Main Idea
Making Inferences
Making Connections
Context Clues

On Monday, Jonelle failed her science test. She had intended to study over the week end, but by Sunday evening, she still hadn't opened her science book. Plus, her favorite show was on from 8:00 to 10:00. Then, before she realized it, it was time for bed. Jonelle swallowed hard as she opened the front door. She hoped her mother wasn't home. a. Jonelle's mother is too hard on her. b. Jonelle doesn't like social studies c. Jonelle didn't study and failed a test.

El lunes, Jonelle falló su examen de ciencias. Tenía la intención de estudiar durante el fin de semana, pero el domingo por la noche aún no había abierto su libro de ciencias. Además, su programa favorito estaba encendido de 8:00 a 10:00. Entonces, antes de que ella se diera cuenta, era hora de irse a la cama. Jonelle tragó saliva mientras abría la puerta principal. Esperaba que su madre no estuviera en casa. A. La madre de Jonelle es demasiado dura con ella. B. A Jonelle no le gustan los estudios sociales. C. Jonelle no estudió y falló una prueba.

Jonelle didn't study and failed a test.

Jonelle no estudio y fallo la prueba.

Mrs. Straus was taking attendance. "Gabby?" "Here." "Emma?" Two girls said "here" at the same time. Mrs. Straus continued. "Max?" There was no response. A few kids turned around and saw that Max's seat was empty. It is likely that: a. the class included two girls named Emma. b. No one in the class was named Max. c. Mrs. Straus did not know all her students' names
a. the class included two girls named Emma.
After school, Tony went shopping for his mother. He went to the grocery store. Tony bought bread, eggs, butter, and milk. When Tony came home, his mother said, "Thank you." When did Tony's mother thank him? a. when Tony came home b. before Tony left c. the story doesn't say
a. when Tony came home
The djembe is a West African drum. It has a single drum head that produces a deep, powerful sound. A single drummer can play a djembe, but large groups of people play djembe drums together. The Japanese drum is called the taiko. It has two drum heads on either side of its body. Groups of taiko drummers play their drums together, but occasionally, a single taiko drummer plays alone. Both drums: a. can be played alone or with a group b. have two drum heads c. can only be played by one drummer
a. can be played alone or with a group
Monkeys do tricks and amuse people. Monkeys climb very fast. They blow horns. They dance and make funny noises. People laugh when they watch monkeys. The word amuse means: a. make people laugh b. make people cry c. make people sad
a. make people laugh
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, young Huck runs away from home with a slave named Jim. They head north so Jim can be free, but on the way, Huck feels guilty. He knows it's against the law to help Jim escape slavery. He thinks about turning Jim in, but he also thinks about what a good friend Jim is, so they keep going. a. a good friend is worth taking risks for b. Huck has a lot of guilt c. people who break laws almost always feel guilty
a. a good friend is worth taking risks for
The kids split into teams to play kickball. Jill was one team captain and Rich was the other. Hannah was up first. Sarah went next, then Jen. Soon the teams switched sides. Nate was the first kicker. Gary followed him, then Steve. At the end of the game, Rich and Jill shook hands. "Good game, Jill," Rich said. "Maybe next time, your Fantastic Four will finally beat my Proficient Players." It is likely that: a. Tom never caught a ball. b. The kids would rather play baseball. c. The game was boys verses girls.
c. The game was boys verses girls.
Tom was walking down the street on a very hot day. He was eating orange ices. The ices melted all over Tom. "You have been eating orange ices," said Mother. "How did you know?" asked Tom. When was Tom eating ices? a. on a very cold day b. on a very hot day c. on a very nice day
b. on a very hot day
Chocolate is made from the cacao plant that is native to Mexico and South America. Ancient people used it in everyday life and in religious ceremonies. It was eaten without being sweetened. One of the earliest uses was in a drink called xocolatl, which means "bitter water." Chocolate is now mixed with sugar, and sometimes milk, to produce a variety of candies and syrups. Believe it or not, the United States is number 15 when it comes to chocolate consumption. The country that consumes the most of the sweet stuff is Switzerland. How is the historical use of chocolate different from how it is used today? a. It used to be a liquid, but today it is eaten in solid form. b. It used to grown in Mexico and South America, but today it is grown elsewhere. c. It used to be eaten unsweetened but now it is eaten mostly with sweeteners.
c. It used to be eaten unsweetened but now it is eaten mostly with sweeteners.
Tonight I cleaned up my room. Then I helped my brother do the dishes. My brother praised me for helping him. My father praised my for taking care of my things. He said it was good that I put my things away. The word praised means a. yelled at b. laughed at c. said nice things about
c. said nice things about
An exotic pet is an animal that has been caught in the wild and then kept as a pet. Exotic pets are cute when they're little. But many become bigger and stronger than their owners. And that means they're dangerous. People have been bitten by monkeys, suffocated by snakes, and even attacked by tigers-in the privacy of their own homes! a. people who want exotic pets should keep them outside b. all exotic pets are mean c. exotic animals are dangerous to keep as pets
c. exotic animals are dangerous to keep as pets
Molly was afraid to tell her parents that she lost her key to the back door of the house. "It's okay, Molly," her brother said. "We will get a new door. Or we can just stop using that door altogether," her brother said. "But that will be inconvenient," Molly said. "Can't we just make a new key at the hardware store?" It is likely that: a. Molly's brother was angry that she lost the key. b. The back door was old. c. Molly eventually realized an easy solution to the lost key.
c. Molly eventually realized an easy solution to the lost key.
