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Context Clues
Text Structure

Who invented the light bulb?

Thomas Edison 


Find the word SHRUBBERY



Floods can cause tremendous damage.  They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind.  It can take months to clean up after a flood. 

A. Floods can cause a lot of damage. 

B. Floods cause mudslides 

C. Floods damage houses and roads. 

A. Floods can cause a lot of damage. 


The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun.

A. ate 

B. Burned

C. Slept

D. Sunbathed

B. Burned


This text structure is "how are things in the text similar or different."

What is Compare and Contrast


What color do you get when you mix red and blue?

What is Purple 


Find the word FAST


 The earth's surface is constantly changing.  All over the world everyday there are earthquakes, floods and volcanoes that quickly change our world. Some changes are too small to see.  Others cause tremendous damage and costs millions of dollars to clean up. 

A. It is expensive to clean up the damage. 

B. Sometimes we can't see the changes. 

C. The Earth's surface is always changing. 

C. The Earth's surface is always changing. 


The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff.

A. Gracefully

B. Lazily 

C. Dangerously 

D. Hopefully

C. Dangerously 


The text structure that is written in a style that tells what happened and why it happens is...

What is Cause and Effect


What is the fourth planet from the sun?



Find the word PENGUIN


Scientists can measure the intensity of an earthquake. They use an instrument called the Richter scale. The Richter scale compares the strength of different earthquakes. Earthquakes  below 2.0 usually can’t be felt. Earthquakes over 5.0 on the scale can cause damage. A magnitude 7.0 is a major earthquake and can cause tremendous damage. 

A. Scientists can measure the intensity of an earthquake

B. Strong earthquakes can cause lots of damage

C. Some earthquakes are very small

D. There is a type of scale called a Richter scale 

A. Scientists can measure the intensity of an earthquake


 Each student was allotted two tickets to the dance. 

A. Allowed 

B. Joyful

C. Taken

D. Fed

A. Allowed 


This text structure tells what is the conflict, or problem, and how it was resolved.

What is Problem and Solution



Arachnophobia is the fear of...

A. Confined Spaces

B. Spiders

C. Water

D. Heights 

B. Spiders


Find the word ZEBRA


Eva wanted to surprise her sister Cindy for her birthday. She decided to plan a picnic for her sister. She made two sandwiches and put them in a bag. Then she put some cookies and bottles of water in the bag. When she told Cindy about the surprise, Cindy gave her sister a big hug. Then the girls walked to the park. 

A. The girls walked to the park

B. Eva planned a picnic to surprise her sister

C. Eva told Cindy about the surprise

D. Eva put some cookies and water in a bag. 

B. Eva planned a picnic to surprise her sister


The most TRAGIC part of the movie was the war, which caused many people to lose their homes.

A. Fantasy, Dream

B. Disastrous, Awful

C. Extremely happy

B. Disastrous, Awful


 The text structure that shows events taking place over time or gives steps is...

What is Chronological/Sequence 


Where is Mr. Cross going on his honeymoon?



find the word FANTASTIC


 If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

There are many ways to make yourself feel better. 


The thought of eating a rat is ABHORRENT to most people. 

A. Fun

B. Horrible

C. Delicious 

D. Exciting

B. Horrible 


. There was a mean teacher named Mr. Johnson. Every time he would yell, students would cry. What is the Text Structure?

What is Cause and Effect