Types of Context Clues
Using Words
Making Inferences
Main Idea
What type of context clue is used in the sentence: The manager wanted a weekly INSPECTION, which is an examination of all the equipment
DEFINITION context clue
Replace the capitalized word with one of the word choices that has the same (or similar) meaning. Typewriters became OBSOLETE with the development of personal computers. A. popular B. out-dated C. careful D. round
B. Out-dated
Fill in the blank: Making inferences = context clues + ______________
prior knowledge or background knowledge
Leo the lion went the park one day. He sat on the bench and watched everyone playing on the toys. Then, he ate his lunch that he had brought along. Leo had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Which title tells the main idea of this story? A. Going to the Park B. Lions like Peanut Butter and Jelly C. Leo Picnics in the Park D. Where did Leo Go?
C. Leo Picnics in the Park
What does PARLAP stand for?
Page walk Activate prior knowledge Read the entire text carefully Leave track marks as you read Answer the assignment completely Prove you answer with evidence from the text
What type of context clue is used in the sentence: Marty is GREGARIOUS, not like his brother who is quiet and shy.
ANTONYM context clue
Replace the capitalized word with one of the word choices that has the same (or similar) meaning. I am willing to hike in the mountains, but he is RELUCTANT because it gets so cold walking up and down the trails. A. sick B. angry C. excited D. unwilling
D. unwilling
Of all the chores Tavon had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he couldn't stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. What chore does Tavon hate?
Taking out the trash
Before you put on that costume and exhaust yourself roving from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bonfires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive celebration grew to be candy fueled costume ball that we know today. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
This paragraph is about the origins of Halloween
Mary seems to enjoy reading in her free time. Mary must be a good reader. She read 35 books in eighth grade. She will probably read more in ninth grade. Which statement is a fact, not an opinion? A. Mary seems to enjoy reading. B. Mary read 35 books in eighth grade. C. Mary will probably read more in ninth grade. D. Mary will probably grow up to be a writer.
B. Mary read 35 books in eight grade.
What type of context clue is used in the sentence: Her ANIMOSITY, or hatred, of her sister had divided the family
SYNONYM context clue
Replace the capitalized word with one of the word choices that has the same (or similar) meaning. Whereas Melissa is quite LITHE, her sister is clumsy and awkward. A. balanced, flexible B. tall, lengthy C. irritable. angry D. excited, joyful
A. balanced, flexible
The campers sat at the campfire, laughing and having a good time when a strange noise came from the woods. The campers suddenly became silent and sat very still as they could hear rustling in the bushes, Suddenly. the creature appeared from the bushes. It was hardly a bear. In fact the large whiskers, twitching nose, and floppy ears couldn't have scared anyone. What is the animal that visits the camp?
A rabbit (or bunny)
I do not remember much of this time, except that many suns rose and set. I though about what I was going to do now that I was alone. I did not leave the village. Not until I had eaten all of the abalones did I leave and then only to gather more. Yet, I do remember the day that I decided I would never live in the village again What is the main idea from this passage? A. She is alone and must survive. B. She likes to eat abalones. C. She lives in the village with her brother. D. She is leaving the village.
A. She is alone and must survive
Once the flower buds are formed, it doesn’t matter if the plant is kept indoors or in deep shade. Full sun tends to fade the flowers faster, while cool temperatures prolong their staying power. Although a light frost won’t harm most mums, play it safe and bring them indoors if a cold snap threatens. In the passage, the phrase "full sun" means: A. no shade B. deep shade C. light half of the day D. cool temperatures
A. no shade
What type of context clue is used in the sentence: France is famous for its fine CUISINE, with excellent restaurants and chefs.
INFERENCE context clue
Replace the capitalized word with one of the words choices that has the same (or similar) meaning. Slavery was ABOLISHED in the U.S. after the Civil War. A. running B. exchanged C. outlawed D. common
C. outlawed
Scientist, Jack Futureman, sat is his laboratory working on his new discovery. “This will change the world! He thought to himself. “Where should I go first with my amazing new invention?” He could go back to the past and witness World War I or travel into the future to see what new technologies exist. The possibilities were endless! What is Jack’s invention? A. an airplane B. a time machine C. a vacuum cleaner D. an encyclopedia
B. a time machine
It is estimated that over twenty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the US each year. Brach's, the top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times if each piece were laid end to end. That's a lot of candy corn, but that's nothing compared to Tootsie Roll production. Over 64 million Tootsie Rolls are produced every day! But even Tootsie Rolls have got nothing on the candy industry's staple product, chocolate. Confectioners manufacture over twenty billion pounds of chocolate in the United States each year. Now that's a mouthful! What is the main idea of this paragraph?
This paragraph is about how much of popular candies are produced each year.
Golf is a great sport. The goal is to hit a ball into eighteen small holes in with least amount of shots as possible. Talented golfers can usually complete each shot with three to five hits, but amateurs like me take nine or ten shots per hole. It’s best to play on a warm, sunny day, but many golfers go out as soon as the snow melts in the spring. It’s unsafe to play golf during a rainstorm because there have been instances where lightning has struck a golfer’s club. Which of the following is a provable fact based on the paragraph? A. Good golfers never hit more than three shots per hole. B. It’s safe to play in the rain if you don’t see lightning. C. There are eighteen holes in a game of golf. D. Golfers get their best scores on warm, sunny days.
C. There are eighteen holes in a game of golf
What type of context clue is used in the sentence: His constant questioning of my remarks made him a NUISANCE.
INFERENCE context clue
Replace the capitalized word with one of the word choices that has the same (or similar) meaning. Walt's PUGNACIOUS behavior made his opponent back down. A. aggressive B. funny C. peaceful D. calm
A. aggressive
I just can't figure them out. Sometimes I get so frustrated. Like when I ask the file to save, and I come back an hour later and it has erased my paper. Those are the things that just irritate me. I also can't stand all these goofy names, 'mouse', 'web surfing', who ever made up such nonsense. What is frustrating this man?
computers, or technology
Student in many of the local schools have discovered a new program to help them become better readers. This program is called Accelerated Reader, ad it has shown to improve the reading score of students in all grades. Recent studies have shown that many students are not reading at grade level, and teachers were looking for a way to help them catch up and improve. Accelerated Reader helps students by encouraging one thing - practice, practice, practice! By reading more and practicing their skills, students are able to become better readers. What is the main idea of the paragraph
Students need to improve their reading ability by practicing reading.
Janet looked out her bedroom window and saw the beautiful, new, white snow covering the ground outside. She quickly got dressed and ran out the front door to make the first snowman of the season. “Don’t forget your gloves! Your fingers will freeze!” called her mother, as the door slammed. “Don’t need them! No time!” yelled Janet as she jumped into the snow. After about 5 minutes of working in the ice-cold snow with her bare hands to make the snowman, Janet realized that her fingers were so cold they were starting to hurt. Janet looked out her bedroom window and saw the beautiful, new, white snow covering the ground outside. She quickly got dressed and ran out the front door to make the first snowman of the season. “Don’t forget your gloves! Your fingers will freeze!” called her mother, as the door slammed. “Don’t need them! No time!” yelled Janet as she jumped into the snow. After about 5 minutes of working in the ice-cold snow with her bare hands to make the snowman, Janet realized that her fingers were so cold they were starting to hurt. What will Janet most likely do next? A. Go back in the house for her coat. B. Go back in the house for her gloves. C. Take off her coat and boots. D. Ask her mother to help her make the snowman.
B. Go back in the house for her gloves.