Context Clues
Figurative Language
Cause & Effect
Text Structure
Parts of Speech

Even though Paul was excited about the project, he wanted other kids to think he was cool. So he answered the teacher's question in a NONCHALANT tone. Which is a synonym for nonchalant?

A. happy b. Relaxed    C. Angry

What is B. Relaxed

He is as quiet as a mouse.
What is a simile?

We had a thunderstorm last night. My sister was terrified. 

What is the cause? 

What is having a thunderstorm? 


This text structure explains the order in which a person does something from start to finish. 

What is sequence/ chronology/ chornological order?


What is part of speech shown in this sentence?

The (beautiful) birds sang amazing songs all day.

What is adjective?


Susan could smell the AROMA of freshly baked sugar cookies traveling through the kitchen. She smiled with pleasure. What is an antonym for the word aroma?

A. Smell  B. Odor  C. Plate 

What is B. Odor 

He is the apple of my eye.
What is a metaphor?
The effect is always before the cause.

True or False

What is false?


This text structure explains something bad that happens and a good way to fix it at the end.

What is problem and solution?


What part of speech is shown in the sentence?

Please walk (slowly) down the hall. 

A. adjective  b. verb   c. adverb   d.noun

What is an adverb?


Dad tasted the spaghetti and notcied it was a bit BLAND, so he added salt and pepper. What does the word Bland mean? 

A. Salty   B. Not Tasty  C. Spicy

What is B. Not Tasty


She is as brave as a lion.

What is simile?

Vicky stayed up all night watching tv and did not study for her test. She received a grade of a D.  

What is the effect?

What is Vicky received a D?


This text structure explains why something happens and what happens as a result.

What is Cause and Effect?


What part of speech is shown in the sentence?

(Dave) ordered a juicy Cheeseburger for lunch yesterday. 

What is a noun?


The movie had an intense effect on me. I could not stop thinking about it! What is a synonym for the word intense? 

A. Small  B. Bad   C. Powerful

What is alliteration?


He is a giant in his class, towering a foot over his classmates.

What is a metaphor?


Careless is to accident as careful is to  _________

A. Satisfaction  B. Luck   C. Safety

What is C. Safety?


Jamie needed to go to the mall but didn't have a ride. Her mom allowed her to catch an Uber and go to the mall.

Which text structure is shown above?

A. Cause and Effect B. Problem and Solution C. Sequence

What is Problem and Solution?


What part of speech is shown in the sentence below.

I (walked )to the top of the mountain and I felt amazing!

What is a verb?


People always tell me how much I resemble my father. We have the same eyes, nose and height. What does resemble mean?

A. Look alike  B. Look Different  C. None of the Above

What is a. look alike?


It is as hot as the Sahara Desert.

What is simile? 


Heat is to cooked as cold is to________?

A. chilly   c. frozen  d.skating

What is C. frozen


The solution is always before the problem.

True or False

What is false?


Ms. Baker has the best 4th-grade students during the pandemic !?

True or False

What is True 
