Reading Vocabulary
Reading Skills 1
Reading Skills 2
Reading Skills 3
Reading Vocabulary

What is the theme of a story?

The lesson, moral, or message


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, "Dance, Boots", he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Boots is very smart.


Cause and effect: The basket ball team practiced everyday therefore they won the tournament.

What is the Cause?

What is the Effect?

The basketball team practiced everyday- cause

They won the tournament- effect


What is the aurthor's purpose of a book about nature and how to take care of it?

Inform or Persuade.


What does persuade mean?

making people agree with you.


What is inference?

An educated guess.


What's the meaning of this simile? "My mom can be as fiery as a volcano when I don't do my chores on time."

She gets really angry.


Jessica wanted to be a dancer. She knew that dancers must work every day. She took dance lessons every Tuesday. She practiced a few hours each day. The effect is Jessica practiced every day.

What is the Cause?

She wanted to be a dancer. 


What can you infer from the paragraph?

" Can you get my ball?" asked Robert. "I threw it too high and it landed on the roof." "I can't get the ball without a ladder," said Robert's older brother. "We'll have to wait until our neighbor, Mr. Green, comes home from work. Then I'll be able to get the ball."

Mrs. Green has a ladder. 


What does inform mean?

giving information.


What is a cause in cause and effect?

The reason or why something happened in the text.


How do you know the author is writing in first person?

The author uses pronouns like I, my, and we.


What is the author's purpose of the text.

"She threw the paper airplane. It looped through the trees, under the dogs belly, up into the sky and landed in the hot air balloon."



What point of view is the author writing in?

He went to bed because he was so tired.

3rd person.


What does entertain mean?

making people enjoy something.


What is Main Idea?

What a paragraph or text is mostly about.


Lucy is a superhero. There is an evil villain approaching Lucy's small-town of Gray. Lucy hears of this news, and she instantly begins training so she can defeat him.

What theme can we take away from this summary of a story?

You must work hard to reach your goals. 


Three butterflies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the butterflies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest butterfly stays back. The two butterflies tease the older butterfly, but then get stuck in the honey. What is the moral of this story?

Some treats aren't worth risking your safety. 


What part of the story tells when and where something happens?

The setting.


A comparison of two seemingly unlike things that does not use like or as.

a metaphor.


What is an opinion?

The author's belief about a topic.


Jack was on an egg hunt. He found one egg under a bush. He found another one by a rock. As he was walking, he tripped and fell. One of the eggs broke and made a mess on his shirt. Infer, why did the egg break?

Jack fell on it.


Mary was turning eight today. Her friends were coming to a surprise party for her. There would be lots of food and games. Her friends would bring her gifts too. Why will there be a party today? What can you infer?

It is Mary's birthday.


The bike skidded out of control. It slammed against the sidewalk. The rider hit the ground hard. His pant leg was ripped. His knee was scraped and bleeding. He began to sniff. What can you infer why the bike rider sniffed?

He was starting to cry.


When a reader looks for how two or more things are not alike looking for clue words such as however, yet, but, while, on the other hand they are?

comparing and contrasting.
