A man who serves food in a restaurant
The part of the restaurant where the guests eat
the dining-room
You put pots and frying pans on top of it to cook food
the stove
A person from France
The list of food and drinks offered in a restaurant
a menu
A person who cooks fish in a restaurant.
a fish cook
The place where coats are kept
You fry food in it by using abundant oil at high temperature
deep fryer
A person from Portugal
The paper stating how much you owe
A person who is in charge of all the cooks in a restaurant.
the head chef
The place where they keep extra food and stuff
the storeroom
You keep food inside it so that it won't go bad
a refrigerator or a fridge
A person from Ireland
A dish with rice, meat, and/or seafood that is typical of Valencia
A person who is in charge of a bar in a restaurant
a bartender
The section in the kitchen where dishes are washed
the dishwashing section
This machine washes dirty dishes
a dishwasher
A person from Japan
There is a famous one from La Mancha that is well known internationally
A person who does all the pastry in a restaurant
a pastry cook
The place in the kitchen where sauces are prepared
the sauce section
You put food inside it to bake or roast it
an oven
A person from the Netherlands
It can be white, pink or red, and if it is sparkling you usually drink it on special occasions