Cause and Effect
Character Traits
Compare and Contrast
Details/Author's Purpose
Word Meaning/Inferences

It was very quiet in the classroom when the fire alarm rang. The students lined up quickly at the door. They walked outside calmly and lined up in a field. 

What happened because the fire alarm rang? 

Students lined up and went outside.


Sarah took a long time deciding on her new car. She had a mechanic check out the engine. She checked online for its ratings. She didn't like to rush into buying anything. 

How was Sarah behaving?



Anya and Lee both love outdoor sports. Since Anya lives in California, she swims a lot. She is thinking about joining a swim team. Lee lives in Vermont and is the best skier in her class. 

What is one difference between Anya and Lee? 

Anya swims and Lee skis


Basketball began in 1891 when a PE teacher needed an indoor activity on a rainy day. He made up a list of rules and nailed a peach basket to a wall. At first, the bottom was still on the basket, so the ball did not fall through. 

Who invented the game of basketball? 

a PE teacher


Daniel was depressed about his dog running away, so supper that night was a joyless time for the family. 

What is the meaning of the word joyless? 

without joy


Farmer Brown's pet mule kept running away. He was getting tired of chasing and catching him, so he decided to build a better fence. His mule never ran away again. 

Why did Farmer Brown build a fence? 

His pet mule kept running away. 


Annalynn worked on her science project every night for several weeks. On the day of the science fair, she smiled as she saw a blue ribbon pinned to her poster board. 

How did Annalynn feel about her project? 



Some jobs provide services. Teachers and police officers are examples of jobs that serve the public. Other jobs produce goods. A baker creates yummy desserts to eat. 

How are teachers and police officers alike?

Both jobs serve the public. 


Stacie and Dave love Field Day at school. Stacie likes short races, and Dave is best at longer races. They are going to do the egg toss together. 

What event will Stacie and Dave do together? 

The egg toss


Learning to play the piano is hard work. A person needs to learn how to read music. It takes hours and hours of practice to be able to play the music correctly. 

Which of the following is most likely true?

Good piano players practice a lot. 


Sarah decided to paint the walls in her room a different color. She knew she had to be very careful not to get paint on the carpet. Sarah used a plastic sheet to protect the rug. 

Why did Sarah put plastic on the rug? 

She didn't want to get paint on it. 


As Mom was carrying in the groceries, she tripped over a bike that had been left in the driveway. She shouted, "How many times must I tell you to put your bike in the garage?" 

How could the bike owner be described? 



George Washington was the first president of the United States. He led the soldiers during the American Revolution. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president. He served during the Civil War. 

Contrast (what's different about) Washington and Lincoln. 

Washington was the 1st president and Lincoln was the 16th president. 


Polar bears live where temperatures are cold in places like Alaska and Canada. Polar bears like to eat small mammals, birds, and seals. 

Where do polar bears live? 

Polar bears live in cold places. 


Beth was repairing her room. The walls were almost done. She decided just one more coat of paint and she'd be finished. 

What does the word coat mean? 



Great Danes are the best dogs int he world. Even though they're very large, they make good pets for people living in apartments because they don't move around much. You should get one! 

What is the author's purpose in writing this text?

A) Persuade you to get a Great Dane

B) Share Information about Great Danes

C) to entertain you 

A) Persuade you to get a Great Dane


Sanya skipped to the barn. She put her helmet and boots on. She went outside and whistled for her horse. It was a great day for a ride. 

Which of the following is probably true? 

A) Sonya wears a helmet and boots every day

B) Sonya loves to whistle

C) Sonya will take her bike out on the trails

D) Sonya knows how to ride horses

D) Sonya knows how to ride horses
