Word Meanings
Cause and Effect/Sequence
Main Idea/Supporting Details

In the following sentence, the word congested means-

The parking lot was so congested, it took half an hour to get out.

a. empty

b. hot

c. crowded

d. sick

c. crowded


What is the "cause"?

The reason that something happens. 


One dinosaur had a brain that weighed about as much as three pencils.  Its body weighed ten tons and was over twenty feet in length.  As you can guess, this dinosaur did not think too clearly.  It wasn't the world's brightest dinosaur!  What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. How big one dinosaur was

b. What one dinosaur's brain was like

c. Why one dinosaur had a small brain

What one dinosaur's brain was like


What is the purpose of the stage directions?

They are written instructions for the actors. 

Actors know what to do in the performance.


To Manga My Hamster

1. I wish I could set you free 

2. like that day you escaped 

3. and ran all over the house.

The poet uses lines 1 through 3 mainly to —

F. introduce the conflict

G. compare two related events

H. explain how the speaker got Manga

J. give human characteristics to Manga

F. introduce the conflict


In the following sentence, the word rearrannging means-

My teacher was rearranging the classroom to prepare for the STAAR test. 

a. using one's organizing skills

b. organizing something in advance

c. changing the organization of something

d. planning something that should be organized

c. changing the organization of something


1. Little Johnny Wiggins fell down a well on the farm.  His family looked for him.  Finally, at sundown, Mr. Wiggins found Johnny.  He had been trapped in the well for three hours.
CAUSE: Johnny Wiggins fell down a well.
What was the EFFECT?

a. He was trapped for three hours.

b. His mother found him at sundown.

c. He was visiting the farm.

a. He was trapped for three hours.


Read the following paragraph:

The characteristics that make frogs so difficult to see, however, also make it hard for them to find one another. That’s why having a big voice is helpful. Frogs croak to tell other frogs where they are. Their voices can be so loud that even a tiny frog can be heard as much as a quarter of a mile away. But when frogs feel the footsteps of a larger animal, they become silent. So predators don’t know that the frogs are nearby.

Having a loud call benefits frogs by —

A. allowing them to signal other animals when danger is near

B. letting other frogs know where they are

C. allowing them to tell other frogs where to find food

D. helping them scare away their enemies

B. letting other frogs know where they are


Which of the following best defines Dialogue?

a. what the actors say in a drama

b. written words for actors

c. written instructions for actors

d. tools to bring a drama to life

a. what the actors say in a drama


Mrs. Lance is my favorite teacher, but something is not right today. Mrs. Lance is sitting down at her desk more than usual, and she asked us to read a story silently and just answer the questions in the book. I glance back at her, and she is blowing her nose. A little while later, I see that her cheeks are kind-of red, and she is drinking a lot of water and eating some cough drops. After a little while, Mr. Dean, another teacher, comes into our classroom. Mrs. Lance takes her purse and leaves, while Mr. Dean stays. What is wrong with Mrs. Lance?

a. She is tired

b. She is sleepy

c. She is worried

d. She is sick

d. She is sick


Which words from the following paragraph help the reader know the meaning of distinct?

In addition, Narins has found that frogs of the same species always sing the same patterns. When Narins made recordings and mixed up the patterns, the frogs didn’t call back. These patterns are like a code that is distinct from other animals’ calls and difficult for others to copy.

F difficult for others to copy

G made recordings

H mixed up the patterns

J didn’t call back

F difficult for others to copy


Jessica wanted to be a dancer. She knew that dancers must work every day. She took dance lessons every Tuesday. She practiced a few hours each day.

EFFECT: Jessica practiced every day.

What was the CAUSE?

a. She worked hard on Tuesdays.

b. She took lessons every day.

c. She wanted to be a dancer.

She wanted to be a dancer.


