Understand that community-based participatory research involves a long-term process and a commitment to sustainability
Although most obesity prevention policies focus on school food changes, almost none mandate improved __________ of school food in tandem with nutritional improvements.
Genes, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, and Spiritual Growth
"a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings."
School district administrators, academic researchers. three community advisory boards, high school students, and outside communitygroup
The leading cause of death among Americans in all racial and ethnic categories.
reates an artificial idealistic view on policy
Ideally, the __________ group should be inclusive to best represent the defined community in which the research is taking place.
One of the research findings was that students said they preferred _____ (vs. ____) fruit
The NIH recognizes that reducing risk __________ –rather than ___________ – is the most desirable strategy for reducing coronary heart disease morbidity, disability and mortality in high-risk populations.
risk factor prevalence, disease treatment
SNaX’s theoretical basis combines __________ and _______ that may limit and control opportunities for healthy behaviors
What are social-cognitive health behavior change constructs and ecological influences
Participatory research ensures that intervention strategies are ______________
Researchers choose topic and design based on scientific theory, academic interest, evidence, data, methodologic feasibility.
Community and academics also incorporate community priorities, insights, assets, emphasizing rigor and community feasibility, acceptability, context, cultural factors, local knowledge.
Peer advocates appeared to benefit from the intervention more than did non-peer advocates.
ocial cognitive theory (SCT), wellness principles, and health promotion theory.
What are the principles that the GoodNEWS program curriculum is based?