Main Idea
Inferences and Text Evidence
Author's Purpose
Misc 1
Misc 2

Distracted driving is a serious problem. Distracted driving includes eating or drinking, using technology while driving, or any activity that takes the driver’s full attention away from driving. Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents. There are three types of driving distractions. A manual distraction is the first type. A manual distraction takes place when the driver releases control of the vehicle’s steering wheel. This normally happens when drivers are using cell phones, eating, or drinking. A visual distraction includes anything where the driver’s eyes are taken away from the road. This includes cell phones, but it can also include passengers in the vehicle. Cognitive distractions occur when the driver loses focus while driving. Cell phones are a common cognitive distractor, as well as passengers and gadgets within the car. Distracted driving has serious consequences. Drivers should always focus on the road and put safety first.

Which statement would best support the author’s main point?

a. Sixteen-year-old drivers have higher crash rates than drivers of any other age.

b. Only 44% of teenagers said that they would speak up if someone was driving in a way that scared them.

c. In 2015, there were over 3,000 people killed and an estimated 391,000 injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.

d. The number of people with a driver’s license in the United States increased from 167 million in 1990 to around 222 million in 2016.

c. In 2015, there were over 3,000 people killed and an estimated 391,000 injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.


People who do not eat meat can be classified as vegan or vegetarian. However, there is a difference between a vegetarian and a vegan. Vegans do not eat any animal products at all. This includes dairy (like milk and cheese), eggs, or anything that is made from animals. Vegetarians eat these products, but they do not consume meat. Vegans and vegetarians must be careful to get nutrition from other areas. The body usually gets protein from meat. Since vegans and vegetarians do not eat meat, they must get protein from other sources. They can do this by eating nuts, beans, and other protein-rich foods. Also, vegans and vegetarians must be careful to get an adequate amount of vitamin B12. Most of them fulfill this requirement by taking nutritional supplements. Becoming a vegan or vegetarian is a major life decision and is not the easiest to maintain.

Based on the details in the text, which statement is true of vegans and vegetarians?

a. Vegans and vegetarians have the same diet.

b. Vegans don’t eat any animal products, but vegetarians do consume animal products other than meat.

c. Vegetarians don’t eat any animal products, but vegans do consume animal products other than meat.

d. Vegans and vegetarians consume some animal products, but they do not consume any meat.

b. Vegans don’t eat any animal products, but vegetarians do consume animal products other than meat.


Football is an American sport. It is a popular game in which two teams compete. This is a dangerous sport for the players on the field. Players must wear special equipment for games. They wear pads and a helmet. This gear keeps them safe. The game includes throwing a ball and running. The players try to score points, but the other team tries to stop them. Players block and tackle in order to prevent the other team from scoring. Many players become injured from this physical and harmful sport.

1. What is the author’s purpose?

a. To inform about the fun game

b. To inform about how football is played

c. To entertain with the facts about football

d. To inform about football being dangerous

b. To inform about how football is played


Which sentence contains personification?

A. The fish swam through the ocean, unaware of the shark nearby.

B. The fish swam right towards the shark.

C. Danger lurked around the corner, but the fish was unaware.

D. Sharks will consume multiple fish each day.

C. Danger lurked around the corner, but the fish was unaware.


After school on nice days, Carl and I like to ride our bikes to the nature preserve. This was one of the first days that the sun was out, so we parked our bikes in an open field to feel its warm rays. We got our science books out and started quizzing each other on some of the marine biology vocabulary we would be tested on tomorrow. Suddenly, Carl stopped speaking mid-sentence, as if he'd heard something really strange. He quickly turned his head to the big maple tree behind us. Then I heard it tooa very faint meow coming from somewhere high up in the tree. We stood and shielded our eyes from the sun. We could then see a tiny little kitten hanging by its front claws from a high branch. Just as the little kitten's claws lost their grip, Carl shot over toward the tree like a bolt of lightning. Just a second ago, Carl had been standing next to me. Now I was watching him skidding to a halt under the tree as the little kitten dropped into his arms.

