Author's Purpose
Organizational Pattern
Non-fiction Text Features
The Hunger Games
Grab Bag
My new computer came with a large instruction manual that told how to assemble it. The purpose of this manual was to _________.
explain how to put it together
Which of the following organizational patterns would a demonstration speech on knitting a scarf most likely follow?
This text feature is usually located under an illustration or a photo and it gives information about the image.
In what point of view is The Hunger Games written?
first person
This is the text feature that is usually written in the largest font across the top of the page. Most of the time it contains the main idea of the passage below. This text feature is called a _____________________.
Although it is a major mess, my bedroom is a place where I feel right at home. The covers of my rumpled bed are almost all on the floor. The books and papers and clothes strewn wildly on my desk leave no room for me to write—which I can’t do anyway because I don’t know where I put the chair (or my notebooks or my pen). Each time I go into my room, I blaze a new trail through all the stuff on the floor. I can barely even open the door to get in. How I love my room! The student's purpose in writing this paragraph was to _____.
A report that identifies the similarities and differences in feral and domestic cats would use which organizational pattern?
compare and contrast
This text feature is usually located in the back of a non-fiction text, and it contains an alphabetical list of unfamialiar words and their meanings.
What is the author's purpose for writing The Hunger Games?
To entertain
If you want to know which pages in your social studies book discuss the climate in Jabuti, which text feature would you use to find this information?
Congratulations on becoming a new pet owner! A parakeet is an excellent family pet. Your new bird will provide you with hours of entertainment. However, there are many responsibilities attached with being the owner of a parakeet. In order for your bird to thrive, you must take time to read the following information on the proper nutrition, training techniques, and daily habits of your fabulous new parakeet. The author's purpose is _____________.
to inform
A soldier in World War II decided to write an autobiography about his experience fighting overseas. He begins his story with arriving on foreign soil and ends with his safe arrival back home. His autobiography is written using which organizational pattern?
Your teacher asks, "On which page in your literature textbook does 'The Highwayman' begin?" Which text feature would you use to find this poem in your textbook?
Table of Contents
We know Katniss is from District 12 and the principle industry there is coal. However, tracking this information for every district can be difficult. What text feature would best help us organize this information and allow us to easily find this information for each district?
Chart or table
An owners manual for a cell phone is written for what purpose?
To explain how to use the cell phone
Novels and other fictionals stories are written for this purpose.
To entertain
Global warming is a real issue in today's society. Your teacher asks you to investigate some possible ways that you can reduce global warming and share your ideas with the class in an oral report. Which organizational structure are you most likely to use for your speech?
These are features used to draw the readers attention to specific or important information within a text. (Multiple answers possible)
What text feature would you use to find out which page Chapter 14 starts on in The Hunger Games?
Table of Contents
Your friend has asked you to write down directions on how to bake a cake. Which organizational structure would you use?
A presidental candidate gives many speeches during his race for office. In each speech he tells the people what he plans to do in his position should he be elected to office in an effort to gain voter support. His main purpose in each of his campaign speeches is ________________________.
to persuade
In May of last year, a devastating flood struck middle Tennessee. The water from the flood destroyed numerous homes and businesses which created a sudden strain on our local economy. Nearly a year later, Tennesse residents and businesses are still struggling to recover from the effects of the massive flood of 2010. What is the organizational pattern of this passage?
Cause and effect
You are studying the parts of a cell in Science class. In your textbook you see an illustration that includes labels that identify each part of the cell. What type of text feature is this?
Katniss is asked to deliver a speech telling the audience how she is alike and different from the career tributes. Hopefully, she can convince the audience to sponsor her in the games instead of the careers. Which organizational pattern would she use, and what is her purpose for the speech?
Organizational Pattern- Compare and Contrast Purpose- to persuade
This text feature organizes numerical data in lines, bars, and portions. (multiple answers possible)