Percentage of students required to take CTE post-assessments.
What is 95%?
The time period allotted for CTE post-assessments in a block schedule.
What is 5 days at the end of a semester?
The estimated amount of time allotted for CTE post-assessment.
What is 132 minutes?
Paperwork and online process exempting a student from a CTE post-assessment.
What is a medical exception?
Where teacher inputs anticipated grade for each student.
What is the CTE ADMIN site?
Reports number of students credentialing in Adobe and Microsoft courses.
What is Certiport?
Addresses professional practices in the areas of securing, administering, and reporting tests.
What is the Testing Code of Ethics?
These CTE state post-assessment scores are NOT used for state and federal reporting.
LEA uses credential as post-assessment.
What is "in lieu of"?
Where students are trained for the online version of the CTE post-assessment.
What is NCTest Online Tutorial?
A student will not be able to test during the testing window so this process is required.
What is request to test outside of the testing window?
Test made from OCS student's modified blueprint.
What is an Indicator Assessment?
Off-site location where paper/pencil answer sheets are scanned and scored.
What is TOPS?
Information that has to be put in "Teacher Input" for Internships (2 answers).
What is program area and MET/NOT MET?
The three options for testing.
What are proctors, arena or program area trade-off?
Test administrator leaves students unattended to go to the restroom (with no proctor).
Reference books, smartwatches, thesaurus, etc.
Documentation for 504, EL and IEP test takers.
What is a ROA (review of accommodations)?
Special code marked for student repeating a course and was not administered the assessment.
Must be completed for a student to receive "read aloud" on an online CTE post-assessment.
What is SIQ?
NE Regional Accountability Coordinator
Who is Butch Hudson?
Test administrators must have this account in order to access NCTest.
What is NCAuth?
Required after student finishes online CTE post-assessment.
The most awesome Regional Coordinator in NC.
Who is Christy Harris?
CTE teachers are required to sign this document after assessment training and prior to administration.
What is CTE Accountability Form?