What genre is this passage?

a. historical fiction

b. autobiography

c. informational expository

d. realistic fiction

d. realistic fiction


The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean that has mystified travelers and observers for decades. Reports of mysterious happenings in the area actually date back many centuries. There have been a number of ships and planes that have gone missing or encountered unusual circumstances there, which has led many to believe that there is something incredibly atypical about the area. While there have been a number of mysterious tales about the place, there are also many people that believe there is nothing unusual about the Bermuda Triangle at all.

What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Some mysterious events have happened in the Bermuda Triangle.

b. The Bermuda Triangle is too dangerous for travel.

c. There are no reports of unusual things happening in the Bermuda Triangle.

a. Some mysterious events have happened in the Bermuda Triangle.


Many people love the vibrant colors of autumn. Some plants have naturally colored leaves, but weather plays a major role in determining the colors of other leaves. Green plants maintain their color because of a chemical called chlorophyll. Plants make plenty of chlorophyll during the warmer months. However, due to lowering temperatures during autumn and winter, less chlorophyll is made. This causes green plants to turn orange, yellow, and other fall colors. Water also plays a big role when determining the colors of leaves. If plants experience a drought, the leaves will wither and lose color.

Based on the details in the text, what can you infer about weather and plants?

a. Weather and plants are independent of each other.

b. The weather is important to plants.

c. Plants are the same no matter what the weather is like.

d. Weather has no direct result on plants.

b. The weather is important to plants.


The day was almost over and we were about to load the buses to go home when we heard the tornado sirens. We looked at my teacher so she could tell us what to do. She guided us through the tornado drill steps. Except this time, it was real. While we all stayed in position in the hallway and waited until the storm passed, it got very uncomfortable on our knees. We were crouched low and had our hands covering our heads. The time seemed to pass by slowly. Finally an announcement was made that we were able to go home. We got home so late that day, but I know it was safer for us to stay in the building than to be on the buses during that storm. I’m glad no one got hurt!

1. What is the author’s purpose?

a. To entertain with a story about a storm.

b. To inform about how to be safe in a storm.

c. To persuade you to be safe during a storm.

d. To inform about a time when a storm came.

a. To entertain with a story about a storm.


Identify the type and determine the meaning of the example of figurative language found in the following sentence.

Her family was a mountain of strength during her time of need.


Her family was there for her when she needed them.


Which choice best matches the meaning of the root “ject”?

A. to hear

B. to see

C. to build

D. to throw

D. to throw


Most people love their dogs; however, housetraining them can be an epic task that can take as long as six months to accomplish. Puppies should be at least 12 weeks old before training begins. This will give them the best chance of being successful. Consistent schedules are needed. This will allow puppies to develop routines. Puppies should be taken out in the morning, after meals, and after resting. Other times can also be added to the schedule. It is important to take them to the same spots, as well. This will allow them to associate the spots with using the restroom. Also, don’t leave puppies alone. They should always be accompanied when they use the restroom to avoid careless accidents. Lastly, don’t forget about positive reinforcement! Puppies love to get attention from their owners. This will solidify good behavior.

Determine the main idea of the text.

a. Puppies should never be left alone.

b. Housetraining puppies is not necessary for puppies to live in houses.

c. Puppies behave better when given positive reinforcement.

d. Housetraining puppies is a time-consuming task.

d. Housetraining puppies is a time-consuming task.


Former First Lady Michelle Obama was born as Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on January 17, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois. She skipped second grade, and she took gifted classes in elementary school. Mrs. Obama did not attend her neighborhood high school. Instead, she was able to attend Chicago’s first magnet high school, Whitney Young High School. She was the salutatorian of her graduating class. From there, she attended Princeton University. In 1985, she graduated with honors. She received a Bachelor’s degree in sociology with a minor in African-American studies. After her time at Princeton, she attended Harvard Law School. She received a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard in 1988. After graduating from Harvard, Mrs. Obama obtained a job at a law firm. It was there that she met the future 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. Before becoming the first lady, she worked for the University of Chicago, and she also held a job as an executive director of a nonprofit organization in Chicago.