There are about 13,000 wild horses in our country.  Most are in the high lands of the Southwest.  The horses find great difficulty in getting food during the winter months.  Snow covers the grass and small bushes that they feed on.  Their numbers grow smaller each year.  What is the main idea?

a. Where wild horses live

b. Why grass and bushes can't be seen

c. What is happening to our wild horses

What is happening to our wild horses


Which of the following best defines Script?

a. written instructions 

b. written words for actors

c. tools used to bring a drama to life

d. what the actors say in a drama

b. written words for actors


You can tell from the photograph that -

a. the artist is terrible at painting

b. the artist takes pride in his hard work

c. the artist does not like to paint

d. the man paints only in his spare time

b. the artist takes pride in his hard work


What does the word competent mean in the following paragraph?

SAM: If you don’t think I’m competent to play on your team, give me a chance to prove my ability.

A. Having the necessary skills

B. Describing something in a believable way

C. Showing the proper respect

D. Trying to make improvements

A. Having the necessary skills


Our dog is a hero in our town.  One day, little Jimmy Ward did not come home for dinner.  Everyone looked for him all over town.  Finally, our dog found Jimmy asleep under a tree.
CAUSE: Jimmy did not come home for dinner.
What was the EFFECT?

a. Everyone looked for him.

b. Jimmy was a hero in our town.

c. Our dog was asleep.

a. Everyone looked for him.


Great waves that sweep in from the ocean are known as tidal waves.  Actually a tidal wave has nothing to do with the tides.  It is caused by an undersea earthquake called a seaquake, or by storms far out to sea.  A tidal wave may rise over fifty feet high.  What is the main idea?

a. How high tidal waves may be

b. How to start a tidal wave

c. What tidal waves are like

What tidal waves are like


What best defines Scene?

shows the changes over time (within acts)


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. What is Cassie's problem?

a. She is late for work

b. She will miss her flight at the airport

c. She is late for school

d. She is hungry

c. She is late for school


Read the dictionary entry for the word raise.


1. to lift upward 2. to awaken 3. to collect 4. to bring to notice

Which meaning best matches the way the word raised is used in the following sentence?

Student Council needed to raise money to buy new playground equipment.

a. Meaning 1

b. Meaning 2

c. Meaning 3

d. Meaning 4

Meaning 3: to collect

Student council needed to collect money.


Read the following paragraph:

The characteristics that make frogs so difficult to see, however, also make it hard for them to find one another. That’s why having a big voice is helpful. Frogs croak to tell other frogs where they are. Their voices can be so loud that even a tiny frog can be heard as much as a quarter of a mile away. But when frogs feel the footsteps of a larger animal, they become silent. So predators don’t know that the frogs are nearby.

Cause: Frogs feel the footsteps of a larger animal approaching.

What is the effect?

A The frogs alert other frogs by making a loud sound.

B The frogs croak to distract their enemies.

C The frogs quickly search for a hiding place.

D The frogs stop making sounds.

D. The frogs stop making sounds


I wish I could set you free

 like that day you escaped

 and ran all over the house. 

That was an amazing day. 

5 My mother screamed. 

My sister cried. 

All because you were loose somewhere, 

burrowing through pillows and toys. 

When Mom finally found you 

10 huddled in the mop bucket 

(and you bit her) 

you looked so fierce, 

like your wild cousins 

that roam the jungles of Asia. 

15 I wish I had jungles to give you. 

I wish that could be your life. 

Please forgive me. 

All I have to offer 

is this warm, cozy cage 

20 and my fingers 

scratching behind your ears.

What is the speaker’s main purpose in the poem?

A To persuade her mother to let her keep Manga

B To explain to readers the benefits of having a pet hamster

C To share her feelings with Manga

D To teach readers to seek forgiveness for their mistakes

C To share her feelings with Manga


What best defines an Act?

the "chapters" of a drama


What can you infer about the following:

The little boy looked sheepishly down at the ground. His mom clenched her teeth together. She couldn't believe what he had just done!

a. He has created a beautiful painting for her.

b. He has eaten the pie she baked for supper.

c. He smiled at her and said, "I love you, mama."

d. He ate his lunch of peanut butter and jelly.

b. He has eaten the pie she baked for supper.
