchen, they can be refinished numerous times and will age beautifully. Cost ranges from $30–$100 per square foot.

What can be inferred about hardwood countertops?

A. They increase the overall temperature of a room.

B. Mahogany is more popular than madrone.

C. They will last a long time.

D. “Butcher-block” is more expensive than hardwood.

C. They will last a long time.


Samantha wanted a new cell phone.  She worked all summer at the local Dairy Queen.  She wasn’t able to attend parties, movies, or beach trips because she worked so many hours.  By September 1st she had enough money to purchase the phone.  When she got it home, she realized it wasn’t much different than the one she had.                                                   

Which is the BEST theme?

A. Work hard to achieve goals in life.

B. A young girl works all summer for a cell phone. 

C. People should never work summer jobs.

D. Be careful what you wish for.

D. Be careful what you wish for.


I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows. / I am who I am, from my head to my toes. / I tend to get loud when speaking my mind. / Even a little crazy some of the time. / I'm not a size 5 and don't care to be. / You can be you and I can be me.                      

Which word BEST describes the speaker of the poem?  

A. Charitable

B. Despondent

C. Confident

D. Devious 

C. Confident


Also known as the denouement, this element of plot ties up loose ends. 

A. Resolution

B. Conflict

C. Exposition

D. Falling Action

D. Rising Action 

A. Resolution 


"Life is a highway that takes us through green pastures, vast deserts, and rocky mountains. Sometimes your car breaks down or you run out of gas, and sometimes you get lost. Friends are the roadmaps that help you get where you're going."                                                                                What is this paragraph an example of? 

A. Hyphenated modifiers

B. Historical Allusion

C. Extended Metaphor

D. Literary Allusion

C. Extended Metaphor


“Dog owners can make dog parks better by not allowing their dogs to congregate at entrances and exits. Often, owners let their dogs excitedly rush up to any new dog who comes in, often resulting in a fight. Another way to make the park experience better is to keep moving with the dogs. Instead of standing around in clumps, move around. Often, if the owners keep moving, the dogs will, too.”

Circle TWO central ideas found in this text.

A. Dogs like to fight with each other.

B. Dogs shouldn’t gather at entrances and exits.

C. Owners should keep their dogs mobile, instead of stationary.

D. Owners need exercise just as much as their dogs need it.

B. Dogs shouldn’t gather at entrances and exits.

C. Owners should keep their dogs mobile, instead of stationary.


We’ve all had that spark of inspiration where we’ve wanted to do something that will outlast our physical form. Then we share the idea with friends, family and work colleagues and get told to quit while we’re ahead. I’m telling you not to quit. I’m telling you that you are capable of making worldwide change. I began blogging in 2014 and thought it was only going to be a side hobby that was a bit of fun. Fast forward to now and I’m reaching millions of people a month and inspiring people to live a better life and help others along the way. If I can do it, you can too. 

Which is the BEST summary of this excerpt?

A. People should blog about their personal feelings.

B. Ordinary people can make a difference in the world.

C. People who try to stop you from doing something are usually jealous.

D. Everyone needs to commit themselves to a long-term project. 

B. Ordinary people can make a difference in the world.


Tom grabbed his lunch and went to the back of the room.  Bill sat down with him, hitting Ben on the head along the way.  Andrew knocked his napkin off of the table, and stole Ted’s money on the way back up.  Ted didn’t notice.  He laughed about a joke that no one thought was funny.                                             

Which boy can be considered “devious”?

A. Tom

B. Bill

C. Andrew

D. Ted 

C. Andrew


(1) The story opens in Topeka, Kansas, during WWI.  Sarah Elizabeth wants the right to vote.  (2) She cannot understand why she is denied this right.  (3) She participates in many protests over the years. (4) In 1920, women were given the right to vote with the 19th Amendment.  (5) Eventually, women were given additional rights.  (6) Sarah Elizabeth died in 1990, content with the role she played many years earlier for women’s suffrage.                                         

Which sentence represents the climax?

A. Sentence 3

B. Sentence 4

C. Sentence 5

D. Sentence 6

B. Sentence 4


Bob’s letter was as long as War and Peace. Brenda raised her eyebrows, sighed, and worked her way through it. The world does not care to hear your sad stories, Brenda thought. She wondered briefly what she would make for dinner.

What is emphasized with the personification in this excerpt?

A. the length of Bob’s letter

B. how high Brenda raised her eyebrows

C. Brenda’s lack of concern for Bob’s feelings 

D. Brenda’s hunger

C. Brenda’s lack of concern for Bob’s feelings


Persian cats, with their luxurious coats and open pansy-like faces are the number one breed in popularity. Their sweet, gentle, personalities blend into most households once they feel secure in their new environment. Creatures of habit, they are most at home in an atmosphere of security and serenity, but with love and reassurance, can easily adapt to the most boisterous of households.