What can you infer about Michelle Obama?

a. Michelle Obama had strict parents.

b. Education is important to Michelle Obama.

c. Michelle Obama wanted to be a lawyer since she as a child.

d. Extra curriculur activities were important to Michelle Obama.

b. Education is important to Michelle Obama.


A wave is any movement that carries energy. Some waves carry energy through water. Others carry energy through gases, like air, or solid materials. If you drop a rock into a pool of water, a wave, or ripple of energy, skims across the pool's surface. In the same way, an underwater earthquake can release energy into ocean water. Then it carries a giant wave, or tsunami, across the surface until it hits land. If you hear a clap of thunder, sound waves (or vibrations) have carried the crashing BOOM to your ears. Sound waves speed through the air at about 1,100 feet (335 meters) per second. Light also travels through the air in waves. They travel at more than 186,000 miles (300 million meters) per second. So the light waves from a flash of lightning reach your eyes before that clap of thunder reaches your ears! Electrons travel in waves, too. They move back and forth in a solid wire, sending waves of electricity so you can turn on a light during the storm!

1. What is the author's most important purpose for writing the selection?

a. to persuade readers to throw rocks into the water

b. to entertain readers with the legend of Wally Wave

c. to teach readers how to use a surfboard to ride waves

d. to inform readers about different kinds of waves

d. to inform readers about different kinds of waves


The honorable role of the First Lady of the United States started with Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. Mrs. Washington was born in Virginia on June 2, 1731 to John and Frances Dandridge. When she married Daniel Parke Custis in 1750, she was 18 years old. She gave birth to four children during this marriage, but two of them died before they reached five years old. Her husband died in 1757, leaving her with two young children. Her next marriage to President George Washington began in 1759. She fully supported her husband’s political endeavors, and she set the stage for future first ladies. Martha Washington died in Mount Vernon on May 22, 1802.

Determine the meaning of the underlined phrase as it is used in the text. a. Prepared the way

b. Decorated the rooms

c. Made it more difficult

d. Helped interview

a. Prepared the way


Which prefix would best complete the word “social” in the following sentence?

The teenager went through a/an __________social stage where she did not enjoy the company of others. She just wanted to be left alone.

A. pre-

B. re-

C. mis-

D. anti-

D. anti-


Although they are generally thought of as annoying insects, ants have distinctive characteristics that are worth mentioning. First of all, there over 10,000 different types of ants, and they exist all over the world. Ants can live in mounds on top of the ground, underground, in trees, and in people’s homes. Ants exhibit a strong sense of teamwork. When faced with adversity, they work together to accomplish monumental tasks. Although they are small, they can bare three times their body weight. Ants live in colonies with one or more queens, and male ants only mate with the queen to produce the entire colony. Some ants in the colony are designated as worker ants. The worker ants are females that do not lay eggs. They work hard to sustain life in the colony. Ants have a unique way of communicating. They use chemicals in their bodies to advise of possible dangers or food. Ants do not have picky diets. They will eat anything from fungus to paper. Ants are small but mighty creatures.

Determine the main idea of the text.

a. Ants are annoying insects.

b. Ants are interesting insects with distinctive characteristics.

c. Ants work hard to keep the colony alive and thriving.

d. Ants will eat most anything.

b. Ants are interesting insects with distinctive characteristics.


New Orleans, LA is known for many things like the French Quarter, lively jazz music, great food, and talented artists. The area is very diverse, and it has a rich culture. Millions of people visit the city each year to indulge in the city’s atmosphere. However, New Orleans is also known for another thing…ghosts. As a matter of fact, a person can take a ghost tour when he or she visits. Locals believe that ghosts exist because of the history of New Orleans. The city has seen its fair share of unfortunate events. The Beauregard-Keyes House is one location where locals believe ghosts exist. They believe that the ghosts are connected to General Beauregard somehow. Another location where people believe ghosts exist is Muriel’s Restaurant. At Muriel’s, you can order a delectable seafood dish and possibly view strange occurrences, as well. However, locals don’t want their ghosts to scare you away from their city. They believe that the ghosts are part of the city’s charm.

