Context Clues
Main Idea

The most important information that tells you about the overall idea of a paragraph or section.

What is the main idea?


My sister's eyes resemble our mother's eyes. 

What does resemble mean?

A. run like    B. feel like    C. look like


What is look like?


Hurricanes are large storms. They begin over the ocean. They gather heat and energy from the water. Hurricanes move slowly to land as they grow stronger. Hurricanes are dangerous because of their size. They are also dangerous because of high winds and big waves. Hurricanes can bring flooding, power outages,and tornadoes. 

A. Hurricanes are summer storms. B. Hurricanes are one type of storm. C. Hurricanes are large, dangerous storms. D. Hurricanes are just like tornadoes and floods


What are hurricanes are large, dangerous storms.


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing.  

Where is the author in the text. 

What is a hair salon?


Name one similarity and two differences between the Raramuri and the Kenyan athletes.

What is...

Kenyans live in Kenya, Africa and Raramuri in Mexico, North America

Kenyans have a tradition of competing in the Olympics

Kenyans and Raramuri people live in impoverished (or poor) conditions.

They both are both skilled at for long distances 


A note explaining or commenting on a text.

What is annotation?


The boat sailed gently on the tranquil lake. 

What does tranquil mean?

A.upset    B. stormy   C. calm


What is calm?


What is another name for main idea?

What is the central idea?


Catalina prefers to eat what is grown “on the farm at (her) home – like apricots and things like that;” therefore, she ____________.

A. Likes to eat fast food.

B. Plants her own food. 

C. Eats healthily. 

D. Both B and C. 

What is Both B and C.

Plants her own food and eats healthily. 


Richard and Luis had been hiking for hours. Richard had to carry Luis for the last few miles of the hike. Sweat was rolling down his face as the sun shone directly overhead.

What conclusion can be drawn about Luis's age?

 a. He is older than Richard
 b. He is the same age as Richard
 c. He just had a birthday
 d. He is younger than Richard


What is Luis is younger than Richard?


What is the definition of a context clue?

What are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word?


Ortega immediately saw a parallel with the impoverished Raramuri, vowing to take their natural endurance to the next level by setting their training on a scientific footing. 

Using the context clues in the sentence, determine the meaning of the word endurance.

What is to tolerate an unpleasant or difficult process?

What is having the skill of resisting something difficult?


Read the following sentences and choose the main idea. John's favorite sport is basketball. He practices every day after school. He won player of the year last year. One day, John hopes to enter a basketball competition (and of course win). 

A. He practices everyday after school. 

B. He won player of the year last year. 

C. John's favorite sport is basketball. 

D.None of these


What is John's favorite sport is basketball.


No, Honey, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just having you for a husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I’ll just drive my old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy myself a little present. And if the poor old car doesn't break down, I’ll be back soon.

What is the message?

A. I don't want a gift.  

B. Buy me a new car.  

C. The mall is fun.  

D. I'll carry a bucket for you.


What is buy me a new car.


What does the ? in an annotated text signify?

What is the reader has a question or is confused about a section?


This is information that is implied or inferred. This means that the information is never clearly stated and so the reader must create it based on the information given and the reader's existing knowledge.

What is drawing a conclusion? 


Many people now feel that typewriters are archaic, or old-fashioned. What does archaic mean?

What is "old-fashioned" or out-of-date?


Irish immigration to the U.S. began during the early development of the American colonies. It is estimated that 200,000 Irish came to the U.S. in the 17th and 18th centuries. The numbers swelled from 1820 to 1850 to almost 2 million Irish immigrants. Most of these were fl eeing the potato fam-ine from 1845 until 1852. Steady numbers continued to arrive during the late 19th and 20th centu-ries. Today, over 36 million Americans claim some level of Irish ancestry.

A. The potato famine caused many Irish to immigrate to the U.S.   

B. The U.S. is a country of immigrants.  

C. The Irish are coming to the U.S. still today.  

D. The Irish came in large numbers to the U.S.


What is the Irish came in large numbers to the U.S?


The students were very quiet when the teacher walked over to the science center. The children sat at their desks and looked down at their hands. No one made a sound. The teacher looked around the classroom. Then she saw the pieces on the floor. What happened in the classroom?

What is someone broke a class beaker?


In the article titled "Running for Their Lives," readers are told that the Raramuri teens are being trained by a former professional footballer and expert in sports science, and that they have a natural endurance, which is necessary to have when competing in ultramarathons. 

From this information given, what is one effective conclusion that can be drawn?

A. The Raramuri athletes will be able to compete successfully in a variety of competitions (i.e. long and shot distances).

B. The Raramuri athletes will not be able to compete against better-trained and better equipped athletes. 

C. The Raramuri athletes will do anything to win every competition. 


What is the Raramuri will be able to compete successfully in a variety of competitions (i.e. long and short distances).


The relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others.

What is cause and effect?


The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people. What does abhorrent mean?

What is horrible?


The main idea is ALWAYS found in the first sentence of the paragraph.

What is false?


The woman waited nervously in line. When the counter was empty, she carefully unloaded her items from her cart. Lines creased her forehead as if to show the calculations ringing up in her head. Finally, the cashier began ringing up the items as the woman clutched her purse.

What is the woman may not have enough money to pay for her purchases?


List 3 requirements of an objective summary.

What is...

Must be brief

Must not include opinions

Must relate the facts only

Must be complete (Include the 5 W's)
