Characterization/Literary Elements
All of the Above

What is the order of a plot diagram?

What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution?


A character struggling with depression.

What is Man vs. Self?

A character who does not change in the story.
What is a static character?

"You need this cup, you will love it"!

What is second person?


He found a good spot in front of Park View Apartments and started playing soulfully on his sax. He wanted an audience and needed money. After one song, he spotted a cute girl at a window, applauding madly. A dog howled with the music, but the sax player let him stay, hoping the dog might attract some donations. Then he heard a man yelling about calling the police—clearly not a music lover.

What is 3rd person limited?

"...along this horrible dirt road late one Friday in October."
What is the setting?

A person being super forgetful is what type of conflict?

What is internal conflict (Man vs. Self)?

In Little Red Riding Hood, her mother warns her about a wolf in the woods.

What is foreshadowing?


She walked into the room, her footsteps echoing on the hardwood floor. The clock on the wall ticked steadily as she glanced around, then moved towards the window.

What is 3rd person objective?


A marriage counselor getting a divorce is an example of what?

What is situational irony?


A character may try to solve their problems but fails in what part of a plot?

What is the rising action?

A struggle against another person, group or people, or nature.
What is external conflict?

Sarcasm is a form of what?

What is verbal irony?


What is a weakness of 1st person?

What is you get a limited view of what is happening?


A character may spend a moment looking for a missing pen early in the story, later, the reader learns that the pen was found at a murder scene.

What is indirect foreshadowing?


What is also known as denouement?

What is the resolution?


A character wishing they had a father figure is what?

What is Man vs. Self?


Finding money in your wallet after using the ATM is what?

What is situational irony?


She wondered if anyone else noticed the tension in the room, but kept her thoughts to herself. As she glanced at the others, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to go wrong. Dan and Annie appeared unbothered, unaware of the tension at all.

What is 3rd person limited?


Which type of conflict can be internal or external?

What is man vs. society?


What is the what's part of setting?

What is what's the social climate?


The class is taking a vote on what movie to watch on AR reward day. Everyone voted to watch The Hunger Games except for Matthew and Dalton. They want to watch a video on the biography of Abraham Lincoln. Together, Matthew and Dalton prepared a speech to give to the class on how much more educational their choice would be and how much more they could learn. What type conflict are Matthew and Dalton facing?

What is Man Vs. Society? 


"He was a kind man, generous to all the neighborhood children". This is an example of what?

What is direct characterization?


The room was filled with anticipation, though none dared to speak it aloud. While Sarah silently worried about the outcome, John was already certain of their success, confident in his plan. Meanwhile, across the table, Emily struggled to hide her doubt, questioning whether any of them truly understood the risks.

What is 3rd person omniscient?


What does STEAL stand for?

What is speech, thoughts, effect, actions and looks?
