Character Traits

Cameron sighed as he looked at the 60% on his test.He could do better. He studied for his second test and got a 70%. He still knew he could do better. On the third test he studied even more. 100% Nailed it! Cameron felt great!

"Hard Work Pays Off", "Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy", "Perserverance


While on a walk, Sophia noticed the person in front of her dropped their wallet. Instead of taking the money for herself, Sophia ran up to the person and returned the wallet. What trait best describes Sophia: A. Smart   B. Dishonest  C. Considerate D. Loyal

C. Considerate


While heading to the bus stop, Mason wore a jacket, carried an umbrella, and avoided puddles.

"It's raining", "It rained the night before", "Mason in going to school"


Chances are very good that you’ve watched a video on YouTube®. It is one of the most popular websites in the world and is the default site to go to when someone wants to share a video. YouTube was founded in 2005 by three men who worked for a different web company. The very first video showed one of the founders at the zoo. YouTube grew quickly throughout the following year and was purchased by Google® for $1.65 billion in stock in 2006. Since then, YouTube has continued to grow. Now, many people create their own unique content for YouTube. People can actually become quite famous on YouTube and some can even make a career out of it. The impact that YouTube has had on the world is remarkable considering that it was only established in 2005.

c. YouTube was founded in 2005 and has grown significantly since.


There was once some hardworking ants and a grasshopper who hated to work. The ants gathered food all spring while the grasshopper played. When winter came, the ants had enough food, but the grasshopper had nothing to eat.

"Be Prepared", "Don't Be Lazy"


Addie noticed a new student looked lost in the school. She went up to him and asked "Which room are you looking for?". Which trait best describes Addie: A. Funny B. Honest C. Unkind D. Helpful

D. Helpful


The water felt so good on such a hot day. I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the way.The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running.

"It's Summer ", "They are at a Pool"


Pizza is served in many school cafeterias in the United States on a daily basis, but it is actually still relatively new to the country. Pizza first arrived in the United States with Italian immigrants during the late 1800s. It was popular in cities that had a large concentration of citizens that had Italian roots. It remained relatively unpopular nationally for several decades until the end of World War II. Many American soldiers that had been stationed in Italy during the war enjoyed eating pizza on a regular basis there and when they returned to the United States, they wanted to continue to have access to it. Pizza then enjoyed a boost in popularity and soon went from being a food primarily consumed by Italian immigrants to one of the most popular foods in the country

c. Pizza was introduced to the U.S. in the late 1800s and became popular after WWII.


Harper was kicking a soccer ball in the house and broke her mom's expensive vase. The vase was shattered into a million pieces. She went to her mom and told her what she had done even though she knew she'd be punished.

"Be Honest" "Tell the Truth"


Patrick talks to his classmates even when they ask him to stop multiple times. Patrick also keeps tapping his pencil loudly on his desk and making weird noises. What character trait might describe Patrick?

Annoying, Disruptive, Immature


Ethan grabbed another handful of popcorn as the lights began to dim. He hoped the person in front of him would turn off his cellphone. Ethan had waited all week for this.

"Ethan's at a movie theater"


The first ukuleles were developed in Hawaii in the 1800s, as a result of Portuguese influence. Native Hawaiians enjoyed music from a Portuguese instrument called the machete and adapted it to suit Hawaiian tastes. The ukulele soon spread to mainland America during the 1910s, where it became an immediate sensation. They quickly became very popular because they could be quickly and cheaply made from a small amount of wood. After the World Wars, plastic ukuleles revitalized the declining ukulele fad by making them even more affordable to the average American. Today, ukuleles are still enjoyed by many enthusiasts and come in a wide variety of shapes and sounds.

b. Ukuleles developed in Hawaii and are still popular today.


True or False: Theme is the moral or lesson that the author wants you to know.



Harlow loves to write stories and illustrate them. She also writes plays and performs them with friends. What word could you use to describe Harlow?

Creative, Brave, Smart.


The front left wheel was broken, so the cart wobbled down each aisle. Mother put various packages and boxes in the cart, but I didn’t notice. I was trying to keep the cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier.

"A mother and child are grocery shopping" "It is a little kid pushing the cart"


Advances in technology and meteorology have led to more accurate forecasting of hurricanes days in advance of landfall. Those forecasts have likely saved countless lives, as people are able to prepare or evacuate. Unfortunately, those forecasts were not available to the victims of the 1900 Galveston Hurricane. Four days before the storm hit Galveston, Texas, the National Weather Service sent out an alert that a tropical storm had hit Cuba, but there were no real concerns about it making landfall in Galveston. There were isolated warnings that the hurricane was headed for Texas, but the warnings were ignored because of the calm weather at the time. The storm made landfall on September 8, and in addition to strong winds, a high storm surge covered the island in seawater, which destroyed thousands of buildings and caused many deaths.

a. A better warning system could have saved lives during the 1900 Galveston Hurricane.


When Steph Curry met his new teammate, he thought he looked too small to play on the team. However, as they played together, Steph realized that his new teammate was quick and great at shooting the basketball.

"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover"


Anna is eating chocolate ice cream. After finishing her ice cream cone, she wipes her hands on her dress.

Messy, Sloppy, Dirty


Logan tried not to look down as they went higher and higher. When they got to the top, everyone was quiet . Then suddenly, they sped to the ground and everyone screamed.

"Logan is on a Roller Coaster", "Afraid of heights", "At an amusement park"


For hopeful professional football players, the prospect of being drafted can seem overwhelming because the odds are often against them. One way for players to stand out is to be in top physical condition. Potential football players have to be able to show coaches their power and abilities. Athletes have to show how strong and fast they are and should be able to show coaches and scouts the ways they can take advantage of their size. Opportunities for athletes to showcase their abilities include the 40-yard dash and the vertical jump. The vertical jump requires players to jump from a standing position and some top athletes can jump over 40 inches.

It is difficult to become a professional football player. A good way to play is to be in peak physical shape.
