What is a synonym for the word replied?
said, told, stated, answered
What does "inlaid" mean?
To put inside something.
What does "contrast" mean?
To tell how something is different.
What does the prefix /pre/ mean?
What does the suffix "ing" mean?
It's going on presently, present tense.
What is a synonym for the word good?
great, excellent, fantastic...
What is another word for nice?
Good, acceptable...
What does the prefix "in" or "im" mean?
In, Into
What does the prefix /non/ mean?
What does "disclaim" mean?
The opposite of claim.
What is an antonym for the word brave?
scared, fearful, weak
to carry someone or something from one place to another
How many syllables in the word "distraction"?
What does the prefix /dis/ mean?
not or opposite
What does "misprint" mean?
To print wrongly.
What is a synonym for the word smart?
clever, intelligent
What does the prefix "un" mean?
(Like unafraid...)
How many vowel sounds in "confession"?
What does the prefix /mis/ mean?
wrong or badly
What does "disagree" mean?
To not agree.
What is an antonym for the word kind?
evil, unkind, mean
What does the prefix "re" mean?
(Like "retie"...)
Do again.
What does "admit" mean?
What does the suffix /ed/ mean?
ed means that the action has already happened or past
What do the letters "ai", "ay" say?
(Long a sound)