Author's Purpose
Cause and Effect
What is a speech about going to school only four days a week is a great idea??
the purpose is to persuade
What happens LAST in REAL LIFE? The cause or effect?
The little green worm heard the flock of birds chirping overhead. He immediatly began to shiver and decided to take cover in the nearest hole in the dirt. What can you tell about the worm???
He is scared of the birds/afraid of being eaten...
A summary should always include...
beginning, middle, end
Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran out to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch at home. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she had missed the bus. What word would best describe Lauren? A. playful B. disorganized C. athletic D. worried
Answer: B
What is the purpose of an aritcle that explains how clouds form?
To inform
The author always writes the cause first and then gives the effect. (true or false)
Mary looked out the window at the sheets of raining pouring onto her roof. Then she went to the closet and got out her yellow raincoat. When she buttoned it up snuggly, she ran out the front door with a smile. What can you tell about Mary?
possible answers: she likes the rain she likes to play in the rain
When a volcano explodes, it's called an "eruption". Scientests known as volcanologists study the changes before, during and after a volcano errupts. Volcanologists have exciting jobs, but they must be cautious. How is this selection organized?? A. Main ideas and details B. cause and effect C. Sequence of events D. Comparison and contrastB. Main ideas and details
A. Main ideas and details
What should you do if you are reading a reading a story and you come across a word you don't know how to pronounce?
Ideas: replace it with a made up word call it the first letter in the word try your best to pronounce it and go on
Two dogs riding a bus.
To entertain
"Mom and Dad are bringing our new baby home from the hospital today, so I am cleaning up my toys to make room for his crib." What is the effect?????
I am cleaning up my toys to make room for his crib
Luke was visiting his friend Drake one afternoon. After watching a movie, he hit the rewind button. At that moment, the tape began to unravel and rip. "I don't know what happened!" Luke said. "This tape is ruined. I'll have to take it back to the store and pay for a new one." What can you tell about Luke from his actions and words in the story?
possible answer: He is willing to take responsibilty for his actions.
A Dangerous Job Most volcanoes are in out-of-the-way places. Volcanologists sometimes have to hike miles and miles through forests and jungles to reach a volcano. While hiking, they may come upon dangerous animals or poisounous plants. Once they arrive at an active volcano, they must deal with a new set of dangers. The volcano may be covered in hot ash or pools of boiling lava. Also, the volcano may suddenly erupt releasing more ash and lava as well as poisonous gases. How is the title of this passage supported by the text? (give three)
Possible answers = -hike to out of the way places -go through jungles and forests -dangerous animals/plants -ash, lava, gases
True or false: It is okay to cirlce an entire paragraph to "prove" an answer.
FALSE: You need to underline EXACTLY what you used to help you!!!
A report that talks about why everyone needs to recycle
To persuade
What is cause of the following effect: We got to have a party in Ms. Ministero's class.
We all completed our TAKS practice packet.
The swim coach tells Kim she will have to work harder if she wants to make the swim team next year. The coach says Kim is not fast enough. When Kim's mother picks her up from practice, Kim fights back tears and tells her mom practice went great. Which is true about Kim? A. She doesn't like to work hard. B. She thinks she is a good swimmer. C. She keeps her feelings to herself.
C. She keeps her feelings to herself.
More than 500 volunteers showed up to help Saturday morning. Their mission was to clean up Sailfish Bay. The leaders organized the groups into teams. The teams were then assigned to different sections of the beach. Some teams picked up big trash like tires. Other teams picked up light trash like bottles and paper. At lunch time, they all joined together for a big cookout. Everyone had developed a big appetite from the morning's work. Local businesses provided the food, and the groups did the cooking. Although the volunteers enjoyed the free lunch, their biggest reward was knowing they had helped to make the beach cleaner. What is the best summary of this paragraph: A. On Saturday morning, more than 500 volunteers showed up to help clean Sailfish Bay. Groups did different jobs to get the work done, and were rewarded with a free lunch and a clean beach. B. Some teams picked up light trash like bottles and paper. C. The volunteers were organized into groups, and each group had a different job to do. D. On a Saturday morning, more than 500 volunteers were organized into groups to help clean up Sailfish Bay. Some had easier jobs than others.
Answer: A
Michael took Tim, his brother, on his first camping trip. Michael taught Tim how to put up a tent and showed him how to fish. When Tim didn't want to touch the worms, Michael put the worms on his hook for him. Michael helped take the fish off the line. Michael and Tim had a great time fishing. What might Michael say when Tim asks for help? A. "Sorry, I'm busy." B. "Sure! I'll help you!" C. "Maybe later." D. "Man! You are a weenie!!"
Answer: B
What you would need to take on a camping trip
To inform
Because it was lightning outside, the game was cancelled. What is the cause? What is the effect?
cause = it was lightning effect = game was cancelled
Which of the following 2 would you NOT pay attention to when looking at character traits? habits personality deslikes manners favorite color behavior values favorite favorite car likes
favorite color favorite car
Lucy had a busy morning doing chores. First, she made her bed, and then she picked up her toys and put them away. After that, she went to the kitchen and washed the glass and plate she had used the night before. Lastly, she gave her dog dry food and water to drink. What are the 4 time-order words/phrases in this story?
first then after that lastly
Mike hoped to get another letter from his friend, Danny. Mike met Danny at a hockey tournament in Canada. Danny promised to send Mike pictures of his friends. It is fun to have a friend from another country. Mike wondered what Danny did in the summer. Did he play street hockey, too? Mike hoped to see Danny the next summer. What word tells you Mike had received other letters from Danny? A. third B. like C. another D. send
Answer: C