Making Inferences
Compare and Contrast
Character Traits
Grab Bag

You got sprayed by a skunk. What can you infer?

  1. The skunk was happy.
  2. The skunk was being friendly.
  3. The skunk was tired.
  4. The skunk was defending himself.

4. The skunk was defending himself.


What is the meaning of SUMMARIZE?

  1. Explain in great detail
  2. Explain simply
  3. Adding together
  4. Define

2. explain simply


Compare apples and oranges.

They're both fruit, they're both sweet, you can eat them. As long as you say a way they're the same, you're good. 


Sam always loves taking trips with her parents. Her favorite part is visiting new restaurants. Sam is...



3. adventurous


3. adventurous


Fact or Opinion?

Summer is the best season of the year.



Farmer Brown's pet mule kept running away. He was getting tired of chasing and catching him, so he decided to build a better fence. His mule never ran away again.

Why did Farmer Brown build a fence?

  1. His pet mule kept running away.
  2. He was getting old and tired.
  3. He wanted people off the grass.

1.His pet mule kept running away.


Summaries are ------- than the text. 



Compare cats and dogs. 

They're both animals, they both have fur, they are both house pets, they both have 4 legs. As long as you tell a way they're the same, you're good. 


Zach always liked to hold the door for people, especially if their hands are full. Zach is...





4. polite


Josh feels like he is one of the characters from the book he is reading. He imagines it like a movie playing. What reading strategy is Josh using?



Most adults in the United States want to make healthy choices, so they ask their doctors for advice. Doctors recommend eating at least five servings of fruits or vegetables each day. They say that produce provides the human body with important nutrients and that eating natural, unprocessed foods without added sugar is much better than eating processed foods. They tell their patients that a variety of fruits and vegetables is best. Adults who talk to their doctors about making healthy decisions tend to follow their doctors' advice.

Which statement is a generalization about what you just read?

  1. Few doctors are able to give their patients advice about nutrition.
  2. Most adults try to eat at least five fruits or vegetables per day.
  3. Fruit is a healthy alternative to vegetables.
  4. Many doctors say that processed foods are best to eat.

2.Most adults try to eat at least five fruits or vegetables per day.


Summaries retell ---- ideas only. 



Contrast summer and winter. 

Summer is warm, winter is cold. Any example of how they're different is acceptable. 


Adrian wanted to dunk a basketball more than anything. He would not give up until he could do it. He would work in the gym for hours practicing his steps and jumping at just the right time and place on the court. Even though he knew it would be difficult, Adrian kept trying and never gave up.

Adrian is...






If a story is named Playing Outside, what can you infer may be in the story?

a. reading a book

b. going to school

c. playing football

d. playing board games

c. playing football


Bob, Jim, and Kathy pedaled slowly up the hill. They could see the schoolhouse just at the crest of the hill. The sight seemed to make them pedal even slower. On the way, they passed many students. Some they played with every day, but others they had not seen since the last day of school.

Finally, Bob, Jim, and Kathy got to the schoolyard. They parked their bikes and locked them. They didn't have any books to carry into school yet. But, they would be bringing books home. Teachers always give out the books right away. A mean teacher might even give you homework immediately. Ugh!

It is likely that

  1. it is the first day of school.
  2. it is Friday.
  3. it is the day after a long holiday.
  4. everyone is going to a celebration. is the first day of school.


Summaries use your own -----. 



Contrast night and day. 

Night is dark, day is light. You sleep at night, you are awake during the day. Any example of how they're different is acceptable. 


  As soon as Christina got home, she would always put her backpack away and get started on her homework quickly. She knew that she only had an hour to do her work, so she did not waste any time. She did not turn the television or the radio on because she knew it would distract her from her work. She did not stop until she was done with everything.

Christina is...

1. focused



1. focused


Which word means to retell the main idea of a story?

  1. cause
  2. summarize
  3. effect
  4. theme

2. summarize


Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad told him the day was perfect and and to get ready for a fun day. Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house.

Where do you think Josh and his dad are going?

  1. To Grandma's house
  2. To the local pool
  3. To the zoo
  4. To school

2. To the local pool


The blue whale is quite an extraordinary creature. To begin with, it is a mammal that lives its entire life in the ocean. The size of its body is amazing. This whale can grow up to 98 feet long and weigh as much as 200 tons, making it the largest known animal to have ever existed. Its body is long and elegantly tapered, unlike other whales which have a rounder, stockier build. Their build, along with their extreme size, gives them a unique appearance and the ability to move more gracefully and at greater speeds than one might imagine. They can reach speeds up to 31 mph for short periods of time. Their normal traveling speed is around 12 mph, but they slow to 3.1 mph when feeding. Although they are extremely large animals, they eat small shrimp-like creatures called krill. Since the krill are so small, the blue whale eats about four tons daily as they swim deep in the ocean.

A summary of this text should include which of the following statements?

  A.  You should hear a blue whale.  

B.  The size of its body is amazing.  

C.  Other whales live in small groups called pods. 

 D.  The blue whale can weigh as much as 200 tons and be up to 98 feet long. 

B. The size of its body is amazing

Contrast cats and dogs. 

Cats meow, dogs bark. Any example of how they're different is acceptable. 


Kammy packed her own bag and put her pajamas, toothbrush, and favorite teddy bear in the bag. It was her first sleepover. She had never spent the night away from her home or family before. Kammy was not sure about what the night would be like at Christy’s house. She wanted to go, but she did not want her mother to leave. 

Kammy is...







Puts events in order of what happened first, then, next, last, etc. is what?

