
How much time you are expected to put in as a practicum student

30 hours/week at agency site, including short daily breaks (recommended 30 minutes), at a minimum of 4 days/ week, for a total of 960 hours in agency from roughly start of September-end of April


The dates of your Winter break from practicum 

December 20 to January 6


These are the three people to whom the student should turn for assistance, in the order that it should happen.


Then PFA 

And then your contact at the Practicum Office 


Start and end dates of practicum 

For the 2024-2025 internship year, the start of Practicum is September 6th, 2023, and the last day of Practicum will be April 26th, 2024.


The amount of time off allowed (with no penalty) 

Students may take up to 8 days/60hrs off from practicum for any reason, including medical appointments, important self-care,  mental health days, and in response to ongoing stress and/or trauma in the environment. These 8 days/60hrs do not need to be made up.


You received a call from "Kat," reporting that her partner is your client "Sam." Kat reports that Sam "had a breakdown and needs to be seen right away" and is calling on behalf of Sam. This should be your first line of action.

First, you can't provide any info about Sam-- including neither denying nor confirming that this is your client. Go speak to your supervisor to develop the next courses of action (e.g., contact your client directly). 


3 types of assignments you have to submit to PFA 

Monthly narratives (one/month at internship - 8 total)

Structural assessment paper, “Understanding Your Agency” 

Clinical Issue Paper


Two people you must notify when you take time off from practicum

Supervisor and PFA 


You're having a hard time with one of your clients. You go home, and your partner asks what's bothering you. This is what you do. 

Of course, you tell your partner everything about the client!  

Just kidding!!! You're allowed to discuss your work in general, but absolutely no identifiable information can be shared with anyone outside your agency.
