Theme & Summarizing
Story Elements
Historical, Technical & Scientific Texts
Context Clues
What is a theme?

The message, moral or lesson of a story


What are character traits, and give an example of one.

Character traits describe a character on the inside and outside.

Examples: generous, kind, compassionate, intelligent 


What two things do we use when we make an inference?

Evidence from the text and our schema.


A historical text is usually written in which text structure(s)?

Chronological or Cause & Effect


The bicyclist was in agony after flipping his bike and landing on his head.

What doe agony mean?

Great pain

What is a summary?

When you retell the important parts of a story in your own words.


What does an author use to vividly describe the setting of a story?

Sensory details


True or False: An inference is usually explicitly stated in a text. 

False. They need to be inferred. 


A technical text is usually written in which text structure?

Order & Sequence


The police searched the vacant building because the suspect was known to hang out in abandoned properties. 

What does vacant mean?



True or False: A theme can include a character's name.

False. A theme should apply to anyone.


What is a plot?

The sequence of events in a story.


Terrance was gone from school for two weeks. When he finally returned to school, he was so tired from unpacking the night before.

Why has Terrance been gone for two weeks? 

He was on a vacation.


After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, the US went to war against the Taliban.

What is the cause & effect?

Cause: terrorist attack

Effect: US went to war


After the shark attack, the doctors fitted the woman with her new artificial leg. She was so happy to walk again!

What does artificial mean?

Not natural but created by man


True or False: A summary should NOT include your opinion. 



True or False: The setting can change the overall plot of a story. 

True. The setting plays an important role in the characters and events of a story. 


Mandy went to the store to purchase all the items she needed for Brad's party. She filled her cart with treats, decorations, and lots of soda! When she got the the checkout line she reached for her wallet and suddenly her faced turned red. 

Why did Mandy's face turn red?

She realized she had forgotten her wallet.


As buildings became taller, engineers had to figure out a way to safely get people from the lower level of the building to the higher levels. They eventually created elevators.

What is the cause and effect?

Cause: buildings became taller

Effect: engineers made elevators

The soldier was so parched that he drank almost a gallon of water when he returned to camp.

What does parched mean?

Extremely thirsty


Whitney & her best friend Mary did everything together. One day a new girl, Piper, showed up to school. Whitney felt bad that Piper didn't have any friends yet, so offered Piper to sit with her at lunch. Mary got so upset that she wasn't asked her opinion on it that she told Whitney they couldn't be friends anymore. Whitney knew right then that Mary wasn't a true friend. 

One possible theme: True friends will support you, not turn on you. 


What 3 things should be introduced early in a story?

Characters, setting and problem.


Roger was so excited to see if he had made the soccer team for school this year after weeks of hard work. He had a hard time running, and still couldn't kick the ball very well, but he just loved playing the sport! When the names were posted in the Gym he rushed to see if his name was on there. On the way he saw his buddy Harry in the hallway. Harry stopped him and told Roger that that he gave it a good effort, and that he was still really proud of him. 

Did Roger make the team?

No. When Harry said "I'm STILL proud of you," he was indicating that he didn't make the team. 


Why do people read technical texts?

To learn how to do something.


Although he was a novice player, he managed to win his first game. 

