Theme/Central Idea
Context Clues
Author's Purpose

What is a theme?

A theme is the underlying message, idea, or lesson that the author wants to convey through the story.


What are context clues?

Context clues are hints or pieces of information within a text that help readers figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase.


What is an inference?

An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning, rather than from explicit statements.


What does the term "author's purpose" mean?

The reason why an author writes a particular text.


What is the definition of the term "tone?"

Tone is the author's attitude or feeling towards the subject matter or audience, conveyed through their writing style and choice of words.


Can a story have more than one theme? Explain.

Yes, a story can have more than one theme. Stories often explore multiple ideas or lessons that are interconnected.


Why are context clues helpful to use when reading?

Context clues make it easier to understand new vocabulary without needing to look up every word.

Why is it important to make inferences?

Making inferences is important because it helps readers understand the text beyond what is explicitly stated.


What are the three main categories used when determining the author's purpose?

To inform, to persuade, and to entertain.


How can the choice of words influence the tone of a text?

The choice of words can influence the tone by setting the mood or emotional context.


Is this a theme statement? 

The girl went to the store.

Why or why not?

No, it is a statement about something that happened. 


Identify the meaning of the word “elated” using context clues in this sentence.
 "After hearing the good news, she was elated and couldn't stop smiling."

Elated means extremely happy or joyful.


Make an inference based on the following short text: 

“John looked at the clock, muttered, ‘I’m late again,’ and quickly grabbed his bag and ran out the door.”  

John is likely rushing because he is worried about being late for an important appointment or event.


How can you determine the author’s purpose?

You can determine the author’s purpose by analyzing the language used, the structure of the text, and the content's focus.


Determine the tone of a passage where the author describes a stormy night in a dramatic and fearful way.

The tone of a passage describing a stormy night in a dramatic and fearful way is likely tense, ominous, or suspenseful.


How is a theme different from the main idea?

A theme is a universal idea or lesson, while the main idea is the specific point or argument made in a particular text.


In the sentence, “He was disgruntled after the long wait at the restaurant,” what does “disgruntled” mean?

Disgruntled means unhappy or dissatisfied.


Make an inference based on the short text:

“The old house was covered in cobwebs, and the floorboards creaked with every step. Sarah hesitated at the doorway before entering.”

Sarah might be feeling uneasy or apprehensive about entering the old house because it appears abandoned or spooky.


What is the author's purpose in a persuasive essay?

To convince the reader to agree with a particular point of view or to take action.


What tone is conveyed in a text that uses calm and soothing language to describe a peaceful garden?

The tone conveyed in a text using calm and soothing language to describe a peaceful garden is likely serene, tranquil, or gentle.


What is an example of a theme statement?

Loyalty and support are the foundations of true friendship.


Determine the meaning of the word “obscure” in this sentence using context clues:
“The instructions were so obscure that nobody could understand them.”

Obscure means unclear or difficult to understand.


Make an inference based on the short text:

“After the meeting, Lisa’s colleagues gathered around her desk to congratulate her with high-fives and cheers.”

Lisa has likely achieved something significant or completed a successful project, prompting her colleagues to celebrate with her.

What is the author's purpose of an informational text?

The author provides factual information or explains a topic to the reader.


How can the tone of a text affect the reader's perception of a character or situation?

The tone of a text can influence the reader's perception by shaping their emotional response and understanding of a character or situation.
