Gone Til Nove"L"mber
Making Inferences
Vital Vocabulary
Cause & Effect
Context Clues
She wrote Out of the Dust
Who is Karen Hesse
Mr. T was taking attendance. "Noah?" "Here." "Ava?" Two girls said "here" at the same time. Mr. T continued. "Neil?" There was no response. A few kids turned around and saw that Neil's seat was empty. It is likely that: a) The class included two girls named Ava b) No one in the class was named Neil c) Mr. T did not know all his students' names
What is A) The class included two girls named Ava
What is an introduction or introductory explanation
One type of mountain climbing is ice climbing. Climbers use various sharp tools to move up the ice. They kick boots outfitted with spikes into the ice. Then they use ice axes to pull themselves up. With these tools they can climb an ice surface that is completely vertical. CAUSE: Ice is a difficult surface to climb. What is the EFFECT?
Most pirates stole coins to spend, not bury. One pirate who did bury treasuer was Captain Kidd. In 1699, he hid gold and silver on an island near New York. People have dug up some loot, but more may still be concealed. What does "concealed" mean? a) hidden b) illegal c) discovered
What is a) hidden
Billie Jo's last name
What is Kelby
Recess is a time for kids to take a break from sitting in their school desks. If the weather allows, they go outside to get some exercise. Running around and playing sports gets their blood pumping. For many students, it is a chance to recharge. When they go back to their schoolwork, they are able to concentrate easier. It is likely that: a) recess is the school subject where kids learn the history of sports. b) recess is healthy for kids. c) recess is not as good for kids as studying.
What is b) recess is healthy for kids.
What is an incorrect or inappropriate name.
Mountain climbers must be careful on glaciers. Some glaciers contain crevasses, or gaps, that are hidden by snow. Before climbing, all climbers in the party tie themselves to one long rope. If one climber falls in an interstice, the others can pull him or her up. EFFECT: Climbers can rescue a person with a rope. What was the CAUSE?
What is All climbers tie themselves to one long rope.
According to pirate lore, pirates who buried treasure would make a treasure map. On the map, they would mark an "X" to designate where they had put their treasure. In reality, pirates probably did not make treasure maps, let alone bury treasure. What does "designate" mean? a) show b) ignore c) trick
What is a) show
Phillip's best friend back home.
Who is Henrik Van Boven
Bullying is a problem in schools today. Some kids pick on other kids because it makes them feel strong. Other kids start bullying because they think it will make them fit in. There is no excuse for bullying. Kids who are bullied are sometimes too upset or scared to tell anyone. Any student who sees bullying should tell an adult. It is likely that: a) Bullies are always boys. b) Bullies tease only younger kids. c) You should report a bully to a teacher even if you're not the one being bullied.
What is c) You should report a bully to a teacher even if you're not the one being bullied.
What is of the highest order; best; greatest
Some mountain climbers sleep in tents. Mountain winds may make the tent walls flap loudly or even blow the tent down. Other mountain climbers prefer to build a snow cave and sleep inside in a sleeping bag. It sounds cold, but it is generally warmer than sleeping in a tent! CAUSE: Winds may blow tents down. What is the EFFECT?
What is Some climbers build a snow cave.
Pirates led dangerous lives. They knew they could be killed at any moment. Therefore, they often wasted little time in spending what they have plundered. Burying treasure and going back for it would take too much time and effort! What does "plundered" mean? a) stolen b) borrowed c) earned
What is a) stolen
Annemarie's home country
What is Denmark
In elementary school, students typically have one teacher for all subjects. In middle school, they begin to change teachers for each subject. One person teaches them math, another teacher social studies, and so on. Students walk to a different classroom for each subject. That means they get more exercise! It is likely that: a) All middle school teachers must be able to teach science. b) In middle school, the English teacher and math teacher may be different people. c) Elementary school teachers are smarter than middle school teachers.
What is b) In middle school, the English teacher and math teacher may be different people.
An annoying person or thing
What is a nuisance
Mountain climbers avoid areas where rocks or ice might fall on them. Many rocks at the base of a slope or tracks of rolling rocks on a snowy slope are signs than an area is dangerous. Climbers are especially careful during the hottest part of the day, when ice may break free above them. EFFECT: Climbers do not go up a certain part of a mountain. What is the CAUSE?
What is They see a cluster of rocks at the base.
Treasure Island is a novel about the search for treasure a pirate named Flint buried. Other pirates return to the island but cannot find the riches. They do find Ben Gunn, a man Flint had marooned on the island. Before the searchers arrived, Gunn had found Flint's treasure and stashed it in his cave. What does "marooned" mean? a) encountered b) abandoned c) robbed
What is b) abandoned
Billie Jo's best friend
Who is Livie
Young people in the Northern Hemisphere can become atronomers every summer vacation. A meteor shower called Perseids lasts for several weeks in July and August. By August 12, it may be possible to see 10 or more shooting stars per hour - no telescope needed. The meteors are more clearly visible in the country than in the city. They are also easier to spot on moonless nights. It is likely that: a) Perseids is a group of asteroids that can be seen from Earth. b) Perseids can be seen only during a full moon. c) Shooting star is another term for meteor.
What is c) Shooting star is another term for meteor.
Having a reputation of the worst kind
What is infamous
Avalanches pose a major risk to mountain climbers. Sometimes loose snow collects on top of snow that is packed down. Even the movement of a person can send that loose snow down the mountain. Some climbers carry shovels in case they need to dig out someone trapped under snow from an avalanche. CAUSE: Loose snow piles on top of hard snow. What is the EFFECT?
What is The loose snow can become an avalanche
In the 1500s, Spanish explorers searched South American for a city that was allegedly made of gold. It was known as El Dorado. At times, people put El Dorado on maps of South American even though no explorer has ever found it. What does "allegedly" mean? a) positively b) partially c) supposedly
What is c) supposedly