Playing for Peace
From Here to the Sargasso
The photograph of hunter and his game helps the reader understand that the game – A: involves a detailed setup B: requires a specific number of players C: leads to thought-provoking discussions D: includes a great amount of physical activity
A: involves a detailed setup
Which sentence shows that the narrator is aware of the feelings of others? F: It doesn’t seem to be as strong, though, and the first turtle is putting an increasing amount of distance between them. G: The baby turtle seems to be taking a break from his attempts to free himself from the nest. H: We hurry back to the nest, where a few other beach walkers have been drawn in as well. J: I can tell her mind is on my little brother, Charlie.
J: I can tell her mind is on my little brother, Charlie.
Hunter most likely believes that students who play the World Peace Game will – F: be motivated to find careers that are involved with promoting world peace G: think of new rules and scenarios for the game as they play H: be more aware of the events taking place in the world around them J: create their own version of the game to share with their friends and families
H: be more aware of the events taking place in the world around them
Why doesn’t the narrator watch the other turtles hatch at the end of the story? A: He is consumed by his thoughts about the first turtle’s destiny. B: He doesn’t have the patience to observe such a long process. C: He is concerned that his mother has started worrying again. D: He doesn’t want to ruin the experience for the little girl.
A: He is consumed by his thoughts about the first turtle’s destiny.
Based on the details in paragraph 6, the reader can conclude that Hunter most likely – F: thinks it is important to share the ideas and values of the World Peace Game with others G: enjoys teaching others how to facilitate the World Peace Game more than playing the game himself H: feels responsible for making sure people around the world follow the rules of the World Peace Game J: knows that students will continue playing the World Peace Game when they are older
F: thinks it is important to share the ideas and values of the World Peace Game with others
What is the primary theme of this story? F: The young must make their own path in life. G: Home is wherever a person feels accepted. H: People have a responsibility to protect nature. J: Strangers can bond while sharing an experience.
F: The young must make their own path in life.
The author includes the quotation in paragraph 3 to – A: explain how students are able to achieve the goals of the game B: demonstrate that the game is a valuable way to teach students about world cultures C: suggest that playing the game has motivated students to create their own games D: provide insight into how students react to playing the game
D: provide insight into how students react to playing the game
In paragraph 19, the author refers to the turtle’s onlookers as a “group of fans” to show that – F: people are leading the turtle to the ocean G: the crowd wants the turtle to succeed H: the narrator feels like part of the crowd J: the narrator wishes more people could see the event
G: the crowd wants the turtle to succeed