Muhammed Ali is a great boxer. He has boxed all over the world. Muhammed Ali began boxing when he was very young. People all over the world liked to watch him box. Where did Ali box? a. just in the U.S.A. b. all over the world. c. just in Vegas.
b. all over the world
Thomas Edison invented many things that make our lives easier today. He also develop systems that brought electricity to the homes of ordinary people. He believed his systems would make everyone's lives more enjoyable and productive. Nikola Tesla work for Edison but soon became his rival. Tesla believed that a generator that produced alternating current was better than a generator that produced direct current of electricity. Tesla was the victor in this debate since alternating current can travel farther than direct current. Now our homes, businesses, and schools are powered by alternating current. Both Edison and Tesla viewed the work they did as: a. beneficial to everyone b. a way to make money c. a fun way to spend time
a. beneficial to everyone
Some days I eat a lot of food. On other days I am only slightly hungry. That is when I do not eat much. The word slightly means: a. a lot b. a little c. enough
b. a little
American Football is played on a rectangular field with goalposts. Well-padded players pass, carry, and kick the ball. The game is full of pauses as teams discuss their next play. Australian football is played on a round field with no goalposts. Players don't wear any padding. And they kick the ball almost as often as in soccer, making for nonstop action. a. American football is boring compared to Australian football. b. American and Australian football are different games. c. Australian football players are tougher than American players.
b. American and Australian football are different games
Jordan stepped too hard into a puddle, and muddy water splashed her jeans. "I'm glad I wasn't wearing my white pants," she said to her friend Gabe. "Once I accidentally squeezed ketchup onto my white shirt," Gabe said. "I told people that the shirt was actually red, and someone dumped a can of white paint on me, covering all but that one spot!" It is likely that: a. Jordan got muddy water on Gabe's pants. b. not all of Jordan's pants are blue. c. It was raining as Jordan and Gabe walked to the library.
b. not all of Jordan's pants are blue.
Martin and his brother went to the movies. They saw Star Wars. Martin liked the movie very much. When the movie was over, Martin stayed to see it again. Who went to see the movie? a. Martin and his father b. Martin and his sister c. Martin and his brother
c. Martin and his brother
Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio. He was a daydreamer and often had trouble paying attention in school. Edison's mother saw his potential. She believed his daydreaming was a sign that he was thinking great thoughts. She encouraged him to pursue his dreams. Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in what is now Croatia. Although his mother could not read, she was very talented at building tools for the home. As Tesla grew up, he caught his mother's inventive spirit. He attended college and studied electrical engineering. Tesla quickly gained a reputation for being intelligent and inventive. Both authors organize their writing by: a. discussing how the inventors solved their problems together. b. comparing how the inventors were educated. c. starting with the events in the two inventors' childhoods that led to their interest in electricity.
c. starting with the events in the two inventors' childhoods that led to their interest in electricity.
Sheep have woolly, white hair. Their hair grows during the winter. The wool is sheared in the spring. The the sheep have short hair for the summer. The word sheared means: a. cut b. washed c. petted
a. cut
In 1849, gold was discovered in California, which at the time had 14,000 people. Dreams of striking it rich caused thousands to head west. Few found gold. Most struggled to survive. In 1855, the Gold Rush was over. Many moved on in search of new gold fields. But, by that time, California had almost half a million people. And, it had become the 31st state. a. The Gold Rush changed California forever. b. Gold can be found in California. c. California is a nice place to live.
a. The Gold Rush changed California forever.
Oscar and Brad went to the movies. It was the first time Oscar had gone to a movie without an adult. Brad had done that only once, when he and his older cousin saw a comedy about zoo employees who understood what the animals were saying. After the movie, Brad's dad picked them up. Several other cars were lined up behind his dad's, picking up kids from the movies. It is likely that: a. Brad's cousin was at least 24 years old. b. Oscar and Brad had never seen a movie together. c. Brad and Oscar were not old enough to drive.
c. Brad and Oscar were not old enough to drive.
Bonnie and Benny are fish. Barry got Benny and Bonnie on his birthday. Bonnie and Benny live in a beautiful bowl. Barry likes to watch Bonnie and Benny swim in their little bowl. Who are Bonnie and Benny? a. They are frogs. b. They are fish. c. They are children.
b. they are fish
Biodiversity is necessary for all plants and animals on the planet. Even species that seem insignificant are actually very important to biodiversity. Many species depend on one another for survival. But biodiversity is important to humans, too. Lots of organisms are valuable to us. They are used for things we use every day, like food, clothing, and medicine. Snail may not seem very important to the ecosystems where they live. But they are. Snails help take care of decaying waste materials. Although their bodies are slimy and they have shells to protect themselves, snails still provide food for some of the larger animals in their ecosystems. Even humans eat snails sometimes! Both authors involve the reader by - a. comparing how the reader's ecosystem can be both harmed and helped b. encouraging the read to appreciate all kinds of organisms c. describing the way readers can find out more about snails
b. encouraging the reader to appreciate all kinds of organisms
There are many benefits to knowing a second language. Knowing more than one language allows you to think divergently. In other words, you become more open-minded. You can see things from many viewpoints. The word divergently means: a. narrowly b. cleanly c. ordinarily d. differently
d. differently