Which evidence from the text best supports the inference that the residents of New Orleans are proud of their ghostly heritage?

a. They believe that the ghosts are part of the city’s charm.

b. Another location where people believe ghosts exist is Muriel’s Restaurant.

c. The Beauregard-Keyes House is one location where locals believe ghosts exist.

d. They believe that the ghosts are connected to General Beauregard somehow.

a. They believe that the ghosts are part of the city’s charm.


All learners do not learn the same way. By addressing each person’s learning style, educators can give students better chances of acquiring success. There are three main learning stylesauditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners gain knowledge by listening. Activities that appeal to this learning style include class games and discussions. Visual learners acquire knowledge by observing written and spoken language. Activities that appeal to this learning style include demonstrations, videos, charts, and graphs. Kinesthetic learners gain knowledge by movement and touch. Activities that appeal to this learning style include anything that will get students up and moving or classroom manipulatives that can be used to reinforce or teach skills. Manipulatives like white boards, board games, musical activities, and brain breaks can help kinesthetic learners. Addressing learning styles can boost student achievement.

Determine the author’s purpose in writing the text.

a. To persuade the reader to use more visual activities

b. To inform the reader of the different ways people learn

c. To inform the reader about the importance of auditory activities

d. To share an experience involving activities from multiple learning styles

b. To inform the reader of the different ways people learn


Did you know that certain foods can make you sleepy? Cherries, pasta, and lettuce are some of the culprits that can make you feel fatigued, or tired. Cherries contain a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid. The body naturally uses it to control when we sleep. It regulates the body’s sleep patterns, as well. However, the melatonin gained from food can add to this effect. Pasta contains a load of carbohydrates. Blood sugar levels can surge because of pasta, thus causing sleepiness. Lettuce contains lactucin, which slows down brain processes and causes fatigue. Because of the effects of these sleep-inducing foods, it is a good idea to eat them in the evening.

Determine the text structure of the text.

a. Cause and Effect

b. Problem and Solution

c. Chronological Order

d. Compare and Contrast

a. Cause and Effect 


After several English explorations of North America, a permanent settlement was attempted by Queen Elizabeth in 1587. Over 100 settlers departed England to build a new colony in the Chesapeake Bay area on the coast of North Carolina. John White was the leader of the colonists, as he had previous experience in the area. The colonists attempted to build relationships with the local Native Americans that lived nearby, but the relationship was arduous because of some difficult experiences in the past. After some challenging months, John White went back to England for more supplies for the settlement.

2. What does arduous mean?

a. easy

b. difficult

c. expensive

d. artistic

b. difficult


Former First Lady Laura Bush has always had a love for reading. This interest was shared by a previous first lady and her mother-in-law, Barbara Bush. While in office, Barbara Bush created the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. The foundation encouraged children to read. It also provided resources to schools. Barbara Bush also became involved in reading organizations, and she even led a few reading committees while her husband was in office. As a former librarian, former First Lady Laura Bush continued the organization while also growing it. She pushed the government to establish funding for early childhood literacy programs. Laura Bush believed in the power of libraries, so she helped raise approximately one million dollars for public libraries. She created the Laura Bush Foundation. It also provides financial support for public libraries. Both former First Lady Laura Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush had great impacts on our nation’s quest for literacy.

Which sentence best states the main idea of the text?

a. Former First Lady Laura Bush has always had a love for reading.

b. This interest was shared by a previous first lady and her mother-in-law, Barbara Bush.

c. As a former librarian, former First Lady Laura Bush continued the organization while also growing it.

d. Both former First Lady Laura Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush had great impacts on our nation’s quest for literacy.

d. Both former First Lady Laura Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush had great impacts on our nation’s quest for literacy.


