My First Pet Part 1
My First Pet Part 2
Pet Parade Part 1
Pet Parade Part 2
Comparing both Texts

What Can the reader conclude about the narrator? 

A. He has a fun sense of humor

B. He enjoys looking but not choosing

C. He won't get a normal pet

D. He won't be able to choose

D. He won't be able to choose?


In line 37, why is the word 'can't' capitalized?

F. to add suspense

G. to show the speaker's frustration

H. to make the poem fun to read

J. to show how hard it is to choose a pet 

J. to show how hard it is to choose a pet


Nelson's essay supports the idea that he-

A. is close to his family

B. needs help to get his homework done

C. he doesn't do well in school

D. doesn't get along with his sister

D. doesn't get along with his sister


Which sentence from the story shows that everyone in the family loves pets? 

A. maybe a side by side comparison

B. The other day my mom told me she wants to register our house as a zoo.

C. "You know, I think we should look into getting a ferret," said Nelson's mom.

D. "Mom said I had to be part of the pet parade," she sneered. 

B. The other day my mom told me she wants to register our house as a zoo.


One difference between the speaker of the poem and Nelson is that the speaker - 

A. doesn't have a sister

B. loves dogs

C. doesn't have a pet yet

D. likes all animals

C. doesn't have a pet yet


What is the main message of the poem? 

A. Pets make families stronger.

B. Choosing a pet is an important decision

C. Exotic animals make better pets

D. Any animal can be a pet

B. Choosing a pet is an important decision


The structure of the poem helps the reader know that is is -

A. lyrical

B. descriptive

C. free verse

D. rhyming

D. rhyming


Which sentence does the author use to suggest Nelson and his sister don't get along?

F. How do you even corral such a beast?

G. It was strange that she was even out of her room- a rare sighting

H. MY brother has a lizard and my sister has two bunnies that stay out in the garage at all times. 

J. She sits in a cage (in her room) sleeping, eating, and texting. 

F. How do you even corral such a beast?


The author includes sensory and vivid language in paragraph 2 to illustrate how- 

F. dangerous a house full of animals can be

G. Nelson's sister behaves

H. much Nelson and his sister don't get along

J. why Nelson's sister is called a pet

J. why Nelson's sister is called a pet


Both selections express the idea that -

F. It's hard to choose a pet

G. Pets are hard at work 

H. everyone should have a pet

J. parents love pets as much as kids

F. It's hard to choose a pet

The word heights in line 18 means-

F. elevation above the ground level

G. A measurement from base to top

H. the best part of something

J. a high place

f. Elevation above the ground level


8. Why would the poet be a fool if he kept a dolphin in a tub? 

F. The tub is too small

G. The dolphin could escape

H. The water is too hot

J. The dolphin can't be caught

F. The tub is too small


What is the best summary of paragraphs 7-14? 

A. Nelson is working an essay when his dad calls him downstairs. Nelson gets to choose which pet is the best. 

B. Nelson's dad calls him downstairs. He has the family pets all out to help Nelson decide which one to choose. Nelson carefully checks out each one.

C. Nelson's family is like a zoo. They have lots of pets. Nelson is trying to choose which one is best. He can't decide, as he likes all of them. 

D. Nelson can't choose between the dogs, cats, lizard, birds and bunnies which pet he likes the best, so his parents help him. 

B. Nelson's dad calls him downstairs. He has the family pets all out to help Nelson decide which one to choose. Nelson carefully checks out each one.


Nelson probably chose Bob because he- 

A. is easiest to manage

B. likes to smile

C. is a dog

D. couldn't choose his sister

A. is easiest to manage


19. Which sentence best describes a difference between animas in both selections? 

A. The animals in the poem are exotic, while the animals in the story are not. 

B. The animals in the poem need homes, while the animals in the story already have one. 

C. The animals in the poem are not dangerous, while the animals in the story are. 

D. The animals in the poem are endangered, while the animals in the story are not. 

A. The animals in the poem are exotic, while the animals in the story are not.


The last stanza contains only two lines because the poet wants to show that-

F. It is an important moment

G. The setting has change

H. The poem contains dialogue

J. This is something that happened in the past

F. It is an important moment


The poem is mostly about- 

A. what animals make good pets

B. why pets are fun

C. dangerous animals

D. choosing a pet

D. choosing a pet


The word rare in paragraph 8 means- 

F. interesting value

G. unusually good

H. not found in large numbers

J. not occurring often

J. not occurring often


Nelson's parent's actions show that they- 

F- wish they didn't have as many pets

G- like Nelson more than his siblings

H- love animals as much as Nelson

J- wouldn't be able to choose a favorite pet

H- love animals as much as Nelson


The speaker of the poem and Nelson would both likely agree that- 

F. not everyone should get a pet

G. pets make life better

H. sisters are trouble

J. essays are hard to write

G. pets make life better
