Figurative Language
Text Organization
Summary, Main Idea, and Theme
Text Features
Making an inference can also be referred to as drawing a __________.


  (make an inference, infer, draw a conclusion, conclude.....all the same thing! Look for these terms in your test questions.)


A ________ is a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some way. Examples: They fought like cats and dogs. Your explanation was as clear as mud.


In the following sentence, what is the effect? The boy slipped due to the ice on the stairs. A. The boy slipped B. the ice on the stairs C. due to

A. The boy slipped
A summary is telling the most important events or ideas from the __________, _________, and ________ of the text.
Beginning, Middle, and End (use your BME strategy for each answer choice!)
explains what is happening in a photograph

4. Which statement about an inference is correct? A. An inference is not based on any evidence. B. An inference is based only on what a text says. C. An inference always turns out to be right. D. An inference requires that you use clues.

D. An inference requires that you use clues. (Inference = clues from the text + what you already know in your brain)


____________ gives human qualities to objects or animals. Examples: The wind screamed through the trees. The lightning danced across the sky.


Identify the main text structure used in the passage below. Robots that look like humans are called androids. But not all robots are androids. The industrial robots used in manufacturing and production look like machines and not at all like human beings. So what does an android have in common with an industrial robot? They both have computers. And they both have sensors to gather information and ways to interact with their environments, too. A. sequence B. problem and solution C. cause and effect D. compare and contrast

Compare and Contrast

The theme of a story is the _____  A. Main character  B. Message about life that the author expresses  C. Sequence of events  D. Short summary of what the story is about
B. Message about life that the author expresses 

Footnotes are found at the ___________ of a page and give more information about something in the main text.

Bottom  (Look for these!  They tell you more information about something in the text.  They are usually marked by an * or a small number.)

Julie looked at the piece of paper. “I need one cup of flour, one cup of sugar, one stick of butter, a cup of milk, and a can of peaches. This will be yummy for dessert tonight!” You can guess that Julie is making... 

A apple pie B peach cobbler C chocolate chip cookies D brownies

peach cobbler (Clue: "and a can of peaches")


A ____________ is an exaggeration which may be used for emphasis or humor. Examples: I have a million pages of homework to do. That was the easiest test in the world.


Identify the main text structure used in the passage below. Many students in the US say that they've been bullied at school. Natalie Hampton is a high school student who was bullied a lot in middle school. She often had no one to sit with at lunch. So she created a phone app called "Sit With Us." This app lets students sign up and post when there are free seats at their lunch tables. These students have promised to be kind to those who come sit with them. Hampton hopes her app will help students find people to sit with without fear of being bullied. A. description B. compare and contrast C. problem and solution D. sequence

C. problem and solution (aka conflict and resolution)

Read the following sentence:  "Friendship helps people get through hard times."  This sentence is an example of a _____.  A. Plot  B. Character  C. Main Idea  D. Theme
D. Theme  (theme is a lesson or message you get from the text)

drawing that is used to show how something works or the parts of something


Jake almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella even though he would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.  What inference can you make?

Jake heard that it was going to rain later in the day.


A ________ compares two things WITHOUT using as or like. Examples: The shop was a little gold-mine. Max is a pig when he eats.

__________ is a text structure in which the author organizes the information in categories.

Which sentence best describes the main idea of this paragraph? July 20, 1969 was an exciting day. This was the day the first astronauts stepped onto the moon. As the Apollo rocket circled the moon, a craft called the Eagle landed. The world watched on TV as the doors opened. Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down the ladder onto the dusty surface of the moon. "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind," he said. With these famous words, the first man took the first steps on the surface of the moon. A. The surface of the moon is dusty. B. The Apollo rocket circled the moon. C. Armstrong became the first man on the moon in 1969. D. The world likes to watch astronauts on television.

C. Armstrong became the first man on the moon in 1969.


This text feature shows a series of events placed in the order of time they occurred.


Don't Give Up On Books! In recent years, people have been buying more and more elctronic books. They read these books on machines called E-readers. Electronic books are less expensive than paper books, and they don't use trees. Some people think that these inventions mean that paper book are no longer needed. But let's not give up on books! If all books are on E-readers, we wouldn't be able to wander the stacks of a library. No one would ever again feel the breeze as they leafed through the pages of a book. A world with no books is not a world I would want to live in! Based on the selection, the reader can conclude that A. the author prefers things that cost less to expensive things B. the author prefers old-fashioned ways to modern ways C. the author prefers products that are made of trees D. the author prefers newer things to older things

B. the author prefers old-fashioned ways to modern ways


__________ is repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of each word. Examples: While I nodded, nearly napping... Three grey geese in a green field grazing...


Which of the following passages has a sequence text structure? A. The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held every year at Arlington Cemetery. The ceremony always starts at 11 o’clock. A wreath is laid on a special monument that honors soldiers. The Veterans Day Ceremony also includes a parade and speeches by important figures. B. The fighting in World War I stopped on November 11, 1918. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11th Armistice Day. He said that every year, Americans would honor and thank the veterans who fought. Armistice Day became a federal holiday in 1938. C. Armistice Day become the holiday Veterans Day. Both holidays celebrated veterans. But while Armistice Day was only for veterans of World War I, Veterans Day is for all veterans of any war. D. Across the country, people celebrate Veterans Day in different ways. Some schools and business close for the day or have a moment of silence at 11 o’clock. Groups may also organize parades.

B. The fighting in World War I stopped on November 11, 1918. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11th Armistice Day. He said that every year, Americans would honor and thank the veterans who fought. Armistice Day became a federal holiday in 1938. (Sequential Order tells events in the order they happened. This is also known as chronological order.)


Which sentence best describes the main idea of this paragraph? You might not know what a mascot is, but you've probably seen one. Some mascots are for products. Tony the Tiger is an example. He sells cereal. Schools also have mascots. Baseball teams, hockey teams and other sports teams have mascots. A mascot helps get the crowd involved. They entertain the crowd when the players are not playing. Mascots are fun! A. You might not know what a mascot is. B. Tony the Tiger is a mascot that sells cereal. C. There can be mascots for products, schools and sports teams. D. Some schools don't have mascots.

C. There can be mascots for products, schools and sports teams.


***DAILY DOUBLE***  For 1000 points, give me two reasons you should always take the time to look at your text features.  (Give me one reason for 500 points)  (wrong answer either way is -500)

1.  It can help you better understand what you already read in the text.

2.  It can give you additional information that is not in the text.
