How many ways can we analyze assumptions?
Everyone can make a claim, but can they _____ their claim? Fill in the blank.
"...what is wrong is manipulating readers with false or _______ appeals." Fill in the blank.
Name three possible patterns of opposition.
Anticipation, Conflict, Oppose or Biases
Define an argument.
A sequence of statements./Differences in opinions or POVs.
What are 2 elements that authors give while writing, to influence readers?
How to check if an argument is logical?
Test for appropriateness, believability and consistency
What is the CCT in an argument?
The claim/conclusion/thesis statement
What are the aspects to consider when contextualizing?
Social, Historical, Political, Temporal, Location Cultural, and/or Economic
What are 3 angles we can look at while contextualizing?
Lenses (POV), Timeline, Differences
Describe the test for consistency in searching for logic.
Seeing if the SUPER is clearly and directly related to the CCT + suitable to be used in the context.
"Differentiate the normal and abnormal or peculiar."
This is a method to analyze...?
How to test the Knowledge received through reading process?
Check the writer's credentials
"Writers may also find themselves in opposition with certain topics and respond to them."
This is what you seek for when analyzing ____ in "Patterns of Opposition".
What is contextualizing? Give one way to reflect on the challenges towards your beliefs and values.
A strategy that allows you to infer on a text’s social, political, historical and/or cultural context, and to examine or evaluate the disparity between your own context and the text’s.
"Women's should only stay at home, says expert"
Written by Abu Bin Jon
By evaluating the writer's credibility, is the article trustworthy/credible/usable? Why?
No because the writer is not credible. He is a man talking about women's affairs.
"It wasn't me who said eating ice cream is haram! My ustaz said so!"
Why is this an emotional manipulation?
Identified themselves with a revered authority.
"CFS is the Gateway to the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue."
This is an example of...?
"He is the agent of Jews! Dajjal's Helper!! If we choose him, he will sell our souls to the Al-Masih!"
This is an example of...?
Demonizing others/Emotional Manipulation
A: "Vaccines are Dajjal's weapon!"
B: "Where did you get this info?"
A: "My taman's WhatsApp group."
Why is A's argument non-believable?
The source is not trustworthy
"The poor must be grateful to us the rich." said the CEO of the biggest agriculture company in the world.
This statement is best read using the ____ strategy.
"1 million people have died in the UK due to booster shots!"
What is the best reading strategy used to read the above utterance?
Recognizing emotional manipulation
"The rendang is good, but I think any rendang should have a crispier texture than what you cooked. It's a bit watery and brothy, which is not a good form of rendang."
The above excerpt can best be read using which strategy?
Reflecting on challenges towards our values and beliefs
'Paracetamol as the catalyst of COVID cure'
Written by Joyah Binti Abu
Lecturer, Department of Quranic Languages, USNY
The best reading strategy to read the above title is...?
Judging writer's credentials
A: My baby passed away 3 days ago due to high fever.
B: It's fine! You will have many more!
The above dialogues can best be read using which strategy?
Evaluating the logic of an argument