Which is an objective summary of the excerpt?

A. Persians look like flowers, and have long coats.

B. Persians like noisy, energetic homes rather than quiet ones.

C. Persian is the only cat breed that can handle noisy households.

D. Persian cats are very popular, and can easily acclimate to most households.

D. Persian cats are very popular, and can easily acclimate to most households.


In The Battle of the Bogarts, the three Bogart children battle the wicked King of Summerlin, who steals from the poor. It took three long and challenging battles, but the children defeated the king in the end.  The oldest child, Meredith, led the final rebellion with a team of overzealous ostriches.  At the end, she was crowned queen.  Peace reigned in the City of Emerald for years to come.                                                                                          What is the theme? 

A. There is never a good reason to fight. 

B. The importance of being crowned king or queen.

C. In the end, good triumphs evil.

D. A girl leads a battle.

C. In the end, good triumphs evil.


In the course of her discussion, teacher and journalist, Caryn Windell, observes,  “Thirty years ago people who thought they had a story to tell sat down to write a novel. Today they sit down to write a memoir.” She does not try to explain this shift towards personal narrative, but concentrates instead on what distinguishes a successful memoir from a failed one. 

What trend did Caryn Windell point out about writing? 

A. Teachers assign more memoirs today.

B. Students are nervous about writing novels today.

C. In the past, students never wrote memoirs.

D. Today, people prefer to write memoirs over novels.

D. Today, people prefer to write memoirs over novels.


Anna Margolis, President of Charities in America, asked for "substantial" donations.  What does this mean? 

A. Donations from all family members. 

B. Donations that are tax deductible. 

C. Donations in large amounts.

D. Donations for children in need. 

C. Donations in large amounts.


If you want to write a story from multiple points of view, which would be the BEST narration to use? 

A. 1st person

B. 3rd person objective

C. 3rd person limited

D. 3rd person omniscient

D. 3rd person omniscient


What obstacles should I avoid when planting my orange tree? Patios will not be a problem because the soil beneath them is usually dry and compacted. Therefore, the roots will not grow into this area as much. You might not expect sewer and water lines to be a problem since they are buried deeply. But, since sewer and water lines tend to be wet, this may cause a problem. Cement walls shouldn’t cause too much trouble.

What can be inferred in this excerpt?

A. Orange trees are more difficult to plant than lemon trees.

B. The soil beneath patios is dryer than beneath cement walls.

C. Tree roots are naturally drawn toward water.

D. Orange trees do not require much water to grow properly.

C. Tree roots are naturally drawn toward water.


We are the dry wind, / but broken shadows of our former selves./ Left with nothing but the jealousy in our hearts./                                                                      

What is the overall tone of this poem?

A. Bitter

B. Excited

C. Formal

D. Humble  

A. Bitter 


The dresser in the cellar caught my interest.  Somewhere along the way, it had been painted blue.  It looked small.  And cheap.  I remembered it being a much bigger and heavier piece of furniture – more substantial.  I recalled standing on the pulls of the bottom drawer to reach the top.  Which explained why some of the pulls were missing.  I smiled thinking of how I have seen my son scale his dresser in the same way.                                                     

Which word BEST explains how the narrator is feeling?

A. Disappointed 

B. Nostalgic

C. Annoyed

D. Euphoric

B. Nostalgic


(1) My school bus is as slow as molasses in winter. (2) It takes forever to get to my stop in the morning.  (3) My teeth chatter as I wait in subzero temperatures for it to arrive.  (4) It is the bane of my existence.  (5) If I could drive at 13 years of age, my life would be much easier.  

Which sentence has an example of onomatopoeia?

A. Sentence 3

B. Sentence 2

C. Sentence 1

D. Sentence 4 

A. Sentence 3


Snoring is a natural event for both people and animals. It can be very annoying to sleep around people who snore. Often, people say it is the “bane of their existence”. Those who are around people who snore suffer from insomnia. This is a sleep disorder that is characterized by having difficulty falling or staying asleep.

What is the structure of this excerpt?

A. Chronological Order

B. Problem and Solution

C. Compare and Contrast

D. Cause and Effect 

D. Cause and Effect


(1) As the classroom rhyme goes, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and discovered America. (2) Children enjoy the story of the explorer we celebrate with a federal holiday on the second Monday of every October. (3) As historians have continued to learn and write more about the real life of Christopher Columbus, controversy has arisen over the validity of honoring the explorer as a hero.(4) Historians have uncovered extensive evidence of the damage wreaked by Columbus and his teams, leading to an outcry over emphasis placed upon studying and celebrating him in schools and public celebrations.

During which sentence does the tone of the excerpt begin to change?

A. Sentence 1

B. Sentence 2

C. Sentence 3

D. Sentence 4

C. Sentence 3
