Main Idea
Drawing Conclusions
Mix It Up!
The Main Idea of this passage: The owl and the crow prey on each other's weaknesses. At night, owls often make dinners of crows, which cannot see well in the dark. During the day it's a different story. Vengeful groups of crows attack and kill sleeping owls, which are resting for another night of hunting.
What is what owls and crows do to each other.
Define an inference?
What is an educated guess?
When a good reader uses the information the writer gives him/her to figure out something that the writer does not say; the reader is doing what?
How many conjunctions in this sentence and what is the conjunction. I went to the store and bought spaghetti for dinner.
What is 1, "and"
What is the prepositional phrase? Mrs. Swanson and Miss Nelson have high expectations for their students.
What is "for their students"?
Main Idea of this passage: Native peoples were astonishing astronomers. They had no tools--no telescopes, no computers,not even any eyeglasses to improve their eyesight. Yet the Mayan people of Central America and the Yucatan made accurate observations of the skies and made predictions about the movements of Venus. These predictions rival our computer predictions today.
What is the skill of Mayan astronomers?
Read and then decide if the statements that follow is true, false, or an inference. The sun was rising as Mark and Juan walked onto the soccer field. Juan had played soccer many times, but it was to be a new experience for Mark. Juan kicked the ball far down the field. After Mark kicked the ball, Juan said, "Don't worry. It takes practice to play soccer well." T F I Mark taught Juan how to play soccer T F I The boys played soccer in the morning.
What is TRUE Mark taught Juan how to play soccer is a fact. What is INFERENCE based on the statement the sun was rising.
Read: How long does a tree live? An apple tree may live to be forty years old. the maple dies after fifty to seventy-five years. An oak can live for almost three hundred years. the bristlecone pine tree has the longest life span of all. some bristlecone pines have been alive four to five thousand years. You can conclude what about life spans of tree?
What is MOST KINDS of trees have different life spans?
And, but, for, so, nor, yet, or are called _______ conjunctions?
What is coordinating?
The root word -just- means?
What is fair, right, and law?
Main Idea of this passage: On October 8, 1871, a terrible fire destroyed much forest land around Green Bay, Wisconsin. More than 1,200 people were killed. But the fire was largely unnoticed because it happened on the same day as the great Chicago fire, which got all the attention.
What is the Wisconsin forest fire?
After reading choose True, False or Inference. Teeth will decay if they are not properly cared for. It's important to brush them after each meal and to see a dentist at least once a year. When Mr. Hopper was young, h didn't take good care of his teeth. As a result, today Mr. Hopper is constantly getting toothaches and having to visit the dentist. T F I When Mr. Hopper was young, his parents didn't make him brush his teeth 3 times a day. TFI Mr. Hopper is lucky he has healthy teeth.
What is Inference- Article states you need to brush 3 times a day, since Mr. Hoppers teeth are bad we can infer. What is FALSE - he has to see the dentist for toothaches, so his teeth are NOT healthy.
READ: Hawaii and Alaska, which became a states in the same year, are very different from each other. Alaska became the largest state when it joined the Union on January 3, 1959. Hawaii, the last state to join the Union, is one of the nation's smallest states. DRAW A CONCLUSION: When did Hawaii become a state?
What is after January 3, 1959, but before January 1, 1960.
A subordinating conjunction connects what two types of clauses?
What is dependent and independent?
Identify the adverbs in this sentence. The rabbit ran quickly through the fence, but didn't make it to his hole.
What is quickly and n't (not)?
Main idea of this passage: Earth quakes sometimes follow a pattern of foreshocks, main shocks, and aftershocks. Foreshocks may be very strong, almost major earthquakes, or very feeble and hardly felt. The main shock, of course, is the larger than the rest. Aftershocks, though smaller than the main shock, can do extensive damage to buildings weakened by earlier shaking. they may continue on and off for days or even years.
What is the shock pattern of earthquakes?
Read and answer True, False, or Inference. Claudia yawned and pulled her gray sweater out of the closet. Then she looked out at the gray,drizzly day and whispered to herself, "Why add to the mood?" She put the sweater back, and her eyes lit up as they fell on her favorite electric-blue blouse. T F I Claudia believes colors affect moods. T F I Claudia decided not to wear the gray sweater that day.
What is an INFERENCE? We can guess that she does. What is an TRUE? She put the sweater back.
READ: How fast can fish swim? Observations show that some are faster at swimming than a person is at running! Studies show that a good athlete can run at about twenty miles an hour for a short distance. The tuna can swim at twice this rate. The swordfish can race through the water at a speed of almost sixty miles an hour. Draw a conclusion: You can tell that a tuna can swim at a rate of ______________miles per hour.
What is 40 (miles per hour)?
Tell the conjunctions in the following sentence? And before John left for the store, he decided not only to call his mother, but also his father; since he spent too long on the phone, he didn't get to have dinner or call his sister.
What is ...and...not only...but also....since.....oro?
What are the adjectives in this sentence? Mrs. Swanson's retriever chased her car around the block.
What is ...Mrs. Swanson's, her, the
Main Idea of this passage: The North Pole is not the world's coldest region. Northeastern Siberia, over one thousand miles south of the North Pole, is the coldest place on earth. Temperatures as low as eighty degrees below zero Farhrenheit have often been recorded. Oddly enough, you would seldom catch a cold in the world's coldest region. Most germs cannot live in such extreme cold!
What is the coldest region on earth?
After reading answer TRUE, FALSE, or INFERENCE Twenty people sat around a long table packed with platters of steaming food. There was a huge turkey, corn, squash, potatoes, and green vegetables. Mr. Rob, the shelter coordinator, stood and gave thanks for plenty of food, companionship, and a warm place for everyone to be on that holiday. T F I The people were celebrating Thanksgiving. T F I The people at the table were staying at the shelter.
What is INFERENCE? It could have been Christmas, Easter or any holiday. What is INFERENCE? They could have just been there for the day.
Read Three-fourths of all cattle are branded on their left sides. This seems strange, doesn;t it? After all, there is no law to make cowhands place the brand where it can be easily seen. Since cattle are said to mill or move in circles mostly to their left, a brand on this side is more easily seen by cowhands riding in the center of the circle. Draw a conclusion to finish the statement: Cowhands riding around the outside of the herd________
What is Can't see the brand most of the time?
Either, or Neither, no Both, and Not only, But also......are all _________conjunctions
What is coorelating?
The root word -rupt- means ________ or ________.
What is burst or break?