Police officers provide an important service to the public. In most states, police cadets must be at least 18 years old to enter a police academy. Each cadet must have a high school diploma. However, it is not uncommon for police officers to have college degrees. A police officer must also have a driver’s license and a clean driving record. Another important requirement is physical agility. A police officer’s job can be very physically demanding, so physical fitness is crucial. Having good judgment skills, strong character traits, and a high level of integrity are more skills that successful police officers have, as well as the ability to multitask. Because the job is dangerous, police officers must be willing to sacrifice their lives for a better society. Being a police officer is a thrilling and selfless job.

Which evidence from the text best supports the inference that education is important to many police officers?

a. A police officer’s job can be very physically demanding, so physical fitness is vital.

b. In most states, police cadets must be at least 18 years old to enter a police academy.

c. Because the job is dangerous, police officers must be willing to sacrifice their lives for a better society.

d. However, it is not uncommon for police officers to have college degrees.

d. However, it is not uncommon for police officers to have college degrees.


The U.S. military plays an important role in ensuring the freedom of millions of citizens. There are six branches of the military. A. United States Army – The United States Army is mostly a landbased unit. The Army is divided into the following three areas: cavalry, artillery, and infantry. B. United States Navy – The United States Navy operates in oceans and seas around the globe. It is the largest navy in the world. C. United States National Guard – The National Guard protects and offers support on American soil. They can be called up to respond during and after social conflicts and major weather events. Soldiers in the National Guard can also hold full-time civilian jobs. D. United States Marine Corps – The United States Marine Corps is a marine-based unit. However, they also conduct missions on land. E. United States Air Force – The United States Air Force carries out military missions by securing the air. They carry out missions on native soil and abroad. F. United States Coast Guard – The United States Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security. They conduct search and rescue missions and provide security around America’s oceanic borders.

What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

a. To persuade the reader to join the military

b. To describe the different branches of the military

c. To share the author’s opinion of the military

d. To inform the reader about the different ways to join the military

b. To describe the different branches of the military


Francis had told his neighbor Judy that he would help her rearrange a couple pieces of furniture today at noon. He glanced at the clock above the television and saw that it read 11:15. She had said it would only take a few minutes, but Francis was really into this cartoon marathon. He glanced out the window. Was it going to rain? Francis figured rain was at least a slight possibility. Plus, Judy lived practically at the other end of the block, so a few minutes was really more like maybe fifteen minutes, he figured. Maybe 45 minutes would give him enough time to call a moving company and have them send someone to Judy's at noon. He would rather spend the money than get up from his couch, which had to be the most comfortable couch in history. Without looking, he reached down to the floor and pawed around for his phone. In horror, he realized that it was plugged into the wall way across the room.

What point of view is this story told from?

a. first person

b. second person

c. third person-limited

d. third person-omniscent 

c. third person-limited


Rosa Parks was an important part of the Civil Rights era. Her actions on December 1, 1955 forever changed the face of the movement. During this time in history, segregated facilities and public transportation existed. There were separate facilities for white Americans and AfricanAmericans. Parks worked as a seamstress in Montgomery, AL. After working a long shift, she boarded a city bus and sat down in a section that was reserved for African-American passengers. However, when the white section of the bus reached capacity, Parks was asked to give up her seat in the African-American section of the bus. She refused because she thought that it was unfair treatment. Because of her refusal, she was arrested for violating the segregation laws. Her behavior was a starting point for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After this incident, Rosa Parks continued to speak against racism and segregation.

Which sentence from the text best helps the reader understand the meaning of “segregated”?

a. Rosa Parks was an important part of the Civil Rights era.

b. There were separate facilities for white Americans and African Americans.

c. She refused because she thought that it was unfair treatment.

d. Her behavior was a starting point for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

b. There were separate facilities for white Americans and African Americans.
