Cause and Effect
Text Features
Compare and Contrast
Fiction & Nonfiction
True or False Free Verse Poerty must rythme.
What is implict cause and effect in a story ?
cause and effect realtionship is implied and NOT stated in text. Must inference
What is a prefix? give an example and how it changes the deifnation of the root word
affix added to the beigining of rootword Ex: Dis means not + agree = disagree which means not agree
How can you tell a text is fiction
not true can not be proven has charatcers that are not real people
What is an inference?
Answers will vary
A lyrical Poem must...
rhyme, have a meter, stanzas, line breaks
What is an explicit cause and effect realtionship?
the cause and effect is stated in the text.
What is a suffix? Give an exapmle on defintion of the word
affix added to the end of the word. Ex Wonder + ful ( full of ) = full of wonder
How can you tell if a text is nonficton
Mostly facts
True or False An inference will be not stated in the text
What is a line break?
the place where the line of poerty ends
True or False you can squence and story using cause and effect
What context clues will help determine the meaning of fatigued in the sentence below? Nicholas was so fatigued that he had to sit down and take a nap.
sit down take nap
When asked about events in two passages that are similar, the events need to happen in.....
Both passages
Read the following: Zombies first appeared in popular culture as early as 1918. Zombies figure prominently in movies, books, video games, TV shows, and websites. Some zombie entertainment storylines are mean to be scary, while others are meant to be humorous. The passage Suggests that A. Zombies have been popular with people for a long time B. The Walking Dead is the Best Show ever. C. Zombies are always scary D. Zombies are real
Which words rhyme in the poem below? I'd rather have fingers than toes; I'd rather have ears than a nose; And as for my hair, I'm glad its still there; I'll be awfully sad when it goes.
toes nose toes hair there
Sequence the follwing story using cause and effect. Mrs. Jenkins found Mr. John in the school freezer, stealing lunches. When Mrs. Jenkins caught him in the act, she told him she was going to report him to the principal. Mr. John panicked and hit Mrs. Jenkins with the handle of the mop, threatening her not to tell. He ran out the freezer and left school. Mr. John was not aware that Mrs. Jenkins collapsed and was not able to move after the hit. She froze to death.
Answers must include the following pharses First this happened Which Caused Which Led to That resulted in
What is a text feature?
text feautres help readers gain infromation and locate infromation on about the text Text features include: title heading graphics with captions charts diagrams ca
When asked about events in two passages that are different the events need to be
In one passage and not the other.
Read the passage Because zombies were once human, they share many characteristics with humans. They differ from humans in several important ways, however. Zombies don’t feel pain. In fact, they can function without important parts such as their internal organs. Zombies lack coordination when they move. Zombies also lack human intelligence. You can conlcude that Zombies A. Would great make teachers B. Be your best friend C. Eat You D. Can function without an arm
How does the writer of the poem below feel? Shadows on the wall Noises down the hall Life doesn't frieghten me at all Bad dogs barking loud Big ghost in a cloud Life doesn't frighten me at all
Possiable Answers Brave Confident Determine
Sequence Coraline using cause and effect
The answers mus include the following pharses
How do text features help you as you read.
The provide addtional information to help understand the text.
What kinds of texts can be non fiction?
biographies autobiogrpahies Interviews news reports infroamtional texts
Read the following: Frank the Zombie awoke with one thing on his mind. “Brains!” Frank muttered. Frank walked with a halting gait toward the mall. “Brains!” Frank called, but all of the humans were safely locked inside. Frank headed to his next favorite feeding spot, a college campus. “Brains!” Frank cried, but there were no humans in sight. Frank wandered down Main Street, calling for brains but was destined to stay hungry that night. Based on the infromation in the text you can Frank would.... A. Eat your heart B. Be your best friend C. Is ready for the Benchmark test D. Eat your brain
intelligent animals